macro Flashcards
the goods market
-increase in demand triggers increase in production which increases income etc
financial market
Md= PY L(i)
- increase in nominal income increases money demand (because lvl of transactions increase)
- increase in interest rate decreases money demand because more willing to hold bonds
- if money supply higher than money demand decrease interest rate
monetary policy of ECB
- need to keep a fraction of money as reserve (for atm)
- the higher the reserve the lower the money supply and thus the higher interest rate
- buy and sell bonds to influence Ms
- sell bonds get money Ms decreases
- buy bonds pay money Ms increases
the money multiplier
if you deposit 1000€ the bank keeps 100€ as fraction then they lend the other 900€ to max who deposits 900€ where they keep 90€
as deposit = money suppy the money supply is noe 1900
liquidity trap
interest down to zero and monetary policies can not decrease it further
goods market an IS relation
Investment I depend on outout Y and interest i
- negativ relationship —> high i decreases I as more costly to borrow money to invest
- decrease in I leads to decrease in Y
IS and fiscal policy
contraction: increase in T decreases demand and shifts curve to the left
expansion: decrease in T increases demand
financial market and LM curve
horizontal line at value of interest rate independant from output level
as IS downward sloping decrease in i leads to increase in Y
monetary policy
government decreases i bei increasing money supply
price wage spiral
increase in production means decrease in unemployment means increase in wages means increase in prices which again lead to increase in wages and so on
wage setting and price setting
wage setting: positively influenced by unemployment and unemployment benefits
price setting: influenced by mark up
intersection between price setting and wage setting is natural rate of unemployement
philips curve
high unemployment associated with low inflation
expectations-augmented philips curve:
high unemployement associated wurh decreasing inflation rate
for the natural rate of unemployement the inflation is stable
change in inflation depends on difference between actual and natural rate of unemployement
actual below natural ->increasing inflation rate
potential output-PC
relationship between inflation and output
- output above potential inflation increases
- if output increases inflation increases
IS-LM model determines output level which is transfered to the PC curve where you them can see the inflation for this new output
zero lower boind and debt spiral
if interest rate ar zero (zero lower bound) CB van not adjust interest rate downwards to increase potential output
zero interest rate associated with deflation
deflation increases real interest ratr which decreases demand even more which leads to even lower output
real exchange rate
decision to save or buy and buy domestic or foreign goods
relative price: relation between price of domestic good and price of foreign good
nominal exchange rate
price of domestic currency in terms of foreign 1€= x$
price if foreign in terms of domestic
appreciation and depreciation
appreciation in domestic: increase of price of domestic currency in term of foreign
real: increase in real exchange rate is apprciation -> can buy more foreign goods with same amount of domestic
- imports increase
interest parity condition
both bonds lead to the same expected return on investment
if european bonds have a higher return the uk people will sell their british bonds and exchange pound to wuro to buy european ones
this increases the demand in euros, euro appreciates and we move back to the interest parity condition