Magnetic Fields 1 Flashcards
What is a magnetic field?
A force field surrounding a magnet or current-carrying wire which acts on any other magnet or current-carrying wire placed in the field.
Where are the magnetic fields of a bar magnet strongest?
At the ends: the north-seeking and south-seeking poles (according to which direction, north or south, each end points when the magnet is free to align itself with the horizontal component of the Earth’s magnetic field).
What’s a line of force (magnetic field line) of a magnetic field?
A line along which a north pole would move in the field.
What is Earth’s magnetic field caused by?
Circulation currents in the molten iron in the Earth’s core.
In which direction does a magnetic compass point?
It points TO the Earth’s north pole (currently in Northern Canada).
What’s the motor effect?
A current-carrying wire placed at a non-zero angle to the lines of force of an external magnetic field experiences a force due to the field.
The force is perpendicular to the wire and to the lines of the force. (Use Fleming’s left hand rule)
When a current flows, the section of the wire in the magnetic field experiences a force that pushes it out of the field. The magnitude of this force depends on : (4)
the current, the strength of the magnetic field, the length of the wire, and the angle between the lines of force of the field and the current direction.
The force is:
—– when the wire is at right angles to the magnetic field.
—– when the wire is parallel to the magnetic field.
What’s the magnetic flux density, B, of the magnetic field?
(also called strength of the magnetic field)
The force per unit length per unit current on a current-carrying conductor at right angles to the magnetic field lines.
Unit: Tesla (T).
Therefore for a wire of length L carrying a current I in a uniform magnetic filed B at 90° to the field lines, the force F on the wire is given by F = BIL.
For a straight line wire at angle θ to the magnetic field perpendicular to the wire, magnitude of force on wire?
F = BILsinθ
The couple on a coil in a magnetic field:
Consider a rectangular current-carrying coil in a uniform horizontal magnetic field. The coil has n turns of wire and can rotate about a vertical axis.
Draw this.
The long sides of the coil are vertical. Each wire down each long side experiences a force BIL, where L is the length of each long side. Each long side ∴ experiences a (direction) force F = —— in —- directions —— to the field lines.
Each long side ∴ experiences a horizontal force F=BILn in opposite directions at right angles to the field lines.
The pair of forces acting on the long sides form a couple as the forces…?
Are not directed along the same line.
The torque of the coupe = Fd, where d is the perpendicular distance between the line of action of the forces on each side.
If the plane of the coil is at angle θ to the field lines, then d = ?
d = wcosθ, where w is the width of the coil.
Therefore the torque =
torque = Fwcosθ = BILnwcosθ = BIAncosθ, where the coil area A = Lw
If θ = 0 (i.e. the coil is parallel to the field), the torque =?
If θ = 90 (i.e. the coil is perpendicular to the field), the torque =?
Torque = 0, as cos 0 = 0
Torque = BIAn, as cos 90 = 1
The electric motor:
The simple electric motor consists of?
A coil of insulated wire which spins between the poles of a U-shaped magnet.
Draw this.
When a direct current passes round the coil:
1 - forces
2 - effect
the wires at opposite edges of the coil are acted on by the forces in opposite directions.
The force on each edge makes the coil spin about it axis.
Current is supplied to the coil via?
Via a split-ring commutator.
What does it do? Why?
The direction of the current round the coil is reversed by the split-ring commutator each time the coil rotates through half a turn.
This ensures the current along an edge changes direction when it moves from one pole face to the other. The result is that the force on each continues to turn the coil in the same direction.
In a practical electric motor, several evenly spaced —– coils are wound on —– —–.
Evenly spaced armature coils are wound on an iron core.
Each coil is connected to its own section of the commutator.
The result is that each coil in sequence experiences a — when its connected to the voltage supply, so the armature is …
repeatedly pushed round.
Because the iron core makes the field —, each coil is in the —- of the field (ie θ = 0) for most of the time.
As a result, the torque is steady and the motor runs more smoothly. In addition, the iron core can make the field much stronger so the torque of the motor is much…
Electron beam:
What’s the setup? What’s it designed to do? What can we observe?
Vacuum tube designed to show the effect of a magnetic field on an e- beam. The path of the beam can be seen where it passes over the fluorescent screen in the tube.
How does it work?
The beam is deflected downwards when a magnetic field is directed into the plane of the screen. Each electron in the beam experiences a force due to the magnetic field.
The beam follows a circular path because?
Because the direction of the force on each e- is perpendicular to the direction of motion of the e- (and to the field direction).
The reason why a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field experiences a force is that….
the e-s moving along the wire are pushed to one side by the force of the field. If the e-s in the e- beam had been confined to a wire, the whole wire would’ve been pushed downwards.
If the particles were confined to a wire, the force would be F=BIL. For moving charges, the same eq applies. How does it apply?
For a particle of charge Q moving through a uniform magnetic field at speed v in a perpendicular direction to the field, the force on the particle is given by
F=BIL = B(Q/t)(vt) = BQv
If particle motion at angle θ to lines of field, F=BQvsinθ but DONT NEED TO KNOW
Stationary charges in a magnetic field experience…?
No magnetic force!
Why is no work done by the magnetic field on the particle?
Because the force always acts at right angles to the velocity of the particle. Its direction of motion is changed by the force but not its speed. The Ek of the particle is unchanged by the magnetic field.
Why does the particle follow circular motion?
Because the magnetic force is always acting perpendicular to the velocity at any point along the path, the particle moves in a circular path with the force always acting towards the centre of curvature of the circular path.
Why does the force cause a centripetal acceleration?
Because the force is perpendicular to the velocity.
At any point on the orbit, the particle is acted on by a magnetic force F = BQv and it experiences a centripetal acceleration a = v^2/r. Relate these two eq to find the radius of orbit.
Using N2L: F=ma
BQv = mv^2/r
r = mv/BQ
This eq shows that r decreases (so path is more curved):
- if B increases or v decreases
- if particles have larger specific charge (Q/m).
Thermionic devices:
Electron beam produced by ‘electron gun’. Explain setup.
Electrically heated filament wire near a positively charged metal anode which attracts e-s emitted by hot filament wire (thermionic emission). The e-s pas through a small hole in the anode to form the beam. The greater the p.d., the higher the speed.
Uses of thermionic devices?
Oscilloscopes, cathode ray TV tube, microwave, radar system.
The cyclotron:
Explain setup?
Consists of two hollow electrodes, dees, in a vacuum chamber, with a uniform magnetic field applied perpendicular to the plane of the dees. A high-frequency alternating voltage is applied between the dees.
What is happening? Explain the process.
Charged particles are directed into one of the dees near the centre of the cyclotron. The charged particles are forced in a circular path by the magnetic field, causing them to emerge from the dee they were directed into.
As they cross into the other dee, the alternating voltage is reversed so they’re accelerated into the other dee where it all repeats.
Why does this occur (voltage)?
Bc the time taken by a particle to move round its semi-circular path in each dee doesn’t depend on the particle’s speed.
This is because (relate time taken to r):
r= mv/BQ
time taken = πr/v = mπ/BQ, which is independent of particle’s speed.
Each time the particle crosses from one dee to the other, tis speed increase and its radius of orbit increases. The particles emerge from the cyclotron when the radius of orbit is equal to dee radius, R, ∴ speed on exit is v =?
v = BQR/m
The time taken for one full cycle of the alternating voltage must be equal to…
Hence T = and f =
…the time taken by the particle to complete one full circle.
Hence T = 2mπ/BQ
f = BQ/2mπ
Use of cyclotron?
Used in hospitals to produce high energy-beams for radiation therapy.
Mass spectrometer:
Used ?
Used to anaylse the types of atoms present in a sample.
Explain setup/observation.
(What does radius of curvature depend on)
Atoms ionised, then directed in a narrow beam at same velocity into uniform magnetic field. Deflected in semi-circle onto detector. Radius of curvature depends on Q/m of ion . Detector shows relative abundance of each type.
What does velocity selector consist of?
Consists of a magnet and a pair of parallel plates at spacing d and V due to high voltage supply.
Magnet and plates aligned so each ion is acted on by… (inc direction).
How does this ensure same velocity?
(Imagine ions coming from left to right, plates are horizontal and parallel (top is +ve bottom is -ve), magnetic field into page. )
F elec = QV/d in OPPOSITE direction to F mag = BQv.
Ions moving at a certain velocity such that BQv = QV/d experience equal and opposite forces so pass through undeflected ∴ all that emerge have same velocity, v.