Male Repro Flashcards
components of the scrotum
skin, tunica dartos, scrotal septum, spermatic fascia, cremaster m.
spermatic fascia
holds the testical in its covering to the scrotum itself
cremaster muscle
an extension of the external abdominal oblique and is responsible for retracting or relaxing the testicles
tunica albuginea
outer covering that makes testes appear white
color of tunica dartos
proper ligament of testis
between testis and tail of epididymis
ligament of the tail of the epididymis
between tail of epididymis and pariietal vaginal tunic
testicular bursa
space formed between the epididymis and the testis
forms your testicular ligaments with correct regression (in females, becomes round ligament of the uterus)
colliculus seminalis
“nostrils” of the pelvic urethra
genital fold
fold of peritoneum between the ductus deferens
uterus masculinis
can be seen within the genital fold of the stallion; developmental remnant of paramesonephric ducts
visceral vaginal tunic of testis and testicular VAN
mesoductus deferens
visceral vaginal tunic of ductus deferens
connects mesorchium and mesoductus deferens to the parietal vaginal tunic
pampiniform plexus
testicular veins make this!
components of your spermatic cord
ductus deferens, testicular VAN, pampiniform plexus, lymphatics, vaginal tunics
cremaster muscle
extension of INTERNAL abdominal oblique m. (I don’t care wwhat you wrote elsewhere, it’s internal)
spermatic fascia
covers cremaster m. and spermatic cord
pampiiniformm plexus
formed by testicular vv. and is super important in temperature control, heat exhange, blood temperature
optimal temperature for spermatogenesis?
34 degrees C
3 Components of Thermoregulation of Testes
- Pampiniform plexus
- Cremaster m.
- Tunica dartos
colliculus seminalis
thickening of the urethral crest; contains openings of prostatic ducts and ductus deferens
flow of sperm
ductus deferens into ejalculatory ducts before entering the colliculus seminalis