Engineering - Heat Engines 2 Flashcards
The first law of thermodynamics applied to heat engines:
In a heat engine, the energy supplied as heat from the burning fuel does work. Even in an ideal engine, even if the output power could be equal to the indicated power (mechanical efficiency =1), there’ll be a max value of the thermal efficiency, and hence the overall efficiency, that is less than 1. Reason?
A heat CANNOT turn heat energy totally into work.
The first law of thermodynamics applied to heat engines:
Draw the engine diagram showing Th Tc Qh Qc W
The first law of thermodynamics applied to heat engines:
For an idealised heat engine, ΔU = ?
ΔU = 0 for a complete cycle of the working substance, as it’s in the same state at the end as it was initially. Within the system, there’s been no loss of energy.
The first law of thermodynamics applied to heat engines:
∴ W = ???
W = Qh - Qc for work done by the system.
The first law of thermodynamics applied to heat engines:
The measure of the success of an idealised heat engine is through its thermal efficiency, ε. Derive this eq in terms of Qh and Qc.
ε =indicated power/input power = work done per cycle/energy taken in as heat per cycle
∴ ε = W/Qh = Qh-Qc/Qh = 1 - Qc/Qh
The first law of thermodynamics applied to heat engines:
It can be shown that the max theoretical efficiency, εmax = ?
εmax = Th-Tc / Th = 1 - Tc/Th
Limitations of real heat engines:
3 assumptions?
-ideal gas
-single temp Th and Tc
-reversible processes
Limitations of real heat engines:
Assumption 1: The petrol-air mixture behaves as an ideal gas .
Polyatomic molecules which are sometimes under high T and P ∴ kinetic theory assumptions break down.
Limitations of real heat engines:
Assumption 2: The heat energy (in the compression stroke) is taken in entirely at the single temp Th and rejected at the single temp Tc.
Heat taken in and rejected over a range of temps. Max temp not attained by of imperfect combustion.
Limitations of real heat engines:
Assumption 3: The processes that form the engine cycle are reversible.
(4 many)
-Energy dissipated out of the system.
-There’s no eqm with the surroundings as the processes are too quick.
-Inlet and exhaust valves take a finite time to open and close, and combustion isn’t instantaneous, so the ‘sharp edged’ p-V diagrams would never occur for a real engine.
-In the petrol engine, heating isn’t achieved at a constant volume, bc the pistons are always moving, and expansion and compression strokes aren’t truly adiabatic, because heat energy is lost out of the system.
Limitations of real heat engines:
Alsoooo fr—?
friction = decreases efficiency, turbulence moves combustion rate from optimum = decreased efficiency.
Limitations of real heat engines:
Improve efficiency by decreasing?
Qc to reduce Qc/Qh ratio.
The second law of thermodynamics:
Essentially saying..
its not possible for a process to decrease the total entropy of the universe (S).
MS : engine must operate between Th and Tc reservoir, and must reject some energy to Tc reservoir (meaning W≠Q)
The second law of thermodynamics:
Objects emit and absorb thermal energy. Emission from hotter object greater until eqm reached, with rate of emission = ?? when object and surroundings at same final T.
rate of emission = rate of absorption when object and surroundings at same final T.
The second law of thermodynamics:
“Heat always flows from the hot body to the cold body, when they’re brought into contact.”
Relate to heat engine?
“No heat engine can completely convert heat into work.”
The second law of thermodynamics:
!! 2nd law of thermodynamics?
It is not possible to convert heat continuously into work w/o at the same time transferring some heat from a warmer to a colder body.
The second law of thermodynamics:
Thermal energy is the Ek of the molecules, which move with random speeds in random direction ∴ energy is –
If converting it to smth directly useful, as in an engine, then it must become more ordered ∴ some energy must be involved in ordering process. This is what is being rejected at the cooler temp ∴ a heat engine needs to operate between a hot reservoir and a cold reservoir.
(But can convert all W to Q be order to disorder)
Carnot cycle (most efficient possible theoretical engine):
What changes/processes are present?
Draw it.
2 adiabatic, 2 isothermal processes.
Check image on phone.
Reversed heat engines:
What’s a refrigerator?
A refrigerator does work to transfer energy from a Tc reservoir to a Th reservoir. It’s essentially a reverse heat engine.
Reversed heat engines:
A heat pump works the same was as refrigerator and AC. Difference is that the purpose of refrigerator is to…
is to remove heat from cold reservoir and purpose of heat pump is to supply heat to high temp reservoir.
Reversed heat engines Coefficients of performance:
COP is measure of…
measures EFFECTIVENESS of heat pumps and refrigerators.
Reversed heat engines Coefficients of performance:
Qh = W + Qc
For refrigerator, COPref =
Max theoretical COPref =
COPref = Qc / Qh-Qc = heat extracted / work done
Max theoretical COPref = Tc / Th-Tc
Reversed heat engines Coefficients of performance:
Qh = W + Qc
For heat pumps, COPhp =
Max theoretical COPhp =
COPhp = Qh / Qh-Qc = heat delivered to Th / work done
Max theoretical COPhp = Th / Th-Tc
Reversed heat engines Coefficients of performance:
Heat pumps provide an extremely low-cost and efficient form of heating bc …
bc Qh»_space; W (Qh-Qc)
Reversed heat engines Coefficients of performance:
Value of COP greater when ?
When temp of two reservoirs are closer to each other bc less W (Qh-Qc) needed ∴ hp work more effectively in temperate climates than climates where temp varies over large range.
How good are heat pumps (GSHP)?
GSHP = ground source heat pump
7 +ve, 4 -ve
+ uses solar energy that’s stored in ground
+ no combustion ∴ n carbon emissions
+ can be run backwards in summer to act as AC by storing heat from house in soil
+ ground temp stays fairly constant throughout the year, so E extracted all the time.
+ no fuel delivery and storage needed.
+ low maintenance costs
- costs more to install than conventional heating systems
- COP greatly influenced by Th and Tc
- impractical to dig deep trenches in garden
- repairing leaks under soil can be expensive