Malaria transmission dynamics and epidemiology Flashcards
How can there be a thousand fold difference in transmission intensity?
10 people in 100,000 may get malaria from perhaps 20 infectious bites however in some regions, one single person may be bitten by an infected mosquito 20 times per day! 10,000 fold increase in transmission intensity.
Describe malalarial immunity (how is it obtained and what is the result)?
Obtained gradually with repeated exposure and IS NEVER COMPLETE.
What does R0 describe?
The rate of spread thorugh a population.
If R0 is 20 for measels, what does this mean about the critical rate of vaccination? WHy?
Must have 95% vaccination. Because R0 is inverse of vaccination threshold 1/20 =0.05 this gives us the number/ proportion of susceptible people we can have so that it cannot spread.
What is the equation for R0 for malaria? What does each term stand for?
R0= ma^2bhp^n/r-lnp
m=no of vectors per host
a=bites per female mosquito per day
b= bites on human producing infection (proportion)
h= bites per vector that give infection (proportion)
p=probability of survival
n= extrinsic incubation period
Why is P raised to the power of N? What does this expression mean?
P=survival probability n= extrinsic incubation period- this is the expression because only a fraction of mosquitos survive long enough to get infectious.
Why is P raised to the power of N? What does this expression mean?
P=survival probability n= extrinsic incubation period- this is the expression because only a fraction of mosquitos survives long enough to get infectious.
Why is a in the R0 equation squared?
Because we need one bite to pick up an infection and another bite to transmit it.
Why does vivax penetrate more into temperate areas than falciparum?
Becuase it replicates quicker inside the insect. Also it has a hypnozoite stage so it can survive cold times (e.g. winter).
Is vector competence an issue for malaria transmission?
Competence is not much of an issue if the mosqs are long-lived enough and bite humans
HOw long are mosquitos infected for once parasites reach the salivary glands?
For life- they never recover.
Around how long does it take a female to become infectious?
13 days.
Why do DDT and pyrethrins not work as well as we think?
If on walls, the mosquitos will still bite you but simply not rest on the walls afterwards.
What is vectorial capacity?
Number of secondary cases of malaria originating per day from a primary case assuming the population is and remains susceptible.
Why is there so much more malaria in Africa than in India?
The African vector (gambiae) has a much greater longevity than the Indian vector (culicifacies).