Make em Laugh Flashcards
About the dance/dancers within?
> Cosmo only
-does duet with mannequin
-uses puppetry skills to make mannequin move
character - comical
cosmo trying to cheer up don
What are the actions used?
> walking around lying on floor
tap movements
athletic/acrobatic movement - flips, dives, rolls, jumps
starts with Cosmo playing piano - seamlessly moving into number
pedestrian interludes between movements at the start - returning back to Don
hitting with hat (slapstick comedy)
jumps, turns, falls, lifts (carried on plank of wood)
slapstick - injuries, falls, fighting, failed dance tricks
heavy use of props/set in chores
What is the space used?
> vast use of space - travels through movie film set
changes of direction frequently (e.g. ta-da movement facing back, quickly corrects to front) always returns to facing front
large size of movements to make Don laugh, married with smaller movements as contract again for comedic effect
large change in levels: high - onto of plank, jumps / mid - standing, sitting on sofa / low - kneeling, circular on floor
linear pathway - walking from each stage set
What is the dynamic used?
- inch in tempo as number progresses
- sharp
- explosive
- indirect (unpredictable)
- heavy/light
- varied dynamics used to again add comedic effect
What relationships are used?
- sings to Don at first but then moves onto camera
- uses a mannequin as a real person - touch/manipulating movement
- interactions with other studio workers - e.g. men carrying planks of wood
What is the aural setting used?
- piano
- percussion - drums/symbols
- brass instruments - trumpets, trombons, saxaphones
- drums
- flute
- vocals
- music is fast paces
- music starts off being played by cosmo himself on the piano, and cosmo speaks/sings and does some comical movements whilst playing
What is the physical setting?
- props used: mannequin, sofa, fake wall, piano, plank of wood
- lighting is reflecting ‘natural daytime’ rather than performance lighting. White
- on a film set - lots of movement from extras with set being transported/built. The action takes place around this
- piano, hat, wooden
- cosmo falls through one of the walls - comedy/lies/satire
- uses sofa and mannequin in one section
What’s the costume?
- cosmo uses his hat for comedic effect to being with - tips the sides up when refereeing to actors and pulls it down when refereeing to comedy
- wearing everyday working clothes - contrasts to comedy routine: Brown shoes, grey collared jacket done up, white t-shirt, brown trousers, grey/beige bowler hat
- extras wearing work clothes
Which of Kellys stylistic features used?
- energetic movements (athleticism) - strong dynamics/big movements
- dance reflects character and progress of narrative - cosmo cheering up Don
- manipulation of camera - camera follows Cosmo
- inspired by MT
- combines styles