Magna Carta Flashcards
Estates General
Nobility, clergy and common people
Habeas Corpus
No person can be arrested without first being charged with a crime
Plenitude of Power
A doctrine, statement of belief
Who was the first Holy Roman Emperor?
What were the two main challenges for the emperors of the Holy Rome Empire?
Church and Nobles
Most of the lands held by the Holy Roman Empire were located where?
Russian word for Caesar/king
Genghis Khan
Leader of the Mongols, “World Emperor”
The Mongols
People who overran China and Russia during the early 13th century
Ivan the Great
Russian ruler who eventually ran the Monguls out of Russia
Ivan the Terrible
Limited the privileges of the old boyar families and granted land to nobles in exchange for military or other services. Created the secret police and tortured political enemies
Russian Orthodox Church
Had influence in government-state left- church grew, more powerful when Mongols took over
The Varangians, from Scandinavia, were tradesmen
A Greek man that adapted the Greek alphabet into Slavic alphabet
Richard the Lion-Heart
Famous son of Henry the second
King John 1
Became king when King Richard (older bro) was off fighting crusades
Joan of Arc
Improbable leader of the efforts at French Unification
What was the basis of the conflict that created the Hundred Years’ War?
Unification of France
First English parliament
Created under King Edward 1 in 1295, consisted of Knights, town representatives, lords and clergies
What are the two main principles put forth by the Magna Carta?
The King is not above the law and Habeus Corpus
Describe the importance of Chapter 12 of the Magna Carta?
No taxation without representation
Which parts of the Magna Carta are embodied in the US Constitution?
Habeus Corpus, due process of law (Miranda Rights), jury trial, no taxation w/o representation
William the Conqueror
Laid the foundation for the English Government
Descendants: Henry I and Henry II
Two legal concepts introduced into English law by 1170
Common law and jury
What was the “bitter dispute” between King Henry and the Church?
Henry wanted legal power over the church
Who was Thomas Becket?
The archbishop of Canterbury
Why was England paying an annual tribute to the pope in 1212?
Henry had angered the pope and gotten involved in wars in France
What events in France caused the feudal barons of England to turn against John?
Wars and hightakes
The highest church office, church representative of England
Louis IX
King of France, 1226, was Christian and tried to convert others
Eastern Orthodox Church
Byzantine Empire is eastern Greek Orthodox, more philosophical, abstract and mystical; Russian and Greek
Roman Catholic Church
Held all power in Western Europe very wealthy church, relationship with church and people was based on money bc people wanted to go to heaven