Male Ruminant Repro Flashcards
What is the toxic dose of lidocaine?
*avg: 5mg/kg*
goats are especially sensitive!
When should calves, lambs, & kids be castrated?
*1st month of life*
calves can be in lateral recumbency
What drug(s) can we use for sedation besides xylazine, since ruminants are so sensitive?
Midazolam {0.2mg/kg} +butorphanol{0.02 mg/kg}
What is this & what’s the general premise?

Henderson Castrating tool
basically connects to a drill that twists the spermatic cord until it breaks
→ provides good hemostasis
What are the indications for a unilateral orchiectomy & how long does it take before the animal starts producing normal sperm again?
Testicualar tumor
60-64 days
*might need to wait up to 2 months for normal spermatogenesis to resume*
How do we approach a unilateral orchiectomy?
open technique
vertical skin incision on lateral aspect of scrotum
{through parietal vaginal tunic}
*elliptical incision/partial removal of scrotum
→ better bc minimize dead space*
What is this tool?
Who is it reserved for?
How long does it take for the castration to complete?

reserved for neonates /animals < 1 month of age
takes ~3 weeks for testes & scrotum to slough
What tool is pictured?
Who would be good candidates for use?

Callicrate Bander
{aka “EZ Bander”}
elastic-like tubing allows for the same idea as elastrator,
but is strong enough to provide ischemia for
bulls <400kg or adult sm.ruminants
How far from the base of the scrotum would we expect to find an ectopic testicle in a cryptorchid bull?
remember: in bulls,
the left testis is most commonly retained
What’s the surgical approach for vasectomy?
1-2 cm vertical incision in neck of scrotum {cranial}
Continued through vaginal tunic
1 incision per side
How do we perform a pudendal nerve block?
what does it desensitize?
There’s a left & right pudendal n.
use 6” 18G spinal needle
& guide by rectal palpation:
try to feel the cranial edge of the lesser sciatic foramen*
→should feel beating pudendal a.*
*→~1cm dorsally is the pudendal n.
→once happy w/nerve ID, create ~20mL lidocaine bleb
in the cranial aspect of the lesser sciatic foramen
Desensitizes prepuce, free end of penis, & relaxes retractor penile mm.
- *10**: lesser sciatic foramen
- *16**: pudendal n.

When do we start to consider surgical treatment for preputial prolapse?
Chronic preputial prolapse
swelling/infection subside, but healing of initial trauma
led to stenosis of preputial orifice
Why would we create a preputial stoma?
For semen collection from a bull w.phimosis d/t *stenosis…
Longitudinal elliptical incision
on ventral aspect stenotic scar
~ 6 cm long & 2 cm wde

What’s the significance of where the retractor penile mm.attach in penile hematoma cases?
Retractor penile mm.attach on ventral aspect of penis…
Penile hematomas happen almost exclusively
in the dorsal or lateral aspect of penis,
distal to curve of SF
The pudendal n.provides motor supply to the retractor penile mm., but it has a branch that serves another purpose… what is it?
Dorsal Nerve of the Penis
{br.of pudendal n.}
provides sensory innervation of penis,
which plays a major role in penetration
-so damage to this nerve compromises ejaculation-
*most commonly associated w.penile hematomas*
What’s the most common penile lesion in bulls?
penile hematomas
usu.during full erection just before intromission,
they miss the vagina; penis bends
→ rupture of tunica albuginea
What’s the most common neoplasia in bulls?
penile fibropapilloma young bulls