Female Repro Flashcards
ovarian bursa
created by fusion of mesovarium and mesosalpinx, opening can cause ecopic pregnancies
uterine tube
What species have a suspensory ligament of the ovary?
ssuspensory ligament of the ovary
peritoneal fold that attaches to the transverse fascia of the last rib, cut for ovarectomies
proper ligament of the ovary
between the uterine horn and the ovary
ovulation fossa
only in the mare, site for rupture of mature follicles
It is only called the oviduct in what species?
Site of fertilization?
ampulla of the uterine tube
the uterine orifice at the utertubal jxn
the little fuzzy fimbria that catch the ova
portio vaginalis
protrusions of cervix into the vagina, contains the external orifice of the cervix
Dorsal and ventral intercornual ligaments
between theuterine horns in ruminants (only one in small ruminants), ventral is the bigger one and has clinical relevance
components of the placentome
- maternal caruncles
- fetal cotyledons
Cervical folds in the carnivore?
Cervical folds inthe ruminant?