Male reproductive system Flashcards
whats tunica albuginea made of?
dense fibrous tissue, with myofibroblasts
what seperates the testicular lobules?
septula testis
how many convulated seminiferous tubules does each testicular lobule contain?
what are the seminiferous tubules lined by?
lined by stratified seminiferous epithelium composed of spermatogenic and non-spermatogenic supporting cells
what covers the internal srfc of tunica albuginea
tunica vasculosa
what cells produces collagen and elastic fibers and contain a lot of actin filament in the testis?
myoid cells or contractile cells
- found in lamina propria
histological charachteristics of spermatogonia?
- diploid cell
- sitting on basal membrane
types of spermatogonia and is primary spermatocyte produced?
- Dark type A spermatogonia 12 um, basophilic and ovoid nucleus
- these stem cells give rise to dark typ A and pale type A spermatogonia ( pale + abundant euchromatin)
- testosterone induces pale TYpe A to proliferate producing more dark type A ( larger, pale, spherical nucleus)
- these undergo mitotic divisions ( 4) and form primary spermatocyte.
histological charachteristics of primary spermatocyte?
- large vesicle like nucleus
- have diploid chromosome
- 4 chromatids
- after their crossing over they undergo their first meiotic division formin 2ndary spermatocytes.
histological charachteristics of 2ndary spermatocytes?
- diploid amount of dna
- haploid (2n) nr of chromosome
- they undergo 2nd meiotic division
- during the short interval there is no DNA synthesis
histological charachteristics of spermatids?
- 8 um
- halploid (1n)
- undergo maturation process–> spermatogenesis
histological charachteristics of sertoli cells?
- non-germinal
- tall columnar supporting cells
- euchomatic nucleus and one or two prominent nucleoli
- sit on the thick basal lamina
how are sertoli cells in contact with the spermatogonia?
by their cytoplasmic processes, surrounding the spermatrogenic cells and establish desmosome-like junction with them.
what make up the blood testis barrier?
- the sertoli cells by tight junctions, seperating into a basal compartment with the developing spermtogonia and a adluminal compartment which contain the meiotic products.
- protect the developing germ cells
what can be found b/w the seminiferous tubules?
- Leydig cells
- they are large, round, w/ large eccentric nucleus
whats rete testis?
when the straight seminiferous tubules approach mediasstinum and empty into anastomosing rete testis.
what can be found in mediastinum of testis?
- sertoli cells
why do leydig cells appear pale?
- due to their high cholesterol content and contain crystals of reinke.
how are the spermatids connected to each other?
By cytoplasmic bridges which result from incomplete cytokinesis and allow for synchronous maturation.
what are the tubulus rete lined by?
-simple columnar cells that are ciliated
How many efferent ducutules perforate the tunica albuginea and enter epidymis?
what epithelium lines the efferent ductules?
ciliated tall coulmar epi
- gives a pseudostratified apparance, due the short and tall cells.
what kind of cells are interspread the columnar cells in the efferent ductules and whats their function?
- short- non ciliated cells
- they absorb fluid secreated by the semineferous tubules.
where can we find smooth m. in epididymis?
- thin circular around basement membrae externally
what does the efferent ductules emerge into?
- they emerge into a single coiled ductus epididymis
whats histological differences b/w efferent ductules and ductus epididymis?
- epidydimal duct have wider lumen, lined by columnar cells, called principal cells and short basal cells (stem cells)
how long is the microvilli of the principal cells and whats the function?
- 10-25 um
how does the smooth m. change along the epididymis?
at the tail the smooth m thickens and form inner and outer longitudinal and intermediate circular layers.
how are the ductus epididymis and efferent ductules hold together?
by vascular CT
where does processus vaginalis cover the epididymis?
right upper surface of the section
what are the coverings of the spermatic cord?
- external spermatic fascia ( external abdominal oblique)
- cremaseteric fasica
- internal spermatic fascia
whats the content of spermatic cord?
- ductus deferens
- papminiform plexus
- genitofemoral n.
- testicular a.
what contributes to the formation of cremaster m?
- internal oblique and transveses m.
what can be seen in cremastereric fascia?
- cremaseter a.
- loose areloar CT, investing the skelletal m.
where does the internal spermtic fascia originate from?
- form transversalis fascia
histological charactheristics of ductus deferens?
- inner mucosal layer
- outer muscular layer surrounded by loose CT
- Mucosa. simple columnar or pseudostratified columnar wit NON-motile microvilli, ( if a lot–> APOCRINE secreation)
- muscularis externa: inner and outer longituinal and circular intermediate.
muscle layer of the veins in ductusdefernes?
inner longitudinal and outer circular amooth m. in tunica media.
what can be found in the fibroelastic capsule of prostate?
- elastic tissue
- smooth m. fibers
wht glands are found in prostate?
tubuloalveolar glands
- mucosal glands
- submucosal glands
peripheral zone–> main glands
epithelium of the glands?
- main glands: simple columnar
- mucosal and submucosal: pseudostratified
where does prostetic duct open into and what is it lined by?
- open into prosthetic urethra, lined by stratified columnar epi
what tissue found b/w the glands?
dense ct
- collagen, elastic fibers, smooth muscle strands.
prostatic uterhra lined by?
what are the prostatic concretions made of?
calcified glycoprotein
what happens in the urethra in aging men?
ct stroma, summucosal and mucosal glands proliferate which will narrow the lumen of the urethra resulting in difficulties with urination.
wall of seminal vesicle?
- inner mucosal
- middle muscular
- outer ct layer
mucosa lined by?
epi: simple columanr,
- lipofuscin granules and secretory vacuoles on apical part
what does the cells in seminal vesicle secreate?
- prostaglandins
- endorphin
- transferrin
- lactoferrin
lamina propria of seminal vesicle?
long branching rideges
muscularis externa of seminal vesicle?
- inner circular
- outer longitudinal