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I had a nightmare
악몽을 꿨어
나 안좋은 꿈 꿨어
It’s still early
아직 일러
이르다 - early
its getting colder, hotter
추워져요, 더워져요
if the change already reached a certain point - “cold enough” was getting colder and now its cold - 추워져서요
it will be hot - 더워질 거야 - It’s going to get hot
That was close
가까이 있었어
I have a cold
감기에 걸려
걸리다 - Catch
im dissapointed
its unfair
you promise? will you promise
I need to get used to it
아야지 - should
thats too bad, its a shame, its unfortunate
아쉽게 됐어
anyway, in any case
thats true
so what, i dont care
different depending on situation, but generally it means “so what?”. Also, it is not polite word and considered so rude.. It is used when speaker is upset and not feeling good about topic of comversation
what a shame, so close
an expression which is used to express regret or frustration at a wasted or missed opportunity, slang
that was so close.
you almost made it.
you were so close
아까워 - what a waste
why is that your fault
그게 왜 네 탓이야?
탓 - fault
no one is on my side, I don’t have any on my side
내 편은 하나도 없는데
곁 means physically being at side of you
편 means that supporting you
it would be fun, sounds like fun, it will be fun
재미는 있겠네
That was a mistake earlier
아까 그건 실수였잖아
실수 - mistake
not at all
romance, relationshp
im sorry i forgot. sorry i forgot
까먹어서 미안
까먹다 - forget
the most casual/slang-like word for “to forget”
are you drunk?
home town
제 고향이 서울이에요
already, 2 ways
이미, 벌써 - 벌써 more implies the speakers surprise, something happened unexpectedly early, 이미 is just a neutral meaning of already
나는 이미 밥 먹었어요
내가 그 가게에 갔을 때는 이미 닫혀있었다 - It was already closed when I went to the store
벌써 시간이 이렇게 많이 지났네 - So much time has already passed
널 못 본지 벌써 1년이나 되었어 - It’s already been a year since I saw you
soon, just now
금방, 방금
to (person) honorific
께 honorific of 한테 or 에게
선생님께서 - 서 here is subject marker (honorific)
i ones youth, when i was young
젊었을 때
i dont remember
기억 안 나
dont rush
급하지 마
im brushing my teeth
나 양치하고 있어
I’ve been a bit lazy the past few days
지난 며칠 동안 좀 게을렀어
며칠 - days
====게으르다 - lazy (slow in action)(have a tendency or dislike to work)(by personality and behavior)((To describe people not being diligent)
—그 남자는 엄청 게을러! (He is such a lazy person)
—나 요즘 너무 게을러졌어! ( I became so lazy these days)
—나는 게을러서 청소를 자주 안 해 - im lazy so i dont clean often
====귀찮다 : don’t feel like it. (unwillingness to do something)(state of mind of a person)(To describe you are lazy to do something.)
—오늘 나가기 정말 귀찮아! I am so lazy to go out today.
—입어보기 귀찮아! (I am lazy to try on)
====나태하다 (almost similar to 게으르다)(slow behavior and personality)(slow in action)(can also be in character or behavior)
—그 동안 나태한 삶을 산 것을 후회해 - i regret living a lazy life (후회하-
regret, feel remorse)
====태만하다(expression people use a lot when they are working)(slow and not working hard)
maybe not
아닐 수도 있어
excuse me you dropped this
저기요 이거 덜어뜨렸어
떨어뜨리다 means ‘to make fall’ literally. Can be translated to ‘drop’ in most cases. ‘Drop’ here is a verb, so it refers to someone or something, intentionally or not, causing an object to fall.
떨어지다 is simply ‘fall’. The observation of the object falling, without relating to anything that made the object fall.
내 핸드폰이 떨어졌어요 - My phone dropped
내가 핸드폰을 떨어뜨렸어요 - I dropped my phone
i dont think so
아닌 것 같은데
turn off-on
Turn off : 꺼라 (to relatively young person)or 끄세요
Turn on: 켜라 (to relatively young person)or 켜세요
끄다 켜다
Turn on the Light =불 켜
Turn off the Light =불 꺼
Turn on the Light please=불 좀 켜주세요
Turn off the Light please=불 좀 꺼주세요