MALAYSIA - Politics and Gov of Southeast Asia Flashcards
It is the shortest sea route between East Africa, the Persian Gulf, and China.
Strait of Malacca
It was one of the region’s dominant trading powers, a center for spreading Islam, and a profound political power in peninsular Malaysia and throughout the northern Malay Archipelago in the fifteenth century
Sultanate of Malacca
In 1511, Malacca
fell to this European country.
Despite several attempts to remove the Europeans from the
city by Malay-Muslim rulers and especially the neighboring Sultanate of (?) . It was the (?) with its local allies who finally wrested Malacca from the Portuguese in 1641.
- Sultanate of Johor
- Dutch East India Company (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, VOC)
British influence began to expand over peninsular Malaysia from the late eighteenth century onwards, initially through (?) and takeover of (?) and (?)
Trade and then with the takeover of Penang and Singapore
This treaty gave control over Malacca to Britain, who merged it with Penang and Singapore to become the (?), governed directly by the British Crown until 1946.
- British-Dutch Treaty of 1824
- Straits Settlements
This treaty enable Britain to progressively extend its rule over all of peninsular Malaysia as well as North Borneo.
Treaty of Pangkor (1874)
The heterogeneous mix of direct colonial rule in
the so-called Strait Settlements and indirect rule in the form of Malay royal sovereignty was reflected in the administrative patchwork of (?),(?),(?) and British (?)
- “Federated Malay States”
- “Unfederated Malay States,”
- “Straits Settlements,”
- British protectorates of Sabah and Sarawak in Northern Borneo
In the Federated States of Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, and Pahang, the British established (?) under which the local Malay rulers—although formally sovereign—had to follow the (?) of a British resident who possessed (?) over all political matters except where (?) and (?) were concerned.
- a resident system
- “advice”
- de facto authority
- local customs or religious matters
In contrast, the “Unfederated Malay States”—Johor, Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah, and Perlis—kept their (?) political order dominated by (?), and it was only in the (?) century that the resident system was installed in these states
- traditional political order dominated by Malays
- early twentieth century
In the (?) and (?), British investments in public infrastructure, the introduction of a Western legal system, and an emerging modern economy contributed to significantly higher levels of (?) at (?) than in the rest of Malaysia.
- Federated States and the Straits Settlements
- higher levels of socioeconomic development at independence
In contrast, indirect rule in other parts of the peninsula reinforced the (?) , both by maintaining (?) and by providing (?) in areas such as the civil service, land ownership, and the educational system.
- principle of Malay dominance,
- maintaining the Sultanates
- by providing a privileged status for Malays
The most profound changes triggered by British colonial rule, however, concerned (?).
- Malaya’s demography
At the early nineteenth century, the population of the Malay Peninsula was (?) Malay. However, following the migration of (?) laborers, who were hired as cheap labor for the (?), the share of the Malay population dropped to (?). This results to (?)
- 90%
- Chinese and Indian laborers
- tin and rubber industries
- 50.1 %
- plural society
While the Chinese mostly acted as (?), many Indians were employed in the (?), whereas Malays remained in (?) in the public administration, police, and colonial troops
- intermediary merchants,
industrial workers, and entrepreneurs - rubber industry
- traditional agriculture or manned local and middle ranks
British Malaya was under (?) during World War II between 1942 and 1945. During this time, local rulers lost influence and the collapse of Malaysia’s (?) escalated ethnic tensions as (?).
- Japanese occupation
- export economy
- Chinese and Indian workers now forced into subsistence farming laid claims on arable land previously reserved for Malays.
The Japanese tried to curry favor with the Malay by fostering (?). The Chinese population was subject to repression and resisted the occupation by creating the (?) and (?) under the leadership of the (?)
- ethnic nationalist groups
- “Malayan Peoples’ Anti-Japanese Army”
- Communist Party of Malaya
Faced with Malay (?) and (?), the British tried to
find a way to reconcile ethnic tensions and begin preparations for an (?)
- Malay nationalism and a communist insurgency
- eventual transfer of power
41 Malay organizations merged to become the (?) in May 1946.
- United Malays National Organization (UMNO)
It is the political vehicle of the Indian community that was founded in 1946, also criticized the proposal but demanded better political participation for the non-Malay population.
Malayan Indian Congress (MIC)
The British dissolved the UMCO in 1948 and instead created the (?)that left the sovereignty of Malay Sultans untouched and gave the constituent states more authority.
- Federation of Malaya
How many percent of the Chinese population was granted citizenship which provoked resistance from the newly established (?)
- 10%
- Malayan Chinese Association (MCA)
The conflict was resolved in the run-up to the (?) in 1955, when UMNO, MCA, and MIC agreed to form a political coalition called (?)
- first general election for the Federal Legislative Council
- “Alliance”
The political agreement of the Alliance that leads to the formation of that alliance is today known as the (?)
In Bargain, the agreement enshrined (?) as the official state religion and (?) as the national language and constitutionally guaranteed the authority of the (?) as well as the selection of a (?)
- Islam
- Malay
- traditional Malay rulers
- Malay prime minister
In turn of Malay favored Bargain agreement, all Chinese and Indian inhabitants gained (?) and secured (?) under the (?) system
- citizenship
- property rights
- market economic system
Federation of Malaya became a sovereign state in (?), and in 1963 (?),(?), and (?) were accepted into the Federation that was renamed (?). .
- August 1957
- Singapore, Sarawak, and Sabah
- Malaysia
Singapore’s ruling party known as (?), endangered the “Bargain” when it demanded the creation of a (?) with equal rights and privileges for all ethnic groups
- People’s Action Party
- Malaysian Malaysia”
This term includes the indigenous peoples of Sabah and Sarawak in addition to the Malay majority
This Singapore’s ruling party endangered the “Bargain” when it demanded the creation of a (?) with equal rights and privileges for all ethnic groups
- People’s Action Party
- “Malaysian Malaysia”
Following the parliamentary election of 1969, clashes between Malays and Chinese in Kuala Lumpur known as (?) left 196 people dead
“May 13th Incident”
After the May 13th Incident, the government imposed a (?), suspended (?), and completely abolished (?). It then employed this Act (?) to shift Malaysia’s political regime towards (?)
- state of emergency, parliament, and local elections
- British Internal Security Act (ISA)
- autocracy
Almost all opposition parties and the former component parties of the Alliance were co-opted into a multiparty coalition under UMNO leadership, the so-called (?)
- Barisan Nasional or National Front
This became the national leitmotif for a culturally heterogeneous society.
Rukunegara (National Principles)
Similar to Indonesia and Thailand, the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997/98 hit Malaysia hard and created an
oppositional reformasi reform movement.
It consists of representatives of the elected Malay government and the traditional rulers
Malayan delegation
In 1956, the British authorities and a Malayan delegation agreed to establish the so-called (?) responsible for drafting the constitution of the Federation of Malaya
Reid Commission
The Red Commission’s constitutional draft was revised by the traditional rulers and the leaders of the Alliance parties before parliament unanimously approved the text known as (?) on (?)
- Merdeka (Freedom) Federal Constitution
- August 15, 1957
The constitution comprises (?) parts, (?) articles, and (?) “schedules.” It grants precedent to the fundamental rights that make up the second section of the constitution
14 parts, 183 articles, and 13 “schedules”
According to Section 11, the right to life and physical integrity, the right to freedom of movement, and the freedom of expression, assembly, and association contained in Articles 5, 9, 10, and 13 can be restricted
Section 2 of Merdeka Federal Constitution is all about?
fundamental rights of citizens
Part III of the Merdeka constitution contains detailed regulations regarding the once (?)
- contentious matter of acquisition and termination of citizenship in Malaysia
While the constitution establishes (?) as the religion of the Federation (Art. 3), it also grants freedom of religion in (Art.?) and guarantees a (?) state (Art. ?).
- Islam
- Article 11
- secular state (Art 4)
What Article (?) grants Malays and the indigenous people of Sabah and Sarawak special privileges, including reserved positions in civil service, public employment, and the education system, and special provisions concerning the status and prerogatives of Malay traditional rulers.
This article also provides the basis for the current affirmative action programs and positive discrimination of bumiputera in the economy under the so-called (?)
- Article 153
- New Economic Policy.
What is the form of government of Malaysia wherein the constitution vests most powers in the national government
highly centralized federal state
The constitution stipulates four different constitutional amendment procedures (Art. 159). The first procedure, concerning the election of senators or elucidations on citizenship regulations, requires a vote of (?) in the (?) and (?), (?), and (?). All other procedures require a (?) vote in both houses.
- a plurality in the Lower and Upper House, the People’s Council (Dewan Rakyat), and the Council of State (Dewan Negara).
- two-thirds majority
In addition, all amendments concerning the status of the nine traditional Malaysian rulers, the constitution of the states, the role of Islam, the privileged position of the bumiputera, or Malay as the national language require the consent of the (?), which consists of the traditional rulers. Should the Majlis RajaRaja veto a proposal concerning the authority of the traditional rulers, both houses of parliament can overun the veto with a (?) votes
- Conference of Rulers (Majlis Raja-Raja)
- two thirds majority
A total of (?) so-called (?) had been adopted by 2007, which concerned more than 675 individual provisions
51 , Amendment Acts
The first substantive changes to the Merdeka constitution were enacted in (?). In response to the (?) , these amendments curtailed the (?) by prohibiting the public discussion of citizenship, bumiputera privileges, the national language, and the prerogatives of the traditional Malay rulers
- 1969 communal riots
- freedom of speech
The Alliance and the BN governments pursued a
series of other measures designed to provide formal channels for MAF officers to participate in policy-making on security issues, such as through the (?) and various so-called (?) that were set up in 1971 as a reaction to the “May 13th Incident.”
- National Security Council (NSC)
- State and District Security Committees
In 1988, a series of amendments gave the (?) a constitutional basis and established (?) courts parallel to the existing court system.
syariah (the Malay spelling of “Sharia”)
What is Malaysia’s system of government
constitutional elective monarchy with a federal state parliamentary system of government
Malaysia’s system of government is described as (?) and concentrates power in the (?), who dominates the legislative process through his parliamentary majority.
- executive-heavy
- Office of the Prime Minister
Malaysia’s head of state is (?) He is elected among the (?) for a term of (?) years (Appendix V, Section (7 of the Malaysian Constitution).
- The king (Yang-di Pertuan Agong)
- 9 traditional Malaysian rulers for a term of 5 years
The election follows a (?) under which each of the nine rulers consecutively serves as head of state.
rotational system
Who make up the Conference of Rulers
- 9 traditional state sultans and the 4 governors of the states of Penang, Malacca, Sabah, and Sarawak
The Conference of Rulers does not have the right to grant pardons and monitor the application of religious law and must be consulted in the appointment of federal judges. Its role is, hence, mostly symbolic with little genuine political power
The Conference of Rulers ONLY HAS THE RIGHT to grant pardons and monitor the application of religious law and must be consulted in the appointment of federal judges. Its role is, hence, mostly symbolic with little genuine political power
The (?) serves mostly a representative and ceremonial role; the political directives of the cabinet (Art. 40) bind him, and the rotational system has precluded individual rulers from establishing a permanent base of individual political power
The king appoints the (?), who is usually a member of parliament that commands a majority in the lower house.
Prime Minister
The king cannot request the prime minister to dissolve parliament as the constitution is clear that the prime minister has to comply with this request
The king CAN REQUEST the prime minister to dissolve parliament, but the constitution is UNCLEAR as to whether the prime minister has to comply with this request
The king is (?) of the armed forces, but operational command and control of the Malaysian military rests with the (?)
- supreme commander
- Ministry of Defence.
The (?) is also symbol and custodian of Malay traditions, protector of the bumiputera population, and the highest Islamic authority in federal states without a traditional ruler
The king clashed repeatedly with Prime Minister (?) and, among other things, lost his immunity from criminal prosecution.
Prime Minister Mahatir bin Mohamad (1981–2003)
Who’s prime minister in 2015 was involved in the corruption scandal wherein the Conference of Rulers unanimously demanded the government to complete the investigation.
Prime Minister Najib Razak
Malaysia has a (?) parliament, consisting of a (?) member (legislative body ?) and a (?)-member (legislative body ?)
- bicameral
- 222 member of Dewan Rakyat (HOR)
- 7O members Dewan Negara (Senate)
The members of the lower house are directly elected in (?) constituencies for a (?)-year term and (?) are held in case a member of parliament cannot fulfill his or her term and there are still more than 2 years until the next scheduled general election (Art. 54).
- single-member constituencies for a 5-year
term - by-elections
In the Senate, the (?) state assemblies each elect (?) senators, whereas the prime minister nominates the remaining (?) senators who the king then appoints for a (?)-year term.
- 13 state assemblies
- 2 senators
- 44 senators were appointed for 3 years
Membership in the lower house is incompatible
with a seat in the Senate
This legislative body is intended as a chamber of reflection and review and to protect state interests.
From the constitution, it appears that the upper house has the same rights as the lower house, except for (?) bills, but the Senate has never used its right to (?) or (?) legislation
- Financial bills
- right to initiative or veto
The Senate’s role in the legislative process is marginal because bills are usually submitted on long notice and the long annual sitting period leaves more room for debate.
The Senate’s role in the legislative process is marginal because bills are usually submitted on SHORT notice and the SHORT annual sitting period leaves LITTLE room for debate.
Furthermore, the Senate can only apply a (?) on bills passed by the lower house, which can easily be repealed.
suspensive veto
In the Malaysian political system, almost all legislation is proposed by the government, although legislation has to be approved by both houses of parliament
A piece of legislation enters the House of Representatives and goes through the following stages: After the first reading, bills are examined in detail by the respective (?). In general, the committees lack staff support and basic information technology capabilities. Moreover, the ruling parties who dominate most cabinets prevent an (?) or (?) debate at this stage
- parliamentary committee.
- open-ended or overly critical
The changes made to a bill in the
committee are reported to this House and debated by the which is invited to consider
the bill as a whole, approve the changes by the committee, and consider any further
proposed revisions.
House of Representatives
The final version of a bill is then sent to the House for a short final debate without the chance for further amendments.
What are the qualifications to be a Prime Minister in Malaysia?
The prime minister has to be a :
- naturalized Malaysian citizen,
- a member of the lower house,
- belongs to the largest party.
The king appoints members of the cabinet on recommendation by (?). Ministers have to be members of either the lower or upper house and are collectively responsible to parliament.
prime minister
In the past, the allocation of the (?) cabinet positions among the members of the (?) aimed to ensure the representation of all ethnic groups present in the ruling coalition.
- 35 cabinet positions
- Barisan Nasional
For the first time since 1957, the MCA was allocated any ministry due to the good results the party obtained in the general elections.
The MCA was NOT allocated any ministry due to the POOR results the party obtained in the general elections.
During the long reign of Prime Minister Mahatir (1981–2003), the (?) became the main power center and coordinating agency inside the government. Since the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997/98, all prime ministers have also held the key post of (?).
- Prime Minister’s Department (or Office of the Prime Minister, OPM)
- Minister of Finance
The OPM is assisted by (?) ministers, with oversight over the (?) and (?) and with oversight over the implementation of government policies. Besides controlling the EPU, the OPM also controls the development budget for five economic Development Corridors.
-8 cabinet rank ministers
- Economic Planning Unit (EPU) and the Performance Management and Delivery Unit
What part of the Malaysian constitution concerns the organization of the judicial
Part IX
The Malaysian judiciary is heavily centralized and based on these two laws
English common law system and—to a lesser extent—Islamic law.
Generally, there are two types of
trials, namely (?).
civil and criminal trials
In civil trials, (?) law can be applied,
while only Muslims are subject to (?) law in these cases.
- customary law (adat)
- Islamic law (syariah)
This kind of trial follows the principle of due process, supposedly guaranteeing a fair and public trial with independent judges
Criminal trials
What is the multilevel hierarchy of Malaysian courts starting from lowest to highest?
- Magistrates Courts - lowest level
- Sessions Courts
- the High Courts for Malaya and Borneo (Sabah and Sarawak)
- Court of Appeal
- Federal Court of Malaysia (Mahkamah Persekutuan Malaysia), the highest court of the land
There are also various courts outside of this hierarchy of subordinate and superior
courts, including the (?) courts and (?) courts on the Malaysian peninsula and the Native Courts on Borneo, which together form the lowest echelon.
- Penghulu Courts and the Syariah Courts
Malaysia follows a system of centralized judicial review, meaning the Federal Court also serves as a (?). However, only (?) can initiate concrete review, and the Federal Court cannot review legislation in abstract
- constitutional court
- lower courts
The Malaysian court consists of a (?). All judges for the higher courts are required to have (?) yrs of experience practicing law in Malaysia (Art. 123).
- Chief justice, the president of the Court of Appeals, the two presiding judges of Malaysia’s High Courts, and at least 11 federal judges.
- ## 10 years
Federal judges are nominated by the prime
minister after consulting with the (?) and are appointed by the king.
- prime minister
- Conference of Rulers
A body that is intended to help secure the selection of independent judges but whose members are appointed by the prime minister
Judicial Appointments Commission
All judges of the superior courts and the Federal Court retire at the age of (?), but can be dismissed earlier by the king on the prime minister’s recommendation if they are found to be unfit for health reasons or a special tribunal finds signs of misbehavior (Art. 125).
65 yrs old
Since the 1994 constitutional amendment, the government can appoint (?) who have the same authority as regular judges and who can become full judges after 2 years
judicial commissioners
All judges at the subordinate courts are members of the civil service and are accountable to the prime minister through the attorney
Prime Minister Mahatir began curtailing
(?) and in 1988 pushed through a constitutional amendment that gave parliament the authority to (?) for cases concerning constitutional review
- judicial independence
- regulate the Federal Court’s jurisdiction
In the 2000s, the dubious trial of the opposition leader and former UMNO Minister of Finance (?) further eroded public trust in the impartiality of the courts.
Anwar Ibrahim
This body is dedicated to investigate and prevent any form of corruption and abuse of power in Malaysian government
Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (Sandiganbayan ver in Ph)
In the comparative politics literature, Malaysia is often described as (?) regime in terms of their elections
competitive authoritarian regime
Competitive authoritarian regimes feature dictatorship institutions and ban competitive elections, which distinguish these regimes from other authoritarian regimes
Competitive authoritarian regimes feature DEMOCRATIC institutions and REGULAR competitive elections, which distinguish these regimes from other authoritarian regimes
Since independence, how many general elections were conducted for the House of Representatives and the unicameral State Legislative Assembly in each of Malaysia’s states?
13 general elections
The basic rules of the Malaysia electoral system were formulated prior to the independence for (?) in the Federation of Malaya in 1955. These rules, together with important additions and changes, were incorporated into the constitution adopted in 1957.
- the first federal election
All Malaysian citizens aged (?) or older hold suffrage.
21 or older
This is voluntary and takes place at the district level. Candidates for parliament can be
nominated by political parties or party lists; nonparty candidatures are also permitted. However, since candidates have to provide one of the (?), independents and some
smaller parties cannot afford the registration fee and are (?) excluded from candidacy
- Voter registration
- highest security deposits worldwide
- de facto
The original proposal by the Reid Commission in 1957 for an electoral system intended to establish a system that could avoid the (?) but still guarantee the dominant position of the Malay community
avoid the political exclusion of the Chinese
and Indian communities
The Reid Commission therefore proposed a system that was to be based on three institutional pillars such as:
- the introduction of a system of plurality rule in single-member constituencies that privileged the Malay communities and the UMNO in particular.
- the acceptance of “weightage for area” for rural constituencies
3.the Reid Commission wanted to establish an independent Electoral Commission
This body is appointed by the king that monitor voter registration, the conduct of
elections, and be responsible for the reapportionment of electoral districts every
8–10 years
Electoral Commission
This first election was conducted on April 13, 1957, establishing the elective monarchy system.
First Election of Yang di-Pertuan Agong
This kind of election is held every five years to elect members of the House of Representatives (Dewan Rakyat) and state assemblies.
General Elections
This kind of election is conducted when a parliamentary seat becomes vacant between general elections.
Refers to allegations of electoral district manipulation to favor ruling parties.
The first “modern” political party was the (?) founded in 1930.
Communist Party of Malay (CPM),
CPM party operated as an (?) organization under British colonial rule, staged an armed insurgency against the Japanese occupation during World War II, and fought a (?) war against the British authorities and, later, against the Malay government between 1948 and 1960.
-illiberal organization
- a guerilla warfare
Following the military and political defeat of CPM in the so-called (?), the party and its guerilla force (?) continued to subsist on either side of the Thai-Malaysian border before it officially laid down its arms and dissolved in 1989.
- Malayan Emergency
- Malayan People’s Liberation Army, MPLA
Two distinct parties in system of Malaysia
West Malaysia (Sarawak) and East Malaysia (Sabah)
The Malaysian party system stands out due
to four dominant features
- Social Cleavages: The rise of multiparty politics in Malaysia is rooted in existing social divisions from the 1940s and 1950s, influencing party formation and competition.
- Institutional Stability: Malaysia’s party system is relatively well-established, with major parties like UMNO, DAP, and PAS maintaining stable organizational structures and voter loyalty.
- Dual-Party System: There are two distinct party systems in Malaysia: one for West Malaysia and another for East Malaysia (Sarawak and Sabah), reflecting different historical contexts and political dynamics, with East Malaysia exhibiting weaker party organization and more volatility.
- Increased Competition: Since the late 1990s, party competition has intensified, shifting from a dominant UMNO-led coalition (Barisan Nasional) to a more balanced two-block system, with Barisan Nasional and the opposition coalition, Pakatan Rakyat, challenging each other more robustly.
The second still relevant cleavage dimension is the conflict between (?) and (?)
nonreligious or secular and Islamic parties.
This party is formed in 1965 as the Malaysian
offshoot of Singapore’s People’s Action Party. The party used to represent especially the Chinese middle and working classes
Democratic Action Party (DAP)
It is the urban-secular counterpart to Parti Islam
Se-Malaysia (PAS)
Singapore’s People’s Action Party
The emergence of a third cleavage has driven a process of (?) between the two parties in recent years and has led to the formation of a (?)
- cooperation
- multiethnic opposition alliance
Following the 1997/98 Asian Financial Crisis, these two political parties joined civil society groups to protest against the Barisan Nasional (BN) government and Prime Minister Mahathir’s authoritarianism.
Democratic Action Party (DAP) and the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS)
In the lead-up to the 1999 elections, activists and supporters of former Finance Minister Anwar Ibrahim, who had left the government, collaborated with DAP and PAS to form the (?)
informal Alternative Front (Barisan Alternatif)
Barisan Nasional is registered under Malaysian Registrar of Societies (ROS) as a single party and competes under one logo, it consists of multiple parties.
This political party dominates the BN (?), while the (?), (?), and (?) are the dominant members of the Sarawak Barisan Nasional coalition
- United Traditional Bumiputera Party (PBB), the Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP), and the Sarawak People’s Party (PRS)
The Chinese community in Sabah is represented by the (?) and since 1989 by the (?)
Sabah Chinese Association (SCA) and since 1989 by the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).
The non-Malay Muslim population in Sabah mostly Tausug (also called ?), Sama-Bajau, and some Kadazandusun—is organized in the political party called as (?)
- Suluk
- United Sabah National Organization
This party formed the state government in Sabah. It was supported mostly by non-Muslim members of the Kadazandusun ethnic group and opposed what the party and its voters perceived as the Islamization of Sabah and stood for a new ethno-nationalism in opposition to West Malaysian dominance
Sabah United Party (PBS)
Malaysia is the only federal state in Southeast Asia
Since Sarawak and Sabah joined the Federation in 1963 and the expulsion of Singapore in 1965, the Federation comprises (?) states, (?) states in
West Malaysia, and (?) states in East Malaysia.
13 states, 11 states in West Malaysia, and 2 states
The federal government directly governs the Federal Territories, consisting of (?),(?), and (?). In contrast to the 13 states, the federal territories lack an (?)
- Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, and Labuan
- elected state legislature.
Administratively, Malaysia is divided into (?) . it consist of (?) districts, there are (?) city councils, (?) municipal councils, (?) district councils, and (?) special local governments.
- states and federal territories and districts (called “divisions” in the states of Sabah and Sarawak).
-154 districts - 12 city councils
- 39 municipal councils
- 96 district councils
- 7 local governments
The district government is appointed by (?)
state parliaments
What are the two Malaysia’s federalism exhibits two basic features.
- The first is the asymmetric
distribution of powers between the constituent states. - The second feature is the highly centralized system of distribution of powers between the federal government and the states.
The states of Sabah and Sarawak have considerably less autonomy than the other states in areas such as taxation, immigration and citizenship, trade, transportation and communication, fisheries, and several aspects of social affairs, although they have the same constitutional status.
The states of Sabah and Sarawak have considerably MORE autonomy than the other states in areas, although they have the same constitutional status.
Barisan Nasional’s dominance at both the
federal and state level means that “the federal-state inter-governmental relation is much characterized by (?)
Intra- or inter-party relations.
The highly centralized nature of federal-state relations is most clearly reflected
in the (?) of the Federation
fiscal structure
In general, only the (?) can pass legislation on taxation, and all revenue from direct taxes and tariffs is reserved for the (?). The states only have
control over revenues from logging and land concessions, natural resource exploitation, and selected agricultural products
- national legislature
- national government
It is an Act in which the national government took control over the oil and natural gas
production in Terengganu, Sabah, and Sarawak and in exchange provided the three states with a 5% compensation for their profit loss
National Petroleum Act 1974
Civil–military relations in Malaysia are based on the principles of centralized government control of the armed forces, the recognition of civilian supremacy by the armed forces, military professionalism, and strong informal and historical linkages between the Barisan Nasional and the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) that have made the MAF a loyal and trustworthy servant of civilian politicians and authorities.
This plays a crucial part in shaping civil–military interactions in the plural society of Malaysia.
The historical origins of the current model of civil–military relations can be traced back to (?) rule, when traditional Malay rulers requested
the establishment of the (?) in 1933.
- British rule
- Experimental Company of the Royal Malay Regiment (RMR)
This was meant to represent Malay “martial traditions”, but its first generation of officers were trained by the British and fought the Japanese during World War II.
Experimental Company of the Royal Malay Regiment (RMR)
The (?) is the supreme commander of the MAF, and traditionally the Chief of Defence Forces
(CDF) is a (?)
- king
- Malay
It is the conflict between Malaysia and Indonesia over the integration of Sabah and Sarawak into the Federation known as
The Malaysian military is second to the police in power and influence. In fact, the police is one of the most important instruments of the state in dealing with internal security and political
The Malaysian police force maintains a paramilitary police Field Force, also known
as the (?)
General Operations Police Force