chapter 10- challenges to American Power Flashcards
The legacy of the crises over Berlin and the relations with Krushchev?
Kennedy and Krushchev would meet for the first time in Vienna in 1961, whilst Kennedy would stand firm on the issues that would affect him but he would privately acknowledge that kruschev would savage him. this would lead to a barbed wire being placed around Berlin, on 13 August 1961 and this would be followed by a wall that would be built in 3 days, Kennedyt would state that war would be better than a wall, Kennedy would ask Dean Rusk to incite the matter for propaganda, though the matter would be seen as a concern in Germany. In June 1963 Kennedy would travel to Berlin whilst he would want to relay a message of unity Berlin would be divided for another 36 years. in 1963 Krushchev would highlight his frustration and would state that he would want to squeeze on Berlin.
This is many ways would be harder to endure that the CBM as it would last longer and wild require Kennedy and his concentration for 33 months.
what would be the significance of the ich bin bin Berliner speech?
Kennedy would address a crowd of 450,000 people he would say that westerners would be committed to Berlin.
There was a key tone of solidarity and that the people of America stand with the people of West Berlin.
June 26th 1963
what would be the significance of the challenge of Cuba?
in January 1959 Fidel Castro would overcome Batista, whom the US would back Castro would nationalism the hundreds of American businesses and Castro would fear the CIA attempt to depose him.
Eisenhower would instruct the CIA to overcome Castro, the success would be embarrassing for Kennedy to inherit.
in April 1961 there would be the bay of pigs this would be where the majority of exiles would be captured. This would put Kennedy in a defensive position. This would lead to Kennedy failing to take action on the Berlin Wall and by October 1962 USSR missiles had been placed on Cuba. The USA would claim that they were not involved in the actions but it would soon become clear that they were.
General Curtis Le May would say that he would consider Cuba to be one of the biggest defeats the public would not be made aware of the withdrawal of US missiles from turkey. There would also be a hotline that would be set up between the white house and the Kremlin which was designed for better communication to take place.
how dangerous was the cuban missile crisis?
the US would be placed on DEFCOM 2 there was a genuine fear of what would take place next.
what would be the significance of the deepening involvement of Vietnam?
the Cold War was beginning to take shape in what would be known was the third world, this would include Laos where the US would be supporting against communists.
by 1960, the presence of Diem would lead to a communist north this would be with the hope of getting rid of Diem. The Vietminh would also be an established guerrilla force that would be created.
in 1960 there would be 800 American military advisors in South Vietnam but by 1963 there would be 23,000 this would be in addition to the 250,000 strong south Vietnamese army. whilst the US military would not take part in combat they would rather train the Vietminh to overcome the vietcong, the fact that this strong number of people could not overcome 12,000 people should be a concern. to overcome the threat of guerrilla warfare kennedy would have to bring in a the tactic of flexible response. This would involve strategic hamlets which would be designed to move Vietnamese peasants from their villages to villages that would be protected by the south Vietnamese. The Viet cong would also be able to manage the peasants in a similar way.
Diems perecution would lead to the self immolation of a buddhist monk in 1963 this would bring criticism to the role of the US with regards Diem, Diem would be killed before Kennedy . General William Westmoreland, he would take over in 1964, would say that the role of the US and their Treatment of the US would mean that they would have to stay and sort this mess out.
Kennedy would ignore the advice from Britain and France to not get tangled in Vienam.
what is the chronology of the events of the CBM?
15th October 1962- a U2 spy plane discovers evidence of missiles in Cuba.
18th October- Robert Kennedy meets with Soviet foreign minister Andrej Gromyko who tells Kennedy that the only help they will be giving to Cuba is the assistance of growing crops and missiles only for defence.
19th October Ex Comm will suggest quarantining Cuba
22 October president Kennedy gives televised speech to the nation.
23 October Soviet ships on the way to Cuba are stopped 750 miles away this was due to Kruschevs orders
24th October- krischev will refuse to move the missiles from Cuba.
25th October- Kennedy will order flights from Cuba to be increased from once to twice a day.
26th October- Ex Comm will begin to discuss invading Cuba. Krishchev will offer to dismantle sites if Kennedy will not invade.
27th October- u2 plane will be shot down over Cuba. krushchev will say that Kennedy needs to dismantle sites in Turkey.
28th October- Kennedy will give a speech saying an agreement has been reached.
what would Kennedy do to help assist the developing world?
he would create the peace corps in 1961, the first volunteers in September would go to Ghana to go and help teach English. This programme would help to send 170,000 people to over 100 countries.
what would Kennedy do with regards to Nuclear testing?
Kennedy would secure an agreement with both the USSR and Britain and this would be to reduce nuclear testing. This would be seen as an effective way to ease Cold War tensions.
Test ban treaty 1963
how had the cold war changed 1956-60 and how would that effect JFK and his policy?
there would be a threat of communism that was edging closer that was evident with Cuba and this would lead to the CIA to plan an invasion.
There would be a greater emphasis on the arms and the space race- this would lead to developments with NASA.
what was the consequences of the bay of pigs?
this would halter the perception of America and this would be a failure of the CIA, covert operations do not always work.
17th April- 20th April
what would be the significance of the cuban missile crisis?
JFK would see the weapons that were placed by the USSR as a threat to America.
Though the government of the JFK would mislead the people over the plan to overthrow the government of Cuba.
The USA would have a powerful nuclear tally as they would have 203 ICMBs and 1306 long range bombers and there would be 3104 nuclear warhead with 144 SLBMs.
Moscow would suspect that the USA would view a nuclear strike as an effective option.
what would be the key elements of Kennedy’s cold war strategy?
Peace corps.
ban on atmospheric testing
counter insurgency- green berets would be used to fight the guerrilla warfare in Vietnam
food for peace- surplus agricultural food would be given to the third world.
space programme
alliance for progress- this would be for latin America which would give money for food, medicine and education.
military budget would increase by 15%
his viist to the wall in 1962 to prove that the world should be free.
what would be the causes of the Berlin Wall?
East Berlin would have a worst standard of living
stop people migrating from east to west
what significant event would take place in august of 1962?
Murder of Peter Fetcher
17th August two men would be shot and this would develop into protest.
this would effect everyday life.
key people for JFK and his defense?
secretary of state: Dean Rusk
would be cited for the division of Korea
would support the CBM
would have a changing relationship with JFK
Secretary of Defense: Robert McNamara Vietnam war, would increase military spending.
Mcgeorge Bundy: National security advisor, would be involved in the bay of pigs.
Director of the CIA: John McCone
key member of ExComm for Cuba
would insist on the CIA
would be affiliated with the republican party.