Maintaining American World Power- chap. 14 Flashcards
what was the significance of the escalation of the war in Vietnam?
Johnson would appoint General William Westmoreland, he would command operations, though at this stage there would be no US troops and no fighting in Vietnam.
August 1964- Johnson would ask Congress would ask Congress for a resolution in response to the Tonkin incident, where two American ships had been attacked.
This would be passed by an unanimous vote.
why was Johnson torn with what to do?
in the summer of 1964 he would state that “we don’t want to get tied down in the land of Asia”, though his predecessors has approved that there would be involvement in Vietnam- Kennedy would increase this to 20,000.
America was committed to defending South Vietnam- this would be part of the policy of containment.
How would Johnson deal with this?
He would be committed to peace that is why he would keep on the key policy advisors of Kennedy, including the defence secretary McNamara and National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy- though Johnson would approve the NSAM 273- 26th November 1963, this would be directed at the US Government to assist the people of Vietnam, this would prove to lead to a policy that would be disastrous.
what was the significance of the way that Johnson would deal with the threat that would be posed by North Vietnam?
There would be failed measures that would be put forward by the CIA in 1964, the NSAM 288 would be approved by Johnson in late march of 64. This would call for greater use of US force- this would include air strikes against the NV.
13th February 1965 Johnson would authorise Operation Rolling Thunder, a bombing campaign against the NV.
8th march 1965 there would be 3500 marines that would come ashore near Da Nang with orders to shoot only if fired upon.
3rd April Johnson would send two additional marine battalions and would increase the logistical support units of 20,000 men.
By 66 there would be 175,000 US troops in V.
By the end of the Johnson presidency there would be 548,000 troops in V and in Vietnam 30,000 Americans had died there.
The approval ratings of Johnson would also drop from 75% to below 40% by 67.
There was seen to be a battle between the hawks in congress and the doves like the VP Humphrey.
what would be the significance of the threat that would be posed by fighting in Vietnam?
There would be a fear that there would be an escalation with among China and the USSR, in a speech to congress in 1967 Westmoreland would say that the “achilles heel” of the army would be its determination to fight.
The use of the high technology against the peasants of the NV would already be abused by the communist powers as propaganda, this was designed to bring developing countries into the communist orbit. This propaganda would be enhanced by the media coverage of the war and Johnson would fail to appreciate just how effective the guerrilla tactics used by the Vietcong would be, they would hope that they would be able to encourage the USA to leave the war.
what would be the significance of the Tet offensive?
There would be the argument that the war was making progress and that it would soon be over, 1968 would prove otherwise. The NV would launch the the Tet offensive which would be an attack on dozens of cities. Nearly 60,000 would die in the 5 weeks of the offensive but during that time the US Embassy in Saigon would fall for 6 hours before it would be captured. This would highlight that the US would fail to protect its own territory.
It was promised that a victory was around the corner, the media suggested otherwise.
The attack on the US embassy would represent a turning point in the Vietnam War- this is seen as US territory.
what would be the effect of this taking place?
Johnson would decide not to stand in the 1968 presidential election, this would be due to the situation largely with V, anti-war activists would become public and would campaign against him, there would also be the tension between the executive and congress.
How would the AR of Johnson change with his policy campaign, domestic and foreign?
Great Society programme: 65%
Escalation in Vietnam: 44%
Tet offensive: 35%
LBJ Withdraws: 50%
what was the monthly average of personnel that would be killed?
1965: 172
1966: 412
1967: 770
1968: 1200
what would be the significance of the Khe Sanh Base?
This would take place at the same time as the tet offensive and this would start in January in 1968, this would be the bloodliest battle of the war. This would be a base for the US forces on 21st January 1968 General Giap would surround the base with 20,000 men and a 75 day siege would begin. Johnson would find it difficult to admit that he would have to lose the base and it would be another example of where the US would fail to defend their territory. Westmoreland would suggest that tactical US weapons should be used and this would lead to his removal and he would be replaced by General Abrams. Johnson would become more accepting that the base would be a liability. This would be kept from the US public. The Vietnamese would revel in a propaganda victory and 3/4 Hanoi Radio would mention the “victory”.
what is the significance of the American combat soldier in Vietnam.
The average age of the soldier was 19, 80% of whom had volunteered and were motivated by the sense of patriotism and anti-communism that they felt. The dangers of the war in Vietnam was very different to what was depicted in films.
who was General Giap?
fought against the Japanese and then served as leader of the Vietminh, his understanding of the nature of war contributed to US defeat.
How did Johnson’s political career end?
A month after Tet the New Hampshire primary took place, McCarthy took 41% of the vote. Seeing the weakness of Johnson Bobby Kennedy decided to enter the race, Kennedy was soon assassinated in June. There was also a bloody confrontation between the police and protesters at the Democratic Convention in Chicago.
Nixon was leading in the OP, Johnson took some efforts to limit the bombings to have some legacy of peace. Nixon’s claim that he had a “secret plan” won the electorate over Humphrey who could do no more than promise the same.
The Vietnam War ended Johnsons hope of a Great Society.
what is the significance of the relations between the USA and its Western allies.
The “special relationship” was affected by the war. In 1966 Harold Wilson called an election and he stated “I suppose i’ll have that little creep on my doorstep again”.
Charles De Gaulle in France, after his failed attempt of getting Kennedy to pull troops from Vietnam gave a speech to 100,00 people in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, where he denounced US policy in Vietnam. Despite the vehemence of his speech De Gaulle did talk frequently with George Ball, the under secretary of state- Ball did use De Gaulle’s argument in an October 1964 memorandum to Johnson.
Any contribution that was given to the US by other countries was miniscule. SK had 50,000 troops deployed, Thialand never mustered more than 11,570, Australia 7700, Phillipenes and NZ- 3000 between them. The war exposed the weakness of SEATO and the international isolation of the USA.
what is the significance of the transcript between Johnson and Richard Russell?
“damn worst mess that I ever saw”
“it appears that our position is deteriorating”
Key ideas: no one knows what to do.
Johnson has little experience of what to do.