macro topics 1: poverty, population and the environment Flashcards
IPAT equation
Environmental Impact = Population X Affluence X Technology
Technology in the IPAT equation
the environmental impact per unit of consumption per person
Agrarian Transition
The transition away from agriculture
sustainable development and poverty
sustainability cannot be achieved unless poverty is directly addressed - poverty is unsustainable
Connections Between Poverty and the Environment
- many environmental problems are the cause of poverty
Unsafe drinking water
Inadequate sewage facilities
Indoor and outdoor air pollution
2.Poor people cannot afford to conserve
resources - Richer people “demand” more pollution control - Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC)
- Population Growth
Population growth slows with increased
Explanations for the EKC
Rising Education
Political demand for pollution control
Shift in industrial composition
Relative risk considerations: is environmental quality a “luxury good”?
Population in Perspective
Population pressure can overwhelm the ability of poor country governments to provide educational, health and sanitary services
Rising incomes in poor countries could lead to a natural demographic transition to low population growth
Criticisms of the Malthusian model
Technological progress
Absence of relationship between per-capita income and population growth
The ‘Demographic Transition’
○ Endogenous fertility declines
Sustainable Development
The preservation of human-valued natural capital at a level sufficient to ensure the well-being of future generations
Interactions between population growth, poverty and environmental degradation
‘Children as productive assets’
1. Production very labour intensive in low-income economies.
2. Children as a substitute for (absent) old-age pension and social security
consensus on population growth
- Population growth not the primary cause of underdevelopment;
- The real problem is quality of life and scarcity of resources;
- Rapid population growth does intensify problems of underdevelopment.
Economic benefits of having children
Old age and health insurance
Income supplement
Economic costs of having children
Parents child-rearing efforts
Monetary resources
Family Size Strategies - High-investment strategy
Focus all available resources on one or two children
Family Size Strategies - Low-investment strategy
Have many children to increase the chance of one of them contributing to family income