Male Reproductive Flashcards
What is the function of the testes?
Produce and secrete sperm and hormones
What are the structures part of the duct system of the Male Reproductive System?
- Efferent ductules
- Epididymis
- Ductus deferns (vas deferens)
- Ejaculatory duct
- Urethra
What are the 3 functions of the duct system?
- Transport and stores sperm
- Assist in sperm maturation
- Convey sperm to the exterior
What are the 3 accessory glands?
and what is their overall Fx
- Seminal vesicles
- Prostate gland
- Bulbouretheral gland
Fx: provide secretions to the semen
What are the 2 supporting structures of the male reproductive system?
and Fx
- Scrotum
- Penis
Fx: Support the testes and deliver sperm to female reproductive tract
What is the function of the Scrotum?
Temperature regulation of sperm (2-3 degrees C below core body temp)
Maintainted outside pelvic cavity
Dartos muscle function
In the scrotum
Subcutaneous layer of smooth muscle that contracts d/t cold temps (wrinkles) and vice versa for warm temps
What are the contents of the Spermatic Cord?
3 main
6 others
1. Ductus deferens
2. Cremaster muscle
3. Pampiniform plexus of testicular veins
4. Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
5. Testicular artery
6. Cremaster artery
7. Artery of the ductus deferens
8. Sympathetic nerves
9. Lymphatics
Function of Ductus deferens
Transports spermatozoa from epididymis to ejaculatory duct
Function of the Cremaster muscle
- Originates from internal oblique
- Contraction moves testes closer to the body (cold) and opposite for warm
What is the function of the Pampiniform plexus of testicular veins?
Plexus of veins that play a role in regulating heat exchange for the testes
Function of Leydig Cells
- Interstitial cells
- Located in spaces between adjacent seminiferous tubules
- Secretes testosterone
Size of Testes
Paired oval glands (approx 2 in long X 1 in diameter)
Where are the testes formed?
Develop in the posterior abdomen & descend into the scrotum through inguinal canals at 7-8 months
Where is the site of sperm production throughout the adult life (starting in puberty)?
What are the 4 structures of the testes?
- Tunica vaginalis (serous membrane derived from peritoneum during descent of testes
- Tunic albuginea (thick connective tissue capsule, extends inward to form septa)
- Lobules (200-300 internal copartments, each lobule contains 1-4 seminiferous tubules
- Seminiferous tubules produce spermatozoa
Seminiferous epithelium
Two cell populations
- Sertoli cells-supporting cells that nourish spermatogenic cells
- Spermatogenic cells-replicate and differentiate into mature sperm
Main functions of Sertoli cells
- Blood-testis barrier-isolates gametes to protect from immune response
- Secrete inhibin-hormone that inhibits FSH secretion
- Secrete androgen-binding protein-binds testosterone to keep concentration high
Blood-testis barrier
Isolates the developing gametes from the blood and thus, prevents and immune response against the spermatogenic cell’s surgace antigens which the immmune system recognizes as foreign
Spermatogenesis overview
- Development of spermatogonia into sperm
- Involes both meiosis and mitosis (lasts 65-75)
In depth
- Spermatogonia (stem cells) 2n, 2d diploid
- 1 Primary spermatocyte 2n, 4d diploid
- 2 Secondary speramtocyte 1n, 2dhaploid
- 4 Spermatids 1n, 1d haploid
- 4 Spermatozoa-mature sperm 1n, 1d haploid
Head of sperm
- Acrosome: vesicle contains enzymes required for penetration of the zona pelucida of the oocyte
- Nuclues: 23 condensed chromosomes (22, X or Y)
Tail (Flagellum) of Sperm
- Neck
- Middle Piece: mitochondria provide ATP for sperm motility
- Principle piece
- End piece
Core of microtubules & dynein motor proteins
Definition, if not treated, and risk for cancer
- Condition when testes do not descen into scrotum
- If untreated, results in sterility
- 30-50x greater risk of testicular cancer
Most will descend spontaneously during first year of life
Testicular Cancer general information
- Most common cancer in males aged 20-35 yrs
- Most cases (>95% arise from mutations in spermatogenic cells within seminiferous tubules
- No associated pain
- Regular self exam for masses, lumps, swellings
Hormonal Control of Testes
- Hypothalamus: GnRH
- Anterior Pituitary:
* LH-stimulates Leydig cells to secrete testosterone
* FSH-stimulates Sertoli cells to secrete androgen binding protein
Sertoli Cells also secrete inhibin that inhibits FSH secretion
What happens with a high level of testosterone?
- Hypothalamus: decreases secretion of GnRH
- Anterior Pituitary: decreased secretion of LH
- Leydig cells: decrease secretion of testosterone
Intratesticular ducts
- Seminiferous tubules
- Straight tubules (Tubuli recti)
- Rete testis
Excurrent ducts
- Efferent ducts
- Epididymis
- Ductus deferens
- Ejactulatory ducts
Seminferous Tubules
Type of epithelium
Intratesticular duct
Seminiferous epithelium
Straight tubules (Tubuli recti)
Structure and function
Intratesticular duct
- Short terminal portion of the seminiferous tubule
- Only contains sertoli cells changing to simple cuboidal
Rete testis
Structure and function
Intratesticular duct
- Network of channels
- Simple cuboidal to low columnar
Efferent ducts
Type of Epithelium
Excurrent duct
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Structure and Function
Excurrent Ducts
- Head, body, and tail
- Pseudostratified columnar epithelium with stereocilia
Ductus deferens
Type of epithelium
Excurrent Ducts
Pseodostratified columnar epithelium with sterocilia
Ejaculatory ducts
Structure and function
Excurrent Duct
Union of the duct of seminal vesicle and ampulla of ductus deferens
Ejaculatory ducts
Structure and function
Excurrent Duct
Union of the duct of siminal vesicle and ampulla of ductus deferens
Seminal vesicles
Functions (2), volume of semen
- Paired glands posterior to bladder-duct
- Secrete an alkaline viscous fluid. Fructose (ATP production by sperm for motility). Prostaglandins & clotting proteins
- Produce about 60% of the volume of semen
Volume of semen
Size, location, and function (2
- Single gland inferior to bladder
- Size of a golf ball
- Surronds the prostatic urethra
- Secretes a milk, slightly acidic fluid into the prostatic urethra
* citric acid, proteolytic enzymes, acid phosphatase, seminalplasmin - Produces 25% of volume of semen
Bulbourethral glands (Cowper’s glands)
Location, function
- Paired glands inferior to prostate on either side of the membranous urethra (ducts open into the penile urethra)
- Secrete, clear, mucus-like fluid into the urethra
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)
- Weak urination
- Difficulty starting & stopping
- Urgency or feeling to urinate
- Frequency
Due to numerous nodules compressing the prostatic urethra
What is BPH?
A noncancerous enlarged prostate gland-relatively common in 80 yr old men
Prostate Cancer Clinical presentation
- Asmpytomatic in early stages
- Poor urinary stream
- Straing with micturition
- Feeling of incomplete bladder emptying
- Terminal dribbling
- Symptoms of distant spread-bone pain
Risk factors for prostate cancer
- Rare in men < 40 years
- Family history
- African/Caribbean>White>Japanese