Major and Minor Connectors Flashcards
That component of a partial denture which joins the minor connectors and their attached assemblies together to form a solid unit
Major connectors
Is major connector rigid or flexible?
\_\_\_\_\_ of major connector •Functions as one unit •Broad stress distribution •Reduce torque •Avoid tissue damage
What are the 3 main principles of the major connector?
Counter leverage
Cross-arch stabilization
Unification of Components
–Bracing elements on one side of the arch providing stability to the other
Cross-arch Stabilization
What angle should be formed between major and minor connector?
90 degrees
Do you want the margins of major connector to terminate on the free gingival margin?
Do you want the margins of major connector to terminate on lingual frenum and movable soft palate?
Do you want a smooth transition from connector to denture base?
Line angles and edges should be _____ and ______
smooth and rounded
Borders are placed parallel to and a minimum of ___ mm from gingival margins on maxilla
6 mm
•Anterior & posterior borders of maxillary major connector cross midline at _____ angle•
Right angle
How deep should the border beadings be deep and wide on the maxilla?
_____ –Displaces soft tissue, seals border (helps maintain tissue contact). Also, provides additional strength (for maxillary major connectors)
Border beading
How much should the superior mandibular border of major connector be from gingival crest?
3 mm
The metal should cross the free gingival margin at ___ angles
Right angles
Do you want to end metal framework on incisal portion of teeth?
Do you want to end metal framework on crests of rugae?
Indications for \_\_\_\_\_ design on max major connector: •Tooth supported situations -Class III •Small posterior edentulous areas •Minimal tissue support required •Patient preference
Palatal strap
What are the 4 maxillary major connector designs?
Palatal strap
Palatal Plate
Anterior-Posterior Strap
Horseshoe “U”
Anterior-posteriorly, what should the length of the palatal strap be?
8-10 mm
Contraindications for _____ design on max major connector:
•Distal extension situations
–Class I or II
•Severe palatal undercuts
•Large torus
•RPD to replace anterior teeth
•When definitive support from palatal tissue is required
Palatal strap
Advantages for _____ design on max major connector:
•Excellent support and rigidity
•Distribute stress of mastication over a wider area
Palatal strap
Disadvantages for _____ design on max major connector:
•Coverage of palate may cause discomfort and interference with phonetics
Palatal strap
Location of _____ design on max major connector
•Anterior border follows valley between rugae at right angle to median suture
•Posterior border at right angle to median suture
•Confined to area bounded by four principle rests
Palatal strap
\_\_\_\_\_\_ design of max major connector •Long-span distal extension RPDs with or without anterior tooth replacement •Flat residual ridges •Periodontally weakened abutments - Class 1 and 2
Palatal plate
Contraindications for _____ design on max major connector:
-Severely undercut torus
Palatal plate