Major incident procedure - PN 0263 Flashcards
Major incident procedure - PN 0263
What is LESLP?
The London Emergency Services Liaison Panel (LESLP) manual is the agreed major incident procedure of the emergency services in London.
Major incident procedure - PN 0263
What is JESIP?
LESLP incorporates the Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP) which focuses on police, fire and ambulance interoperability in the early stages of the response to a major or complex incident.
Major incident procedure - PN 0263
The LESLP manual identifies the role of the Brigade as what?
Managing safety of the inner cordon.
Major incident procedure - PN 0263
Who will control access and egress to the inner cordon alongside the Brigade’s safety requirements.
Police will control access and egress to the inner cordon alongside the Brigade’s safety requirements.
Major incident procedure - PN 0263
Who will agree the area to be designated as the inner cordon, and the appropriate entry/exit points to this area at terrorist incidents?
The tactical commanders (fire and police) following advice from relevant agencies will jointly agree the area to be designated as the inner cordon, and the appropriate entry/exit points to this area at terrorist incidents the Police counter terrorism command scene manager must be consulted.
Major incident procedure - PN 0263
Who designates the role of an ICC?
What is the minimum rank of an ICC?
What is an ICC?
What is the minimum rank for an ICC assistant and what do they do?
The fire incident commander, will nominate a Sector Safety who will be responsible for designating an officer (minimum role watch manager) as inner cordon controller (ICC), and an assistant (firefighter or above) for each entry/exit point.
Major incident procedure - PN 0263
What will the ICC do?
The Brigade inner cordon controller (ICC), will issue armbands and record all personnel entering and leaving the inner cordon on form IC1, including personnel of other agencies.
Major incident procedure - PN 0263
What information is recorded on the armband by the ICC?
What info is recorded on the form (IC1)?
The date, form IC 1 number (in sequence from 01), and entry point letter, must be entered on the armband by the ICC in permanent marker
and the appropriate entry made on form IC1, including the persons name.
Major incident procedure - PN 0263
The ICC must make sure that persons requesting entrance are what?
When will this safety management function end?
- Wearing a completed identification armband.
- Wearing appropriate protective clothing.
- Briefed on the safety aspects of the incident appropriate to their task, including the evacuation signal and procedure.
- Instructed to return to the same entry/exit point on completion of their tasks.
- Accompanied (non Brigade personnel) if necessary.
This safety management function will end when the Brigade no longer has a prime role at the incident, at which time the duty will transfer to the designated responsible person/s.
Major incident procedure - PN 0263
Explain the discretion that the ICC can use if personnel need to leave the inner cordon temporarily to perform a specific task.
Explain the armband colour scheme
Discretion may be used by the ICC if personnel need to leave the inner cordon temporarily to perform a specific task providing they remain in direct line of sight, and return to the same entry point.
The armbands are supplied in four colours. In the interests of security, Police incident commander will choose a colour at random. This colour may change from day to day, if the incident is protracted.
Major incident procedure - PN 0263
“Appropriate” protective clothing may vary from incident to incident, this will be designated by the fire incident commander. As a general guide this may include what?
- Sturdy footwear
- Hard hat
- Respiratory and eye protection
- Overalls
- and wherever possible, some form of reflective or high visibility jacket or tabard.
Major incident procedure - PN 0263
Given the nature of any major incident, it is likely that emergency and non-emergency personnel will be at work prior to the inner cordon and entry/exit points being established.
To record these persons, Sector Safety will appoint inner cordon recorders (ICR’s - minimum role watch manager) to:
- Identify all persons who have not been issued with armbands by the inner cordon controller and issue an armband on which is entered the date, entry point letter and number (prefixed by IC2 e.g. IC2/01) record details on form IC2 which is an interim form for passing information to the ICC.
- Make sure that appropriate protective clothing is being worn.
- Make sure that they are aware of the evacuation procedure and any safety issues surrounding the incident, and, instruct them to leave via an appropriate entry/exit point on completion of their task/s, e.g. please leave the incident zone by entry point A.
- Pass details recorded on form IC2 (Appendix 2), to the appropriate inner cordon controller.
- Direct those who do not have a role, or are considered to be wearing inappropriate protective clothing to leave the area (the assistance of Police should be requested in this function if necessary) and consider if non-brigade personnel need to be accompanied.
Major incident procedure - PN 0263
The inner cordon control tabard and inner cordon recording equipment is stowed where?
In the major incident box, which is carried on each (CU) command unit and contains:
1 x (IC) incident commander “fire silver” tabard
6 x (ICC) inner cordon controller/recorder tabards
25 x IC1 forms 25 IC2 forms
4 x clipboards 2 x aide memoires
2 x permanent marker pens
1 x roll security tape 40 armbands
Major incident procedure - PN 0263
Who will provide support at major incidents with mass fatalities?
There is a national network of disaster victim identification (DVI) advisory coroners who will provide support at major incidents with mass fatalities. The MPS have a number of specially trained DVI officers for this purpose.
Major incident procedure - PN 0263
Where the assistance of the Brigade is required for body recovery the Police, and fire incident commanders will discuss requirements and capabilities.
Who should IC’s liaise with?
Incident commanders should utilise specialist officers for advice as appropriate e.g. HMEPO, USAR advisor, ILO.
Major incident procedure - PN 0263
The process of investigation of the deceased often begins at the point which the body is originally located. Therefore, during the rescue phase, bodies or human remains should only be moved by the Brigade or ambulance services in what scenarios?
- to enable access to the living.
- to prevent further damage or total loss of a body (i.e. from fire)
Such movement may have to be accounted for at a later date.