Long Bone Fx II Flashcards
Classify/describe the Fx…

Slipped femoral {capital} physeal Fx
- *Salter Harris I**
- often seen w.dystocia & group-housed juvenile cattle*
- stall rest depending on extent of damage/value of animal
- ORIF {usu. pins & screws}

How would we go about repairing a femoral physeal fx in our food animals {i.e. calves} w. IM pins?
*Stack-pinning technique*
- *{2 or 3}** 3/16” pins → insert thru femoral neck
- from caudolateral* femur → engage femoral head
- don’t go thru femoral head bc it will disturb articular surface
- only penetrate fem.head & gain purchase -*
How would we go about repairing a femoral physeal Fx in a foal?
DHS System
{Dynamic Hip Screw}
specialty plate w/system associated {guide pins, etc.}
to secure fragment & reduce Fx
*take advantage of using cool specialty plates like this in LA when you can!*

A 3-month old calf presented acutely severely lame. Here is her radiograph…Classify the fracture.

Closed, displaced
proximal tibial physeal Fx
w.metaphyseal fragment laterally…
aka. Salter Harris Type II

How would we treat a 3-month old calf with a proximal tibial {SH II} Fx?
external coaptation; Thomas Schroeder Splint/Cast
*caution w.straw in stall*
2-month old foal presents for acute, severe lameness. Here’s her radiograph. Classify the Fx & what is the best repair?

Salter Harris Type II
Fx of the proximal tibial physis
- *Plate & Screw** Fixation
w. tension band wiring

What are the potential complications of stall rest?
- Non/mal -union
- breakdown/laminitis of contralateral limb
- negative effect of age & weight of patient
What’s the difference in how we would treat a humeral Fx in a heifer vs. a foal?
stall rest + nursing care for the heifer,
but foals don’t do well with this…
for foals, we want to perform ORIF w.plates
How would we splint a radial Fx for transport?
Robert Jones bandage
{good compression, all the way up the limb}
2 splints:
1st: lateral from foot to withers {minimize ability to abduct limb}
2nd: palmar from ground to as high as you can {olecranon}
^prevents bending & abduction^
How would we treat this Fx in a food animal?

Closed mid-diaphyseal short oblique tibial Fx
Transfixation Pin Placement
*minimum of 2 pins per fragmt*
incision on lateral aspect of limb → insert pins b/t mm.
→ 4.5mm drill bit {lavage to keep temp down}
→ positive profile centrally threaded 1/4” Steinnman pin
In our food animals, what type of ESFs do we generally limit use to?
type 2: pins placed laterally to medially
type 3: cranially to caudally directed half-pins…
{in addition to the lateral—>med. pins}
When do we typically use TPC {transfixation pin casting} in the equine patient?
Comminuted phalangeal Fx
2-3 centrally threaded, +profile pins 4-6mm diameter;
placed in metaphyseal bone;
30º divergence of pins in frontal plane
T or F:
In the adult horse, because of the nature of the tibia, these fractures are usually “treated” w/euthanasia.

But in the mini, we might be able to get away w/something…
- evaluate proximity of Fx to tarsocrural jt*
- *double plate fixation w/4.5mm broad DCP**

What is plate lute?
a substance like cement
for packing a joint
or coating a porous surface
i.e. PMMA {bone cement}:
applied b/t plate & bone after plate/screw placemt
creates 100% plate-bone contact