Main Calculations and Essentials For ESS Flashcards
N1 Lincoln index
Number of species captured and marked
N Lincoln index
Total estimated population
N2 Lincoln index
Total number of species recaptured
M Lincoln index
Total number of marked species within the recaptured sample
Lincoln index
N = n1 x n2 over M
D Simpson’s index
Species diversity index
N Simpson’s index
Total number of organisms of all species
n Simpson’s index
Total number of organisms of each species
Σ Simpson’s index
Τhe sum of
Simpson’s index formula
D = N ( N - 1) over Σn (n - 1)
Crude Birth Rate (CBR)
Number of births / population size x 1000
Crude Death Rate (CDR)
Number of deaths / population size x 1000
Natural increase rate
(Crude birth rate - crude death rate) / 10 *migration is ignored
Doubling time
70 / natural increase rate
Sustainable yield
annual growth and recruitment - annual death and emigration
Sustainable yield
Total biomass at t + 1 over energy - total biomass at time t - energy
Net primary productivity
Gross primary productivity - r (R = respiratory loss)
Productivity is measured
Per unit area per unit time. EG: per metre ^2 per year
Net secondary productivity
Gross secondary productivity - r (R = respiratory loss)
Biodiversity is the subject of aesthetic interest. People rely on wild places and living things in them for spiritual fulfilment
Historic ozone depletion
Since ozone was first measured in the (??), reduction has been recorded. A reduction between 5-15% was recorded during the 1980s
The action of providing a remedy to something, in particular the reversal or stop to environmental damage
Efficiency =
Work or energy produced / energy consumers
Efficiency =
Useful output / useful input (x 100 if you want percentage)
Efficiency of assimilation
Gross productivity x 100 over food eaten
Efficiency of biomass productivity
Net productivity x 100 over gross productivity
Aquatic food chain
Phytoplankton (dinoflagellates), Zooplankton (Shrimp), Tuna, Shark
Phytoplankton, Zooplankton (copepods), lantern fish, squid, tuna
Food chain
Grass, grasshopper, frog, snake, hawk
Tundra food chain
Grass, snowshoe hare, Canada lynx
Forest food chain
Grass, Deer, Wolf
Keystone species
Dominant predator whose removal allows prey population to explode decreasing overall diversity, altering the habitat around them
Umbrella species
Selected for making conservation related decisions, protecting these indirectly protects the many other species that make up the ecological community of its habitat
Animal that feeds on other animals or meat (Lion, wolves, tigers, hawks)
Animal that feeds on plants (Rabbits, deer, zebras)
Animal that eats both plants and animals (Humans, Bears)
Non-living, physical factors that influence the organisms and the ecosystem, eg: temperature, sunlight, pH, salinity, pollutants (how much space there is, availability of water, light etc)
Living components of an ecosystem - organisms, their interactions or their waste, that directly or indirectas affect another organism (every relationship an organism may have, where it lives, How it responds to resources, predators, to competitors, how it alters these)
Carrying Capacity
The maximum number of A species that can sustainably be supported by a given area/habitat/environment