Malaria and Tick Borne Illnesses Flashcards
What are 5 ways that malaria can be transmitted? MC?
MC - mosquito
Organ transplantation
Needle sharing
Mother to fetus.
What are the 5 recognized types of Plasmodium/malaria? MC?
Plasmodium flaciparum - MC 99.7% cases in Africa
Plasmodium vivax -India & South America
Plasmodium ovale
Plasmodium malariae
Plasmodium knowlesi - new recognized in 2014 - SE Asia-Malaysia.
What is the life-cycle of malaria?
- Mosquito takes a blood meal, injecting sporozoites)
- Sporozoites go to the liver cells, infects the liver cells.
- Liver cells turn into Schizont.
- Schizont rupture and go into the blood.
- Schizont infect RBCs and turn into immature trophozoites
- Trophozoites mature and rupture.
- Ruptured trophozoites turn into schizont again which infect RBCs
- Infected RBC’s can go from immature trophozoites into gametocytes.
- Mosquito bites again and takes ingests the infected gametocytes.
- Macrogametocytes and exflagellated microgametocytes, and microgametocytes turning into macro converted into OOKINETE.
- Ookinete turns into oocyst.
- Oocyst ruptures and releases sporozoites. - Injected into another human to begin the process again.
What are 5 methods of prevention of malaria?
Insect repellent
Anopheles mosquito - nocturnal feeders
Mosquito netting
Permethrin containing clothes, tents, other equipment
Malaria chemoprophylaxis.
Chloroquine is used primarily where? Problem with it? Dosage recommendation?
Chloroquine is used primarily for central america, and is generally well tolerated.
This is weekly dosed through 4 weeks after return
Problem: resistance issues.
Atovaquone/Proguanil (malarone) is dosed how? Any problems?
This is daily dosing to continue through 7 days after return. Want to make sure infection clears.
VERY well tolerated. No resistance to date.
Doxycycline dosing for malaria? Common s/e?
Daily dosing to continue for 30 days after return
Very little resistance reported, and generally well-tolerated - but sun sensitivity is a common s/e
Mefloquine (Lariam) dosing regimen? Areas of resistance? Can be used in what?
Dosed weekly to continue through 4 weeks after return. Can be used in pregnancy.
Areas of resistance in cambodia, laos, and Burma.
Caution: higher rate of side effects - depression, confusion, night terrors, hallucinations, anxiety.
Primaquine dosing regimen? What should you check for before using?
Primaquine is used for both prophylaxis AND antirelaspse therapy (P vivax) - often used in addition to other medications.
Daily dosing to continue for 7 days after return.
Check for G6PD deficiency prior to adminstration - fatal hemolysis.
Tafenoquine (arkoda, Krintafel) dosing regimen? What should you check for before starting?
This is the newest agent, start daily for 3 days prior to travel then weekly through 1 week after return.
DO NOT GIVE IN G6PD deficiency
What are the s/s of malaria? Severe? What pattern do they follow?
Usually a cyclic pattern of Fever, Chills, Headache, Myalgias
Severe cases: seizures, confusion, renal failure, ARDS, coma, death.
How do you diagnose Malaria?
Travel history is important part of diagnosing. B
Laboratory testing - blood smears are the gold standard, best done during episode of fever.
Most sensitive, determines species of malaria, and able to estimate percent parasitemia
What are rapid diagnostic tests to diagnose malaria?
Immunochromatogrpahic methodology - Detect malaria antigens
- Limitations - cannot specitate, less sensitivity, need to be confirmed by microscopy, can stay positive for weeeks beyond treatment.
- More sensitive, - referenced lab based.
What is the standard treatment for malaria in the US?
Atovaquone/Proquanil is standard - 4 tablets q day x 3 days.
What effect does malaria have on pregnancy?
Infection potentially more severe in pregancy - higher rate of premature deaths, spontatneous abortions and still birth
Avoid travel if pregnant
What medications are approved for malaria in pregnancy?
Chloroquine and Mefloquine - only approved meds for malaria prophylaxis in pregnancy
Doxy - contraindicated.
What is a mosquito borne virus called “bone break fever”?
Dengue fever.
What is the treatment for Dengue fever?
Treatment is supportive, - avoid NSAIDS - can cause hemorrhagic fever
S/s of Dengue fever?
“Bone break fever” - fatigue, fever, extreme muscle and body aches.
Found in Asia, Central and South America, Africa.
What disease is from the Culex Mosquito?
West Nile Virus