Major 4 Flashcards
What is the primary intention of the public safety officers procedural bill of rights (POBAR) act
The primary intention is to secure procedural rights for peace officers under administrative or internal investigation.
- applies to peace officers only, not temp employees.
- defines all rights and protections provided to correctional peace officers.
- rights encompass the internal investigation process.
Identify the rights in each area granted under POBOR
- have representation of their choice during their interrogation.
- representative shall not be subject in the same investigation.
Rights granted under (POBOR) DO NOT apply to:
- routine or unplanned contact with supervisors during normal course of duty (i.e., instruction or informal verbal admonishment)
- investigations concerned directly and soley with criminal activity.
What are your pre interrogation rights under POBOR
- Interrogation should be conducted at a reasonable hour and normally when you are on duty.
- You will be compensated for any off duty time used for interrogation purposes in accordance with departmental policy.
- you cannot be released from employment for any missed time resulting from an interrogation.
- you must be notified of the name, rank and the command of interrogating officers and names of all persons in attendance during interrogation.
- you shall be questioned by no more than 2 interrogators at one time.
- you shall be notified as to the nature of the investigation, prior to the interrogation.
Interrogation rights according to POBOR
- the interrogation session must be for a reasonable period of time, based on the gravity and complexity of the charges being investigated.
- personal and physical necessities will not be denied
- you will not be subject to offensive language or threats of punitive actions
- interrogations may inform you tha failure to respond to any questions may result in punitive action
- no promises of reward will be made to induce answers
- there will be no media coverage or release of personal information without your explicit consent
- no coerced statements made by a correctional peace officer under investigation is admissible in any subsequent civil proceedings except:
1) If CDCR is seeking civil sanction or administrative action against you.
2) A civil action, brought by you or your representative, arising from a disciplinary action
3) if statements made by you, under investigation, are used for purposes of impeachment
4) statements made by you, under investigation, and you later die
While under investigation you shall have access to:
All recordings of your interrogation, prior to any further interrogation
Transcripts of the interrogation and any reports or complaints, except: transcripts, notes, or reports deemed confidential.
Confidential material may not be entered into your profile.
While under investigation you may: bring a personal recording device and record any and all aspects of the interrogation.
If before or during the investigation a criminal indictment is possible, you will immediately be informed of your constitutional rights.
Job/ duty assignments
During an investigation, you have rights regarding job/duty assignments
However, a supervisor has the right to change an assignment in order to ensure the safety and security of the workplace, facility or camp operation
During the investigation and disciplinary process, you are granted due process
True or false
The right to have an internal administrative investigation completed and be notified of any proposed disciplinary action within one year under normal circumstances
Due process
Exceptions to due process
The time taking for disciplinary action is tolled while the alleged misconduct or act is the subject of a criminal investigation or prosecution
You sign a waiver extending the one your time period
The investigation involves more than one jurisdiction or agency and requires a reasonable extension
The investigation involves an employee who is incapacitated or otherwise unavailable and requires a reasonable extension
The investigation involves civil litigation where you are a defendant and the action is still pending until civil action is adjudicated
The investigation involves criminal litigation where the complainant is a criminal defendant; the time is tolled while the criminal defendant is being prosecuted
When the investigation involves an allegation of Worker’s Compensation fraud, the 1 year time period does not apply
If the department decides to take punitive action they must notify you in writing, including the date the discipline takes effect, within 30 days of its decision, unless you are unavailable for discipline.
According to due process an investigation may be reopened against you if:
Significant new evidence is discovered that is likely to effect the outcome
The evidence needed to conduct the investigation could not be gathered within the 12 month timeframe, without extraordinary measures
The evidence resulted from your pre-disciplinary response or procedure
Why is Cdcr Required to have an office of internal affairs
According to the Penal Code, the legislature, in summary, fines and declares that investigations of the California department of corrections and rehabilitation be conducted by their respective offices of internal affairs, or any successor of these offices. They are required to use appropriately trained personnel, who perform their duties with honesty, credibility, and without any conflicts of interest.
What are the hiring requirements of a person assigned to conduct internal affairs investigation’s
Investigators are correctional peace officers. They know the rules and regulations under the departments culture. They know the code of ethics and use of force policies; and they are best qualified to find the facts on an incident
According to PC, the hiring requirement for becoming an investigator includes completing a thorough background check. This background check shall be in addition to the original screening conducted when the person was hired as a peace officer. Canidates shall satisfactorily pass both background checks
In addition they must have and receive 40 hours of specialize investigative training
Identify why internal affairs investigation’s are conducted
Required by law
The department has a duty to hold staff to expectations required by the general public; the people we serve and protect.
If the department does not investigate wrongdoing, The publics confidence and perception would diminish. If the department conducts a speedy, complete investigation, the public is reassured.
If we lose the publics confidence, the public will demand outside investigations by other agencies of our law enforcement family, the legislatures and grand juries and special federal magistrates.
We are public servants and the public has the right to expect us to honor their trust. The OIA is our best guarantee to maintain the publics confidence
What types of employee actions can be investigated
Cdcr equal employment opportunity/sexual harassment
EEO retaliation
Allegation inquiry
Whistleblower retaliation
Worker’s Compensation fraud
Employees use or deadly force
What types of employee actions can be investigated
Personal complaints
Allegations of misconduct of an employee received from any source
What types of employee actions can be investigated
Failing to do what is required by law, policy or procedure
What types of employee actions can be investigated
Personal complaints
What types of employee actions can be investigated
Engaging in contact in violation of law, policy or procedure
POBOR protects you during:
Interrogation rights
Job/duty assignments
Due process
what you have access to during investigation
Where is an investigation conducted
An investigation Can occur at your home, place of business and even outside the state of California
Every allegation of employee misconduct with CDCR shall be promptly reported, objectively reviewed and investigated when appropriate
You will identify, in progressive order, how the investigative process takes place
- Central intake unit (CIU)
- Regional assignments
- Agent assigned
- Investigation conducted
- Reports
- Reviews
- Hiring authority decisions
A complaint is sent to the CIU, whose staff are responsible for receiving, screening and analyzing the allegation of misconduct. CIU agents review the complaint and determine whether it warrants an investigation or direct adverse action.
The complaint is then submitted to the central intake panel comprised of stakeholders from OIA and the employment advocacy and prosecution team. The officer of the inspector general will make a decision on the complaint. Not all complaints are investigated by OIA.
Central intake unit CIU
Upon case acceptance, the investigation is usually assigned to the region the complaint was generated or where the employee works.
Regional assignments
Each region has an OIA investigation team and the complaint is assigned to an agent within the region.
Agent assigned
The agent reviews the case and all relevant facts surrounding the complaint. Subjects/witnesses are interviewed and documents reviewed.
Investigation conducted
The agent then take the information collected and writes a report of their findings
This report is reviewed by levels of OIA, administrative supervision;or, by the local district attorney of the county, if it is a criminal act.
Where a complaint has been investigated by the OIA, a report is sent to the hiring authority for review and disposition. This may include no action, training, or corrective or adverse action up to and including dismissal from state service.
Hiring authority decisions
Identify 4 reasons that may require the transportation of inmates outside of the institution.
- Medical appointments: madefor any treatments not available inside institution.
- Court appearances: lawsuits, child custody, and testimony.
- Emergencies: unplanned events
- Institutional transfer: inmate transfer from one institution to another.
Identify the first step in planning and preparing for transport.
The first step in planning a transport is to obtain the appropriate documents relating to the transport.
What are the 3 necessary forms for transporting an inmate.
CDC 2170: inmate transport and guarding assessment
CDC 7252: request for authorization of temporary removal for medical treatment.
Inmate housing assignment change located in SOMS.
Medical records
C-file (electronic or paper)
Body reciept located in SOMS
Warden’s checkout order
2 current photos-one with you/ one with sally port tower
Temporary release order (TRO)
What are the responsibilities of an officer assigned to obtain a vehicle for transport.
- Obtain vehicle based on the needs of the inmate
- Obtain keys
- Conduct a safety and security inspection of the transportation vehicle.
- Check all safety and security equipment
- Check for communication devices in vehicle
- Pay special attention to the security cage
- Pay special attention ti the security of the containment area.
Identify the responsibilities for preparing an inmate for a medical transport.
- Ensure you are transporting the correct inmate
- Ensure inmate has medication
- Ensure you have health care aids and appliances for inmates with disabilities
- Ensure inmate is isolated from the general population
- Conduct an inmate unclothed body search
- Dress inmate in CDCR approved clothing
- Process inmate out of receiving and release (R&R)
- Review the inmates C-file reveiw
- Place the inmate in the appropriate restraint gear.
You will identify 3 safe practices for transporting inmates
- Inmate position in the vehicle
- Preferred lane of travel
- Observe all traffic laws
The inmate should always be positioned behind the diver when utilizing a sedan. This is to ensure the cover officer can see the inmate at all times.
Inmate position in vehicle
The purpose of driving in the fast lane is to ensure the safety of the driver. The median can also be used as an escape route in the event of an emergency.
Preferred lane of travel
You are required to obey all traffic laws because you are responsible for the safety of staff, inmates and the public.
Observe all traffic laws.
What are 3 responsibilities when transporting an inmate to a hospital by ambulance.
(Ambulance escort)
9 steps
- Retrieve a hospital kit from central control or the main infirmary.
- Conduct an unclothed body search of the inmate, using a handheld metal detector.
- Dress inmate in CDCR approved clothing
- Recieve pertinent medical information from on duty medical staff
- Place inmate in mechanical restraints for transport
- Be equipped with an expandable baton and pepper spray (no firearms)
- Have a hand held radio and cellphone
- Maintain control of inmate, but assist medical staff as needed
- Be present in surgery or operating rooms during procedure.
What are 3 responsibilities when transporting an inmate to a hospital by ambulance.
(Chase vehicle officer)
5 steps
Draw all of the weapons
Attempt to prevent other vehicles from positioning themselves between the transport and chase vehicle
Must be prepared to intervene if there is an escape attempt by others
Provide coverage from outside the examination room once you reach the medical facility
Position yourself outside the inmates room where you can see all enterances and exits
What are 3 responsibilities when transporting an inmate to a hospital by ambulance.
(Hospital coverage)
9 steps
Check in with officer or nurses stattion
Notify watch office that you arrived and relay any pertinent information
Conduct inventory of all equipment
Review inmate information (CDCR 2170)
Conduct security check of inmate restraints and room (remove phone)
Ensure that the inmate is not occupying a room with a civilian patient
Log all activities on CDCR 114 A
Maintain constant and direct supervision of the inmate at all times.
Provide coverage until properly relieved.
What are 3 responsibilities when transporting an inmate to a hospital by ambulance.
Ambulance escort
Chase vehicle officer
Hospital coverage
What are your responsibilities when an inmate you are transporting escapes.
The primary distinction between the use of deadly force in the community versus the institution: no warning shots can be fired
If an inmate attempts escape during a transport: initiate a reasonable pursuit procedure without losing custody of any remaining inmates or endangering civilians and contact nearest local law enforcement, your institution or nearest institution for assistance, utlilizing CMARS or dial 911
Identify responsibilities if an inmate needs to use the restroom during transport.
Choose an isolated service station. The station must be chosen with the mindset of an ambush. Stop only if it can be done without jeopardizing security. If it is not practical, do not stop.
Unarmed staff: search restroom for weapons/escape route, escort and maintain constant and direct observation of the inmate at all times.
Armed staff: keep public away and maintain security of the vehicle
What is an extraction
An extraction is the involuntary removal of an inmate from any area i.e cell, dorm, yard, or shower
Extractions are necessary when inmates refuse to leave any area voluntarily and must be removed by using physical force
Identify four conditions that necessitate a controlled extraction
Inmate refusal to allow their cells to be searched
Inmate refusal to remove window or door coverings, which prevents staff from conducting proper security checks and counts
To affect a change of location when an inmate refuses to relocate
Medical order by a physician (medical treatment or forced medication)
This occurs when inmates resist Staff orders to comply and refuse to leave the area. The inmates presence in that sell, yard, or area poses a clear threat to the safety and security; however, there is no immediate threat to safety or security
Controlled extraction
Prior to a controlled extraction, the inmates will be given ample opportunity to comply. This is referred to as:
“Cool down” period
Identify four conditions for caring out an immediate extraction
Great bodily injury
Attempted suicide/hanging
Medical: nonresponsive, convulsion or seizure
How can immediate extractions be conducted
Without prior approval and without the presence of a supervisor if you have sufficient staff
Without the physical presence of medical staff
This is the immediate removal of an inmate from a location when emergency conditions exist, which if not stopped, would create a substantial risk of great bodily injury to the inmate or other persons, or significantly jeopardize institutional security
Immediate extraction
Identify actions to take prior to performing an immediate extraction
Activate personal alarm
Alert medical staff
Notify supervisor and responding staff to the nature of the emergency
Determine the location of the incident
Identify the names and CDCR Numbers of inmates involves when ever
Determine if any weapons are involved
Follow instructions given by a supervisor
If your supervisor is not available, call for a secondary supervisor
Continue monitoring the situation until sufficient staff or a supervisor arrives on scene to supervise the extraction
Extract the inmate only with sufficient staff
Identify the strategic placement of each cell extraction team member who enters the cell
First: shield officer
Second: baton officer/back up officer
Third: hand cuff officer
Fourth: leg restraint officer
Before the team enters the cell this person will be stationed at the door in the position designated by the response supervisor. This person has the proper and necessary keys.
They advise the entry team of the location of the inmate and if there are any visible weapons or hazards present prior to the entry
They are responsible for opening the door/food port only when instructed to do so by the response supervisor: allow disbursement of OC pepper spray and/or team entry, allow use of OC X – 10 extension device for the removal of objects/barricades from doors or food ports, and to allow the inmate to submit to restraints
Door/food port officer
This person is the first member of the team to enter the cell and make contact with the inmate. They play a vital role in restraining a hostile inmate, particularly if the inmate has a weapon. They are responsible for bringing the polycaptor shield. Immediately upon opening the cell door, this person enters with the protective shield perpendicular to the floor. The handles are to be held at chest height level. During the initial entry, this officer drives the inmate to the wall or floor to immobilize him
Shield officer
This officer is the second officer to enter the cell, behind the shield officer. The baton is used as a defensive weapon to defend the shield officer. This person’s primary task is to protect the shield officer and secondly, to assist the shield officer in placing the inmate on the floor. If the inmate has a weapon and attempts to assault the shield officer, it is the responsibility of this officer or backup officer to quickly provide protective coverage. This could include striking the inmates hands, arms, and or shoulders. They must maintain control of the baton at all times. Being cautious and attentive of team members to avoid accidentally striking them. This officer and the shield officer should always check the inmates hands for weapons prior to removing the shield
Baton/backup officer
This officer is the third officer to enter the cell, behind the baton officer. It is the responsibility of this officer: to bring handcuffs to the extraction, to ensure the handcuffs or flex cuffs are functional and secured when they enter the cell to avoid dropping them. To secure the inmates hands by applying handcuffs on the inmate at the earliest possible opportunity. Inform RS, By shouting out, “inmate cuffed”
Hand cuff officer
It is the responsibility of this officer to: bring the leg restraints to extraction, ensure the leg restraints are in proper working condition prior to beginning the extraction, ensure the leg restraints are secure in their hand when the team enters the cell, so the leg restraints are not dropped, and to prevent the inmate from kicking the team. This officer will apply the leg restraints on the inmate at the earliest opportunity. Once the leg restraints have been applied, this officer will inform the IRS by shouting out “leg restraints on”
Leg restraint officer
This person will brief the team on the extraction planned and ensure the following are available: OC X – 10 extension device, 37/40 MM launcher if applicable, cut down tool if applicable, protective gear and/or clothing, shield and/or door shield, Baton, restraint year, medical staff, Gurney, video camera/operator, additional batteries, tapes and video light if not pre-mounted.
Spit mask: this person will ensure the mask does not become filled with liquid/fluid, causing the inmate to drown
Sergeant (response supervisor)
This person is required to videotape the extraction from start to finish. They begin the tape recording by stating their own name, rank, date, time and location of the extraction. This person checks to see if the correct date and time are displayed.
Video camera operator VCO
The VCO will ensure that the following material is recorded:
The reason for extraction
Admonishment to the inmate
Identification of team members and their assigned roles
Continuous recording
(The recording of the extraction will continue until the inmate is rehoused or the incident commander has indicated to terminate it.)
How should the VCO position themselves during videotaping?
The VCO is required to get as close to the extraction team as possible without interfering with operations of the team
If you have not been trained with a video camera, notify the RS and you will be given training or someone else maybe given the assignment
Identify items that provide safety and protection during a cell extraction
Protective vest
Protective pads
Towels: placed around neck for protection
Socks: placed over shoes to prevent slipping
Gas mask
Blood borne pathogen’s protective kit
Polycaptor shield: 22”wide and 48” legnth
Handcuffs and leg restraints
Spit mask
Identify potential safety hazard in preparing for sale extractions
Communication: must do this before, during and after
Physical assaults (battery)
Body fluids, liquids, or chemicals
Smoke and fire
Identify one of a correctional peace officers responsibilities regarding performing a job in a safe manner
Give the highest priority to safe job performance
Be familiar with any policies, regulations and standards applicable to the overall work environment
Comply with all applicable provisions of the safety and health policies for a facility
Perform a duty only when familiar with the known hazards and accident potential involved, and be aware of the specific guidelines and standards to be followed in order to prevent accidents
Identify when employees are responsible for contacting immediate supervisors regarding job related safety issues.
Contact your immediate supervisor when there is any question or doubt about how to safely perform a job, operation or activity before proceeding
Immediately notify the supervisor when involved in a job related illness or injury if physically able to do so
Make a visual inspection to ensure the environment is safe before starting any work/tasks. Report and document hazards; immediately remove or correct, if safe to do so. If immediate corrections are impossible to make, report the hazards to a supervisor and complete a work order so the problem can be eliminated
Always take reasonable and prudent actions to prevent involvement in an accident
Recognize that staff play a major role in preventing accidents and injuries
Identify items of information that can be found in the codes of safe work practices
The codes of safe work practices describes the inherent hazards and safety rules for job classifications within CDCR
These documents are available in the health and safety office within each correctional facility
These documents should also be filed with the various post orders for the facility
Post orders are a description of the specific duties of the correctional peace officer working a specific post
Staff is responsible for reading and understanding the safe practices connected with their correctional peace officer duties
Identify the purpose of the safety data sheets
The purpose of the safety data sheets is to help provide vital information to staff and offenders regarding chemicals in the workplace and how to avoid hazards associated with these chemicals
Finders containing SDS are typically located in the communications/control centers and in school areas
The SDS binder should always be located on each living unit or block
All staff have a responsibility to know the locations of the SDS binder closest to their job location to ensure a quick access in case of an emergency
All safety data sheets contain the following information
Identification, flammability, health hazards/1st aide, reactivity, special protective equipment
You will select the three primary goals of the injury and illness prevention program
Identify and evaluate hazards
Correct unsafe and unhealthy conditions
Provide safety and health education and training
The injury and illness prevention program focuses on:
Assignment of responsibility
Safety communication
Inspection and correction of hazards
All staff are responsible for the following safety policies and procedures and for identifying and reporting any safety hazards were conditions to their supervisor immediately
Assignment of responsibility
This helps keep staff safe and healthy, noncompliance result in disciplinary action and possibly injury
Vital for workplace safety
Safety communication
All staff are required to receive on going safety training throughout their career, all staff must be documented and kept on file by the training officer
Frequent safety inspections by inspection teams and supervisors must be done to correct unsafe practices and conditions
Inspection and correction of hazards
You will identify a required method to communicate the existence of hazards to staff and other shifts
After discovering safety hazards on a duty shift, Steph is responsible for notifying staff on other shifts about any existing unsafe conditions.
If a correctional peace officer discovers a hazard while on duty, the hazard should be eliminated if possible
Correctional peace office are: required to notify staff on other shifts about the existence of hazards by recording the information in a unit log. Encouraged to use any other useful means of communication, including conversations with supervisors and coworkers, to transmit information about safety related issues.
Identify items of information and employee must include on a work order
Date the hazard was identified
Nature of the problem
Location of the item or area to be repaired (be specific)
You will identify the kinds of workplace injuries that must be reported
Staff is required to report all workplace accidents and injuries. No matter how minor the incident/accident or injury might seem, it must be reported.
What is the departments definition of appropriate conduct
Demonstrate professionalism, honesty and integrity
Except responsibility for our actions and their consequences
Appreciate differences in people, their ideas, and opinions
Treat fellow employees, inmates, words, parolees, victims, their families, and public with dignity and respect
Respect the rights of others and treat them fairly regardless of race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, marital status, age, disability, medical condition, pregnancy, sexual orientation, veteran status, or political affiliations
Comply with all applicable laws and regulations
Report misconduct or any unethical or illegal activity and cooperate fully with any investigation
Identify the departments policy regarding zero tolerance for workplace violence
Cdcr has a zero tolerance policy on violence in the workplace. Zero-tolerance defined as policy which allows no exception
CDCR Will respond to ask of workplace violence with appropriate administrative or legal remedies as outlined in the departments discipline matrix
What are three types of workplace violence
Type 1 (criminal intent)
Type 2 (customer/client)
Type 3 (worker against worker)
The perpetrator has no legitimate business relationship to the workplace and is usually committing a crime in conjunction with the violence. These crimes can include robbery, shoplifting, trespassing in terrorism. The majority of workplace violence homicides 85% fall into this category
Examples: two non-employees get into a fight or two non-employees enter in office and steal state equipment from a cubicle
Type 1 (criminal intent)
The perpetrator has a legitimate relationship with the business and becomes violent while being served by the business. This category includes customers, clients, patience, students, youth and any other group for which the business provides service. It is believed a large type of —— incidents occur in industries were the victims are often patient caregivers. Police in prison staff is some examples, which account for 3% of all workplace violence
Example: a CO is assaulted during a cell extraction or a delivery driver gets outraged and begins yelling and hitting an employer for not being immediately available to sign for a package
type 2 (customer/client)
The perpetrator is an employee or past employee of the business to a text or threatens another employee or past employee in the workplace. Worker on worker fatalities account for approximately 7% of all workplace homicides. Usually workers who were terminated for pork conduct or performance have a long string of employment problems.
Example: Two employees get into a disagreement or fight over which store room should be used to hold a large supply of paper that was just delivered.
A manager or supervisor verbally threatens and physically assaults in employee to force them to complete an assignment.
Type 3 (worker against worker)
What are the three levels of workplace violence
Level one: disruptiveness
Level two: menacing behavior/premeditated behavior
Level Three: physical acts of violence
Belligerent towards coworkers or clients, refusal to cooperate with supervisor, bullying or intimidating, yelling or shouting and slamming doors
Level one: disruptiveness
Verbalizing desire to hurt others or self, sabotaging equipment, stealing property, stocking
Level two: menacing behavior/premeditated behavior
Menacing is defined as making a show of intention to harm and/or posing a threat to endangered. Verbal threats and lesser forms of intimidation and harassment are also types of workplace violence and the most current data suggest this is on the rise
Physical fights, committing physical or sexual assault, or seen and or homicide,
report incidents of disruptive menacing behavior to your supervisor be aware of the signs, but do not jump to conclusions
Level III: physical acts of violence
Identify the departments policy on workplace violence prevention
All employees must act professionally, courteously and responsibly at all times and report any and all acts of workplace violence to management
By reporting an incident or knowledge of a potentially violent situation you are protecting:
Your self, others, the reputation of the department
Identify the “DO NOTS” in preventing a workplace violence situation from escalating
Shout down, argue with or make aggressive moves
Disarm a perpetrator
Chase the perpetrator
Put your self or others at risk of getting hurt
Attempt to be a hero
You will identify the consequences of committing an act of workplace violence
Letter of reprimand
Salary reduction
Dismissal from state service
You will identify ways to remain current regarding workplace violence prevention, policies and procedures
Communication disseminated through the department can be gathered by:
Attending all staff meetings
Including in-service training
Reading all departmental memorandums, correspondence and reports
Communicating with other staff and conferring with supervisors
This is defined as any on going formal or informal organization, association or group of three or more persons which has a common name or identifying sign or symbol who’s member and/or associates, individually or collectively engage or have engaged, on behalf of that organization, association or group, and two or more acts which include planning, organizing, threatening,, Financing, soliciting or committing unlawful acts of misconduct classified as serious pursuant to the CCR, title 15, division three, section 3315
STG security threat group
This term generally replaces the terms prison gang, disruptive group and or Street gang with CDCR
STG security threat group
How many people does it take to make a security threat group
At least three
These consist of groups, gangs and or historically based prison gangs the CDCR has determined to be the most severe threat to the security of the institution and committees based on history and propensity of violence and/or influence over other groups
These consist of other groups or gangs such as street gangs or disruptive groups comprised of members and associates who may be determined to be in a subservient role to the more dominant STG 1 type groups
What are the organizational levels in a security threat group
The leader
A member
An associate
A drop out
This is the ultimate power authority and directs all activity using members, associates, and runners or message carriers
The leader
This is any offender who, based on documented evidence, has been excepted into membership by a security threat group
A member
This is any offender, who based on documented evidence, is involved periodically or regularly with the members or associates of an STG
This is an offender who has either an STG member or associate who discontinued STG affiliation. This identification as a —– requires the offender to have cooperated in, and successfully completed, the two-step debriefing process
Most prison STG Consist of a single ethnic groups such as the Aryan brotherhood (whites) or the black gorilla family (blacks)
Others, such as the Mexican Mafia (hispanic), nazi Low riders (White/Hispanic) and Nuestra Raza/northern structure(Hispanic) allow some diversity within their membership.
Each S TG member Sears or adopts the values of a larger organization respect and secrecy
Respect and secrecy are:
Shared values
Color has a powerful and symbolic meaning to an S TG, as it has been demonstrated in various cultures throughout history culture or symbolic items, such as flags or school colors are sometimes incorporated into the ST G identity.
The two predominant color is displayed in the prison system are red and blue. what do these colors stand for?
Blue used by Crips and southern Hispanic groups
Red is used by bloods and northern Hispanic groups
—— is conveyed specific meaning through nonverbal Juster and pictures. The S TG members display and signs and signals to each other every chance they get.
Signs and symbols
Prison and street gangs are often involved in turf battles and inter-game rivalries and feuds known as:
Alliance and rivalries
This identifies the S TG, it’s membership, fantasies and values, the wares status, and personal identifiers such as a name and/or S TG name
Artwork:tattoos, body scars, graffiti and drawings
Mexican mafia, Nuestra familia,, Nuestra Raza/northern structure, Arian brotherhood, Nazi Lowrider, black gorilla family are all known as what kind of security threat group
Security threat group one
Sorenos,nortenos, Fresno Bulldogs, mara salvatrucha, skinheads, Chris, bloods, 415 kumi, wah ching, motorcycle games etc. are known as what kind of security threats group?
Security threat groups two
Identify the responsibilities of all staff in the management of S TG related activity
A prevention strategy will be adopted which Will deter offenders from becoming involved, or discontinued involvement, and S TG activities or behaviors
Advertisement of expectations
S TG diversion video
There is no greater deterrent to criminal activity then the visible presence of an active and alert employee. in order to be an effective deterrent staff members must make themselves accessible, be observant, and communicate with the inmates in their area of supervision
Always pay attention to association and contacts, clothing, leaders and shot callers, nonverbal communication and behaviors, over behavior, exercise yards and other areas vehicle and transports aswell as mail.
A person accused of active participating in S TG behavior had the right to know the evidence against him and receive notification of the hearing. The individual cannot be convicted of the crime without being allowed to defend him/herself.
In order to hold an inmate accountable for S TG behavior proper documentation is absolutely required, every staff member who observes or witnesses S TG behavior or activities has the responsibility to document their observations using the identified forms even if they think it already has been recorded.
True or false
You will identify the steps to report S TG activity
Record observation
Submit the reports
What is the first course of action when you identify S TG activity
Tell a coworker or supervisor about their observations to in sure the information gets exchanged as soon as possible however it is equally important they clearly express their observation in writing
Information about STG activity is defined in one of two ways
Urgent or less than urgent
S TG members will be identified by the S TG investigator through the validation process and reviewed by OCS. This identification requires at least—independent source items with a combined value of—points or greater, coupled with information/activity indicative of being a member. Validation of an offender as a member of an STG-I Shell also require at least—source item the direct link to a current or former validated member or associate of S TG
Member or associate
At least three independent source items
10 points or greater
At least one source item the direct link
Any offender who, based on documented evidence. Is suspected of being involved in or assisting in S TG in the commission of S TG behaviors in violation of CDCR policy. The suspect is tracked by S TG investigative staff pending validation.
Hand signs, distinct clothing, graffiti, etc. which have been identified by investigators as being used by, and distinctive to specific STG’s
Symbols 2 points
Information related to the offenders association with validated S TG affiliates
Association three points
Documentation of information evidencing STD related acts or conduct shall be indicate the date of the information, whether the information is confidential or non-confidential and an Evaluation of the informants reliability
Informants three points
Only information referencing specific STG related Acts or conduct shall be considered as a source item. When utilizing information from another offenders debriefing
Debriefing reports three points
Any material of documents evidencing S TG activity such as the membership or enemy list, constitutions, organizational structures, codes and training material etc.
Written materials
Offenders identified in written materials not in their possession two points
Personal possession of written material four points
Individual or group photographs with S TG Connotations such as those which include insignia, symbols or other validated S TG affiliates. These can’t be older than four years
Photographs four points
Documentation of staffs visual or audible observation which reasonably indicates S TG activity described as in section 3314A 3L and M, administrative rules violation, S TG contraband and behavior or source 3315A3Y and Z Serious rule violations STG Activity or behavior, as described in section 1200 of the instruction memorandum
Staff information four points
Information evidencing S TG affiliation provided by other agencies but not limited to, police reports, crime reports, or arrest reports evidence S TG conduct
Other agencies
Visits from persons or entities that are documented as Wolfley promoting, furthering or assisting S TG affiliates in activity associates with the STG
Visitors four points
Documentation of telephone conversations, conversation between offender, mail, notes, greeting cards or other communications including coded messages evidencing S TG activity
Communications four points
Steph shell document information about an offender’s verbal written or otherwise implied admission and specific involvement with the S TG
Self admissions 5 points
When circumstances of an offense conclude the offense was committed for the benefit of at the direction of or in association with any ST G such as where the offense is between rival S TG’s, the victim is verified as the S TG affiliate
Offenses 6 points
Tattoos and/or body markings identified by investigators as being used by and distinctive to a specific S TG
Tattoos/or body markings six points
Court transcripts, probation officer reports, or other legal documents evidencing S TG conduct
Legal documents seven points