Male reproductive system Flashcards
Where is the tunica vaginalis located? How does it develop?
- Most superficial layer of the testes
2. Develops as outpocketing of abdominal peritoneal cavity that precedes descent testes into scrotum
Where is the tunica albuginea located? What is it’s structure?
- Fibrous capsule of testes
- Septal indentations of this divide testes into lobules
- Each lobule contains 1-4 seminiferous tubules
Where is the tubulus rectus located? What is it’s structure?
- Straight tubule formed from convergence of seminiferous tubules
- Merges with rete testis
A. Small ducts connecting tubulus rectus to epididymis
Where does spermatogenesis occur?
Seminiferous tubules
Where is testosterone produced?
Leydig cells
What is the function of the Sertoli cells?
- Sertoli cells constitute the epithelium of the tubules
2. Produce inhibin
Where do spermatocytes mature?
Differentiation of primary spermatocytes to sperm cells begins between the Sertoli cells and is completed in the epididymis.
What is included in the head of the sperm?
Head contains chromatin + digestive enzymes
What is included in the mid section of the sperm?
What is the responsibility of the tail of the sperm?
What stimulates conversion of spermatids to sperm?
Where is FSH and LH secreted?
Ant pit
What is the function of LH in a male?
Stimulates secretion of testosterone from Leydig cells (interstitial cells) in testes
What are the functions of testosterone?
- Stimulates spermatogenesis & promotes maturation of sperm
- Affects libido
- Stimulates protein synthesis, blood cell formation, & muscle growth
- Responsible for secondary sex characteristics
- Maintains accessory glands & organs of male reproductive tract
How is GnRH involved in the male repro system?
- Produced in hypothalamus
- Carried to ant pituitary via hypophyseal portal system
- Secreted in 60-90 minute intervals
- Since GnRH secretion is relatively steady over time, levels of FSH, LH, & testosterone remain within narrow range until later in life
What is the function of inhibin?
Inhibin, along with testosterone, exerts negative feedback effects on the axis (inhibin specifically inhibits FSH secretion). FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone; GnRH, gonadotropin-releasing hormone; LH, luteinizing hormone.