Malaria Flashcards
What are the 5 species of malaria?
P. vivax, P.ovale, P.malariae, P.knowlesi, p. falciparum
What are the features of P. Vivax malaria?
incubation 10-17d, fever spikes every 48 hours
What are the features of P.ovale malaria?
incubation 10-17d fever every 48 our. similar to P. Vivax but lasts less long
In which cells does malaria live?
What are the features of P Malariae?
18- 40d incubation
fever every 72 hours,
rarely fatal but can cause glomerulonephritis
What are the features of P falciparum malariae?
Incubation 7-10 days
symptoms every 36-48 hrs
fulminating disease
What are the features of P knowlesi malaria?
rare malaria in humans, common in monkies
What are the syptoms and signs found in falciparum malaria?
month long history of flu-like prodrome: headache, malaise myalgia, and fever
tertian fever
signs - anaemia, jaundice, hepatospenomegaly
What are the complications of falciparum malaraia?
cerebral malaria - fits, confusion, upgoing plantar, teeth grinding
acute renal failure (acute tubular necrosis) - haematuria, pulmonary odema, metabolic acidosis
How is malaria diagnosed?
thick and thin blood film rapid stick tests in very unwell patients FBC - anaemia clotting (DIC) ABG - lactate U+E - renal failure urinalysis blood culture for other cause
Name some negetive prognostic indicators in malaria?
<3yrs old, pregnant, fits, coma, no corneal reflex, papillodema
What species of malaria cause benign malaria? How should uncomplicated (benign) malaria be treated?
P. Vivax and P. Ovale and P malariae
How should falcuparum malaria be treated?
Assume resistance and use combination therapy of:
artemisinin derivatives
What advice should be given to travelers going to malarial areas?
insecticides, long sleeves, follow local advice, take prophylaxisis once week before to check side effects
choloroquine is first choice
What are the side effects of choloroquine? (3)
headache, psychosis and retinopathy