Male and female urethra Flashcards
What is it
Carries urine from bladder to exterior
The woman urethra
SOLELY a urinary organ ]
Lined initially with transitional epithelium then strat squ non kerat epithelium continuous with skin at labia minora
What are both urethras of both sesxes surrounded by
The middle part of the
urethra in both sexes is surrounded by the external striated
muscle sphincter.
What does the urethra mucosa contain that can be seen
Longitundinal folds
How is the urethra in men
the two ducts for sperm transport during ejaculation join the urethra at the prostate gland
Its also longer
What are the 3 segemnts of the male urethra
■ The prostatic urethra, 3-4 cm long, extends through
the prostate gland and is lined by urothelium.
■ The membranous urethra, a short segment, passes
through an external sphincter of striated muscle and is
lined by stratified columnar and pseudostratified columnar epithelium.
■ The spongy urethra, about 15 cm in length, is enclosed
within erectile tissue of the penis and is
lined by stratified columnar and pseudostratified columnar epithelium , with stratified squamous
epithelium distally.