Male GU system ch 24 Flashcards
syphilitic Chancre
silvery papules that progress to red, oval, superficial lesions on glans or corona. Appear 2-4 weeks after being infected, has a yellow serous discharge, and are non-tender to palpation.
Herpes Pregenitalis
no cure, clusters of small, painful or bursting vesicles on glans or foreskin with erythema. initial infection=7-10 days, recurrent infections- 3-10
absence of one testes from scrotum due to failure of testis to descend during fetal dvlpment. Causes infertility and spermatogenesis
acute infection with sudden severe pain, scrotal swellling and fever, caused by prostatitis, trauma, bacteria, or infection. Scrotum is tender to palpation and WBCs or bacteria are present in the urine.
bulging of abdominal muscle that protrudes through the external inguinal canal or femoral canal. Often the protrusion is a segment of bowel so auscultate.
Indirect Hernia
MOST COMMON, where sac herniates through internal inguinal ring and can remain in canal or pass into scrotum. Pain w/straining, swells with abdominal pressure, may decrease laying down
Direct hernia
directly behind and through external inguinal ring, above inguinal ligament, rarely enters scrotum. Usually painless, swelling around pubis can be reduced when supine. Caused by acquired weakness, heavy lifting, atrophy, obesity
Femoral hernia
through femoral ring and canal, below inguinal ligament, more often right side. Severe pain and hernia can become strangulated (cut off blood supply). This is more common in women and is due to increased abd. pressure or muscle weakness
Teaching Testicular Self-Examination TSE
Purpose is to assess for testicular cancer and should begin at age 13-14. T=timing of exam is once a month. S=shower, warm water relaxes scrotal sac. E-examination points: hold scrotum in palm of hand- palpate each testicle with thumb and forefinger.
Abnormal findings with TSE
firm, painless lump. Hard areas or overall enlarged testicles warrant further analysis by physician.
Testicular cancer
incidence is rare with greatest risk being males with undescended testicles. White males have 4x greater risk.
American cancer society recommends testicular exam how often?
every 3 years by physician
Changes in Aging adults
penis and testes decrease in size, less sperm production, declining testosterone, less intense sexual response.
Chronic Kidney Disease
determined by blood tests, UA, and imaging studies. Defined as decreased kidney function or kidney damage lasting 3 months or longer. 2 main causes are hypertension and diabetes.
Cloudy urine indicates what?