Human Immunodeficiency Virus Flashcards
What is the envelope in HIV?
gp120 envelop glycoprotein
How does HIV replicate?
viral reverse transcriptase make a DNA copy of the viral RNA. The viral integras then integrates it into the host DNA. The core vital proteins are systhesised and then cleaves by viral protease.
How does HIV infection progress?
symptoms of acute fever 2-6wk after exposure. Fever headache etc and then goes away.30% of patients will get persistent generalised lymphadenopathy.
Later patients will get night sweats, diarrhoea, opportunistic infection. This is called AIDS-related complex
AIDS follows soon after
What is the definition of AIDS?
CD$ count less than 200x10^6
How HIV infection diagnosed?
sputum sample for HIV-Ab with ELISA. May be negetive post infection, should be re-done 6 wk and 3 months after
What opportunistic infections occur in HIV?
TB Pneumocystis jiroveci Candidaisis Toxoplasmosis Cryptococcul meningitis CMV retinitis
What is the treatment for pneumococcus jiroveci?
What is the treatment for candida infection?
What is the treatment for cryptococcal meningitis?
What are the classes of antiretroviral agents?
Neucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
Protease inhibitors
Non-nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors
integrase inhibitors