MAID Flashcards
What are the three sections that structure the entire main process of legislation
7 12 15
What does section 7 say
Everyone has the right to life liberty and security of the person
What does section 15 say
Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination
What does section 12 say
Everyone has the right not to be subjected to any cruel or unusual treatment or punishment
What is fundamental justice
Around the society ideas of what is fair and what is right
What was the Rodriguez v british columbia case
It is illegal to perform assisted sucide under the criminal code but rodriguez suffered from ALS and wanted to end her suffering before it became really bad and attacked 7 12 and 15
What was the rulling of the rodriguez case
Majority rejected the claim that section violated sections 12 and 15 but they did understand because it deprived her of personal autonomy but saw to many morally and legal issues
What is clinical ethics
Program that hospitals provide when someone who is in ethics helps them deal with situations
What was the Carter V Canada case
Quality of life was very immentment sections 15 and section 7 Taylor had ALS and Carter had spinal stinosis
What made this case different
Included three components on Section 7
Libery: restrictied individuals ability to make decisions about their own bodily intergrity and medical care
Security of the person: It forced individuals to endure intolerable suffering without access to medical assistance in dying
Life It deprived some people of life by pressuring them to end their lived prematurely fearing they wouldnt be able to do so late
What happend after the carter case
The supreme court of canada thought it was overaly broad so they struck the law done
What are some intreset groups
Dying with Dignity
Canadian Council for Disabilities
Canadian Councli for Academics
Be civl liberties association
What was Bill C14
Released in 2016
Be able to give informed consent in mutiple stages
Conditions have a grievous and irremediable medical condition
Voulntary Request - No outside influence pressure
18+ deemed mentally competent
Be eligible for health services funded by the government
What does your condtion need to look like to receive MAID
Serious illness disease or disability
advanced state of decline can not be reversed
unberable physical or mental suffering that can not be relieved
natural death has become reasonably foresseable
When must you give informed consent
Time of your request
Immediately before MAID is provided
What is the timeline by BILL C14
Written request (two independent witnesses)
Medical assessment ( two DR or NP must provide a written opinion confirmin elgibility)
Reflection period (wait 10 days could be waved if DR/NP thinks it is not possible)
Maid procedure give final consent
What was the truchon V superior court
And what sections did it violate
Challenged the law under cruel punishment there deaths were not immediate for foresseable so they were discriminated against violated 7 and 15
What is Bill C7
MAID for individuals whose death is not reasonably foresseable safeguards would include 90 day assessment period and a second eligibility assesment
Do the deaths of maid go up or down
What are some of the largest medical conditions for receving maid
What is the main medical condition when death is not reasonably foresseable
What are ethical issues they are intreseted in
Issues relating to mature minors advance request mental illness the state of palliative care in Canada and the protection of Canadians with disabilities
Is maid or pallitative care one or the other
No usually those who have maid already had pallatiative care
What is the special joint commitee on MAID
Joint senate and house of commons to conduct a comprehensive review