Male reproductive system Flashcards
What does each testis consist of and what is the sight of spermatogenesis
Each testis consists of a mass of seminiferous tubules surrounded by a heavy fibrous capsule
The seminiferous tubules are the site of spermatogenesis (formation of spermatozoa)
testes function
Delivery of spermatozoa to female to allow procreation
Hormone Production
There are cells between the seminiferous tubules
Two types of hormones produced in testes
Interstitial (or Leydig) cells
Stimulated by luteinizing hormone (LH) from anterior pituitary
Androgens produced in testes
Primarily testosterone
Responsible for male secondary sex characteristics and libido
Also anabolic
Builds muscle
Sertoli cells are
Sertoli cells
Produce small amounts of estrogens
Stimulated by FSH
These are also the support or ‘nurse’ cells for the maturing spermatids
Help shield the spermatids from attack by the body’s immune system
Vaginal tunic is and two layers
Double layered sleeve of peritoneum which lines the scrotum and inguinal canal
Very thin inner layer
Visceral vaginal tunic
Tightly adherent to the testes and spermatic cord
Difficult to see with the naked eye
Thick outer layer
Parietal vaginal tunic
Forms a fibrous sac around the testes and spermatic cord
Capsule of testes is called and does what
Beneath the tunics each testis is enclosed by a fibrous connective tissue capsule called the tunica albuginea (white tunic)
Protects and supports the soft contents of the testis
Continuous with the septae between seminiferous tubules
Testes descent into scrotum is and caused by
Testes begin development within the abdominal cavity near the kidneys
Move caudally (presumably under the influence of testosterone) into, and eventually through, the inguinal canal
Guided by a fibrous cord called the gubernaculum
Extends from the testis to the area of the skin that will become the scrotum.
The gubernaculum either fails to lengthen or actively shortens to draw the testes into the scrotum
As testis pass into the scrotum, they push out a tube of peritoneum
The vaginal tunic
When is testicular descent complete
Ruminants: prior to birth.
Pigs, just before birth
Horses: around the time of birth
K9 and feline: post-natal 10 d., up to 8 weeks.
Humans: prior to birth
Scrotum is and function
A sac of skin which houses the testes
Functions to thermoregulate and provide a favourable environment for production of sperm
Raises and lowers the testes via cremaster muscle. Depends on environmental temperature
Muscle relaxes and testes hang down if temperature is warm.
Spermatic cord is and function
The spermatic cord is the group of structures which extend from the testis through the inguinal canal
Includes blood and lymphatic vessels,nerves and the vas deferens
Link testes with rest of body
Blood vessels organized to provide cooling to arterial blood before it reaches testes
Called pampiniform plexus
Pampiniform plexus in the testes is and function
Complex of veins wrapping around the artery
Veins carry blood that is cooler than the arterial blood
Therefore, heat transfer occurs to cool arterial blood
Also warms the blood in the veins returning to the body
System is an example of a countercurrent exchange
Keeps the testes at a suitable temperature for spermatogenesis
Epididymis shape and function
An elongated organ which lies adjacent to the testes and receives immature sperm from the seminiferous tubules
Sperm enter through the efferent ducts
Efferent ducts unite to form the epididymal duct
The coiled epididymal duct is called the epididymis
The head of the epididymis attaches to the same end of the testis that the blood vessels and nerves enter
The body of the epididymis parallels the long axis of the testis
The tail of the epididymis continues as the ductus deferens which doubles back along the body of the epididymis to the region of the head, where it enters the spermatic cord
Spermatozoa are immature when they leave the testis and must undergo a period of maturation in the epididymis before they are ready for ejaculation.
Epididymis does what at ejaculation
At ejaculation, peristaltic contractions force sperm into the ductus deferens
The epididymal duct is LONG! Uncoiled, it varies from 2 meters (cat) to 75 meters (equine)
Ductus Deferens are and shape
A muscular tube
At ejaculation transports spermatozoa from the tail of the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct
Near the bladder the ductus deferens thickens to form the ampulla in some species
Ductus deferens leaves the tail of epididymis
Passes through the inguinal canal as part of the spermatic cord
At the internal inguinal ring turns caudally separating from the vascular and nervous parts of the cord
Each ductus deferens loops around a ureter as it continues past the bladder towards the urethra