occurs when air/fuel mixture- ignites before the time of normal ignition
The turbine section of a jet engine function
collects the compressed air to generate thrust
If the exhaust valve of a four- stroke cycle engine is closed and the intake valve is just closed, the piston is on the
compression stroke
What is the purpose of safety gap in some magnetos
to discharge the secondary coil’s voltage if an open occurs in the secondary circuit
A fuel strainer or filter must be located between the
tank outlet and the fuel metering device
What is the purpose of the stator blades in the compressor section of a turbine engine?
control the direction of the airflow
How is the strength of magneto magnet checked?
holds the points open and then checking
the output of the primary with an AC ammeter while operating the magneto at a specified
On which stroke are both valves on a four stroke cycle reciprocating engine open?
intake and exhaust
What directly regulates the speed of a turbocharger?
What part of an aircraft in flight will begin to accumulate ice before any other
An air intake of gas turbine engine has
- intake valve and intake duct
An increase in manifold pressure when carburetor heat is applied indicates
ice was forming in the carburetor
What unit in an aircraft engine lubrication system is adjusted to maintain the desired system pressure?
oil pressure relief valve
Fuel lines are kept away from sources of heat, and sharp bends and steep rises are avoided to reduce the possibility of
vapor lock
Aircraft magneto housings are usually ventilated in order to
- provide cooling and remove corrosive gases produced by normal arcing.
The brayton cycle is known as the
constant- pressure cycle
The recommended aircraft engine lubricants are
mineral or synthetic based
What advantage do mineral base lubricants have over vegetable oil base lubricants when used in aircraft engines?
chemical stability
An aircraft engine equipped with a pressure type carburetor is started with the
primer while the mixture control is positioned at idle cut- off
The five events of four stroke cycle engines in the order of their occurrence are-
- intake, compression, ignition, power, and exhaust Strokes.
If the ignition switch is moved from BOTH to either LEFT or RIGHT during an engine ground check, normal operation is usually indicated by a
Slight drop in RPM
Where is the highest gas pressure in a turbojet engine?
In the entrance of the burner section
What is the purpose of the fuel transfer ejectors?
To assist in the transfer of fuel from the
main tank to the boost pump sump
In a gas turbine engine, combustion occurs at a constant
The primary concern in establishing the firing order for an opposed engine is to:
Provide for balance and eliminate vibration in order to keep power impulses on adjacent cylinders as far apart as possible in order to obtain the greatest mechanical efficiency.
As an aircraft engine’s speed is increased, the voltage induced in the primary coil*
of the magneto
A red triangle, dot, or diamond mark on an engine instrument face or glass indicates
Maximum limit for high transient such as starting
Fuel cross-feed systems are used in aircraft to-
Maintain Load
In the dual axial-flow or twin spool compressor system, the first stage turbine drives the
N2 compressor
When testing a magneto distributor block for electrical leakage, which of the following pieces of test equipment should be used?
High-tension Harness Tester
The Hot Section of a gas turbine engine is consist of
Combustor, Turbine, Exhaust
the pressure of subsonic air as it flows through a convergent nozzle
- Decreases
Using the following information, determine how many degrees the crankshaft will rotate with both the intake and exhaust valves seated Intake opens 15 BTDC, Exhaust opens 70 BBDC, Intake closes 45” ABDC, Exhaust closes 45 ABDC
Which of the following is a primary engine instrument?
The intake valve _____ on the compression stroke
What is the typical firing order of a6 cylinder Horizontally Opposed Engine?-
What is the first engine instrument indication of a successful start of a turbine engine?
Rise in the exhaust gas temperature
Carburetor icing may be eliminated by which of the following methods?
Alcohol spray and heated induction air
Where are the hot and cold junctions Located in an engine cylinder temperature indicating system?
- The hot junction is located at the cylinder and the cold junction is located at the instrument
What instrument on a gas turbine engine should be monitored to minimize the possibility of a “hot” start?
Turbine inlet temperature
Where should the main fuel strainer be located in the aircraft fuel system?-
At the lowest point in the fuel system
What are the two basic elements of the turbine section in a turbine engine?
Stator and Rotor
A major difference between the Teledyne Continental and RSA (Precision Airmotive or Bendix) continuous flow fuel injection systems in fuel metering is that the RSA system uses air pressure only is a metering that the
Continental system uses the pressure only as a metering force
Which of the following fire detectors are commonly used in the power section of an engine nacelle?
-Rate-of-temperature-rise detectors
When starting an engine equipped with a carburetor air heater, in what position should the heater be placed
Which of the following influences the operation of an automatic fuel control unit on a turbojet engine?
-Burner Pressure
When internally timing a magneto, the breaker points begin to open when the rotating magnet is
- Few degrees past neutral position
This construction uses stressed skin to support almost all loads much like an aluminum beverage can
It consist of determining the number of rivets required the side style of rivet to be use, its material temper condition and strength, distance of rivet holes and rivets from the edge of patch, and spacing of the rivet through-out the repair
Rivet layout
This type of cutting tool for Sheet Metal Construction and Repair has straight blades with cutting edges sharpened to an 85” angle. Available in sizes ranging from 6 to 14 inches, they cut aluminum up to 1% of an inch.
straight snips
This type of rivet head used on internal structures where strength is the major factor and streamlining is not important.
Round Head Rivet (AN430)
It is also referred to as rivet pitch, is the distance between the rivets in the same row, and is measured from the rivet center to the rivet center
Transverse pitch
Longitudinal (fore and aft) structural members of a semi monocoque fuselage are called:
Longerons and stringers
The vertical flight of a helicopter is controlled by
Collective pitch changes
Movement about the longitudinal axis (roll) in a helicopter is affected by movement of the
Cyclic pitch control
Which statement is true regarding a cantilever wing?
No external bracing is needed
The dihedral angle of a wing may be measured by placing a straightedge and level protractor on the
Front spar
The purpose in checking main rotor blade tracking is to determine the
flight path of the blades during rotation
Aircraft tire pressure should be checked
at least once a week or more often
The purpose of the pressure regulator in a hydraulic system is to
Maintain system operating pressure within a predetermined range and to unload the pump
Characteristics of MIL-H-8446 (Skydrol 500 A & B) hydraulic fluid are:
light purple color, phosphate ester base, fire resistant, butyl rubber seals
These reinforcing materials are used when a high temperature application is needed and this form of composite retains the strength and flexibility at temperature of 2,200 F
ceramic fibers
This reinforcing material is stronger in compressive strength than Kevlar. Electrically conductive, have low thermal expansion coefficients, and have high fatigue resistance
Carbon/graphite fiber
This fiber orientation in which all of the major fibers run in one direction, giving strength in that direction is known as
It is usually some type of solid lightweight material used in-between the layers of fiber reinforced matrix forming a type of sandwich structure
- Core
The alignment of the fibers to the baseline set by the manufacturer for the perpendicular component.
A manufacturing method that uses a two-part mold with dry fabric laid into mold and sometimes referred to as liquid molding
Resin Transfer Molding (RTM)
These are probably the most widely accepted form of applying heat to a composite component for repair work using thermocouple and controller or hot bonding machine to regulate the amount of heat
is placed on one side of the repair and it allows air to flow through it and through the vacuum valve, and it is used to prevent to seal itself by sticking to the area to be repaired
It holds the fluid, which is usually hydraulic oil. It also protects the fluid from getting contaminated, which is critical to ensure the hydraulic system functions optimally
Hydraulic reservoir
Which fuel has the highest vapor pressure?
Excessive oil pressure can lead to
- Engine damage or failure
Kerosene is widely used in
Gas Turbine Engines
Fuel system classification that requires two pumps in order to deliver the fuel under pressure
Fuel pump / Pump feed system
It is the resistance of fluid to flow
Oil system classification that uses scavenge pump-
Dry sump
Before flight, it is important to check the oil quantity level by using
During normal operations, the fuel selector valve is- at ______ position
It controls pitch about the lateral axis.
When pulling the control yoke, the nose goes
When the left aileron deflected upward and right aileron deflected downward, Where is the aircraft turn?
It is attached to the trailing edge of the wing, increase both lift and induced drag for any given AOA
This results in the aircraft yawing toward the opposite direction of the aircraft turn when banking which had experienced an increase in lift (and drag).
Adverse Yaw
It is used to determine the amount of tension on a cable.
Tensiometer or tension meter
It is a manual flight control system that uses a collection of mechanical parts such as pushrods, tension cables, pulleys to control the system.
Mechanical Flight Control System
FCC stands for what?-
Flight control computer
This type of corrosion occurs when two dissimilar metal contacts
Galvanic Corrosion
This type of corrosion is an attack along the grain boundaries of an alloy and commonly results from a lack of uniformity in the alloy structure
Intergranular Corrosion
Major corrosive agents existing in atmosphere air are
oxygen and airborne moisture
Type of corrosion that is an advanced form of intergranular corrosion and shows itself by lifting up the surface grains of a metal by the force of expanding corrosion products occurring at the grain boundaries just below the surface.
Exfoliation Corrosion
It is an attack resulting from a direct expo-sure of a bare surface to caustic liquid or gaseous agents.
Direct Chemical Attack or Direct Chemical Corrosion
The process inspection of using the eye
Visual Inspection
Process of inspection that involves high-frequency sound waves from a transmitting transducer being transmitted into or on
Ultrasonic Inspection
A location of corrosion where because of their elevated temperature, corrosion forms in this location extremely rapidly.
Engine Exhaust Area
An airplane wing is designed to produce lift resulting from relatively
positive air pressure below and above the wing’s surface
Bernoulli’s principle
The pressure of a fluid decreases at points where the velocity of the fluid increases.
The purpose of aircraft wing dihedral is to
increases lateral stability
Which part(s) of a semi monocoque fuselage prevent(s) tension and compression from bending the fuselage?
Longerons and stringers
The auxiliary (tail) rotor of a helicopter permits the pilot to compensate for and/or accomplish which of the following?
Torque and directional control
The vertical flight of a helicopter is controlled by
collective pitch changes
In a hovering helicopter equipped with a tail rotor, directional control is maintained by
varying the pitch of the tail rotor blades.
The acute angle formed by the chord line of a wing and the relative wind is known as the
angle of attack
The monocoque fuselage relies largely on the strength of
skin or covering
Main rotor blades that do not cone by the same amount during rotation are said to be out of
As the angle of attack of an airfoil increase, the center of pressure will
moves toward the leading edge
An airplane which has good longitudinal stability should have a minimum tendency to
An airplane’s center of lift is usually located aft of its center of gravity
so that the airplane will have a nose heavy tendency
To focus on a near object, the lens of eye
Be widened
What part of the eye controls the amount of light that is allowed to enter the eye?
Which of the following is least associated with the study of human factors?
Health and safety
Who has the authority to approve for return to service a powerplant or propeller or any part thereof after a 100-hour inspection?
A mechanic with a powerplant rating
Murphy’s law
- If something can go wrong it will
For a person with normal Circadian rhythms, the body temperature will be lowest
between 3 and 5 o’clock in the morning
Long shift work decreases the
ability to recognize defects
The scientific study of measurements of the human body is known as
The impact of human factors and human error is most important to
It is equally important to pilots, technicians, engineers, planners and managers
At what distance should a person without hearing difficulties be able to hear an average conversational voice in a quiet room?
- 6 feet or 2 meters
Where is the record of compliance with Airworthiness Directives or manufacturers’ service bulletins normally indicated?
Aircraft maintenance records
During an annual inspection, if a defect is found which makes the aircraft unairworthy, the person disapproving must
provide a written notice of the defect to the owner
After a mechanic holding an airframe and powerplant rating completes a 100-hour inspection, what action is required before the aircraft is returned to service?
Make the proper entries in the aircraft’s maintenance record.
What FAA-approved document gives the leveling means to be used when weighing an aircraft?
(TCDS) Type Certificate Data Sheet
Which is an appliance major repair?
Overhaul of a hydraulic pressure pump.
Removal of alcohol from the bloodstream
cannot be speeded up (STAYS THE SAME)
Color Code for a 1/8” (3.2 mm) Cleco Fastener
The replacement of fabric on fabric- covered parts such as wings, fuselages, stabilizers, or control surfaces is considered to be a
major repair even though no other alteration or repair is performed
Airworthiness Directives are issued primarily to
corrects an unsafe condition
Which is classified as airframe major repair?
-The splicing of skin sheets.
-Installation of new engine mounts obtained from the aircraft manufacturer.
-Any repair of damaged stressed metal skin.
The useful load of an aircraft consists of the
crew, usable fuel, passengers, and cargo
When dealing with the weight and balance of an aircraft, the term “maximum weight” is interpreted to mean the maximum
authorized weight of the aircraft
In the theory of weight and balance, what is the name of the distance from the fulcrum to an object?
Lever arm
What type of measurement is used to designate arm in weight and balance computation?
What determines whether the value of the moment is preceded by a plus (+) or a minus (-) sign in aircraft weight and balance?
The result of a weight being added or removed and its location relative to the datum.
Which of the following is correct?
(1) Private aircraft are required by regulations to be weighed periodically
(2) Private aircraft are required to be weighed after making any alteration.
Which of the following can provide the empty weight of an aircraft if the aircraft’s weight and balance records become lost, destroyed, or otherwise inaccurate?
Reweighing the aircraft
What tasks are completed prior to weighing an aircraft to determine its empty weight?
Remove all items except those on the aircraft equipment list; drain fuel and fill hydraulic reservoir.
Color Code for a 3/32” (2.4 mm) Cleco Fastener
The maximum weight of an aircraft is the
empty weight plus crew, maximum fuel, cargo, and baggage
What is the common configuration for pneumatic rivet gun?
When computing weight and balance, an airplane is considered to be in balance when
- the average moment arm of the loaded airplane falls within its CG range.