kidney, ureter and urinary bladder Flashcards
what arteries do we find bordering the cortical lobules in kidney where do they arise from?
cortical interlobular arteries arising from arcuate a. coming from interlobular from renal a.
what veins are found in the fibrous capsule?
the stellate veins
describe the renal corpuscle?
- round with central glomerulus od anastomosing capillary loops.
- surrounded by double walled membranous capsule–>bowmans capsule
what cells line the parieta l layer of bowmans capsule?
- squamus epithelial cells supported by a thin basement membrane
what cells line the viceral layer of bowmans capsule and whats their function?
- podocytes
- Their foot processes assist in filtration barrier function by repelling negatively-charged molecules.
whats the difference b/w afferent and efferent aretiole in glomerulus, where do they enter the glomerulus?
- the afferent has a lumen thats wider than efferent
- enter at vascular pole
what cells can be found in glomerulus and whats thei function?
- mesingeal cells: Provides structure support and regulate diameter of capillaries
- podocytes: Foot processes assist in filtration barrier function by repelling negatively-charged molecules.
what cells can be found in tunica media in vascular pole and whats their function?
- juxtaglomerular cells
- they secreate renin
histological caracteristics of proximal convulated tubule?
- simple tall cuboidal cell
- apical brush border with long microvilli
- strongly eosinphilic
- striations in basal cytoplasm, which is mitochondria
- lumen not seen well
histological caracteristics of loop of henle?
- simple squamus or low cuboidal epithelium
- flattend nuclei
- no brush border
- lumen can be seen
histological caracteristics when thin goes to thick ascending limb?
- size of cell increases
- the mitochondria in the basal part exhibit basal striations
- devoid of brusch border
histological caracteristics of distal convoluted tubule?
- lined by cuboidal cells
- devoid of brush border
- clear outlined lumen
whats the portion of distal convulated tubule which is close contact with vascular pole called, and whats its function?
- called macula densa
- senses blood pressure, regulates blood flow in afferent arteriole to maintain the glomerular filtration rate and stimulates release of renin.
histological characteristics of macula densa?
- dark basophilic
- large crowded nuclei
- forms juxtaglomerular apparatus with macula densa
histological characteristics of collecting duct?
- as they descend they grow larger, cell size lengthens from cuboidal to columnar.
- apical surdace dome-shaped