Maintenance Forms & Records Flashcards
- What is the definition of airworthy, and where can it be found?
Airworthy means the aircraft conforms to its type design and is in a condition for safe operation.
CFR Part 3
- What is the definition of “time in service” with respect to maintenance time records?
Time from the moment an aircraft leaved the surface to when it touches down
- What are the record requirements after performing maintenance?
- Description of work performed
- Date of completion
- Name of the person performing work
- Signature, certificate number, and kind of certificate
- What are the record requirements after compliance with a 100 hours inspection?
- Type of inspection & a brief description
- Date & aircraft total time
- Signature, certificate number, kind of certificate
- “I certify” statement
- What are the record requirements after compliance with an Airworthiness Directive (AD)?
- Method of compliance (description)
- AD number & revision date
- Aircraft total time, date & aircraft time/date when the next action is required (if recurring)
- Date, signature, certificate number
- Where should the description of a major repair or major alteration be recorded?
Log book & on Form 337
- What is the disposition of the two FAA Form 337s after they are completed?
One copy to aircraft owner
One copy to FAA FSDO in Oklahoma City, OK
- Who is required to make the entry in the aircraft records after a 100 hr inspection has been performed?
Appropriately rated & certified mechanic that performed the work
- How long the record of a 100 hr inspection must be retained by the owner or operator?
Until the work is repeated or superseded by other work or for one year
- Where can a mechanic find the required date for 100 hr inspection, maintenance record entry?
Title 14 CFR 43.11
- What is the minimum scope & detail that the checklist must contain when performing a 100 hr inspection?
Checklist must include at least the items covered in 14 CFR 43.11, Appendix D
- Where is a 100 hr inspection recorded?
Airframe, engine, & propeller logbooks
- When must an inspection entry contain the aircraft total time?
When an inspection entry or AD entry is made
- When an aircraft is sold, what is done with the aircraft records containing the status of airworthiness directives?
Transferred to the owner at the time of sale
- What type of maintenance record entry is required when an inspection under FAR 91.417 is made to a large airplane or a turbine engine powered multi engine airplane and defects are found?
Entry must name the inspection
Signed and dated
List of defects found must be given to owner
- Who may make a maintenance record entry for approval for return to service after a progressive inspection is performed?
Airframes repair station
- What are the required entries in a new maintenance record for an engine that has been rebuilt & granted zero time by the manufacture or by an agency approved by the manufacture?
- signed statement with date of rebuild
- Each change made as required by AD
- Each change made in compliance with manufactures service bulletin if specifically requested in the SB
- What is an AD summary?
List of all Airworthiness Directives that pertain to an aircraft
- What are AD frequencies?
Am update, issued biweekly
- Who is authorized to perform an annual inspection?
- Can a certified A&P Mechanic supervise an unlicensed person performing a 100 hr inspection?
No, only a A&P can perform the 100 hr
- What is meant by a progressive inspection?
Annual/100 hr inspections are segmented into various scheduled inspections. FSDO has to approve it
- Who is authorized to rebuild & grant an aircraft engine zero time in the maintenance records?
Manufacturer or authorized representative of the manufacture
- What is ATA 100 system?
Numbering system that is designed to standardize technical data regardless of manufacuter