Mack 1994 Flashcards
Chain Ladder Assumptions
- expected losses in next development period are proportional to the cumulative losses to date
- variance of losses in next development period is a fct of the age and the cumulative losses to date
- losses are independent between AYs
when is the 3rd assumption violated?
3 is violated when have CY influences that affect multiple AYs
Examples: reserve strengthening/weakening, changes in payment processes, changes in inflation, changes in claim settlement rates, legislative changes
major consequence of #1 assumption
implies subsequent DFs are uncorrelated
formula for (s.e.(CiI))^2 and how its related to RiI
formula for alphak^2
options for last alpha
estimating CI for Reserves
normal and lognormal
lognormal: σ2=ln[1+(se(R)/R)2]
if doing CI for cumulative losses
use formula for CI for reserves but shift by paid/rptd loss amount ie std deviation is the same for both
Testing assumption 2 and 3 different DFs
fk0: Cik^2 weighted average
fk1: Cik weighted average
fk2: simple average
fk0 and fk2 violate the assumption because they are proportional to 1 and Cik^2, respectively
testing variance assumptions: residual plots for 3 DFs
fk0: (Ci,k+1-f*Cik) vs Cik
fk1: (Ci,k+1-f*Cik)/sqrt(Cik) vs Cik
fk2: (Ci,k+1-f*Cik)/Cik vs Cik
create 3 residual plots and see if 0&2 are better than 1
testing for CY effects (creating triangle)
- calc LDFs for each cell of triangle
- rank factors -> lowest gets rank of 1
- convert table of ranks into S, L, *
* is median, L > *, S < *
-count number of L’s and S’s in each diag Aj (exclude first diag)
testing for CY effects (creating table)
-create table of j, Sj, Lj, Zj, n, m, E[Zj], Var(Zj)
**j for all except first diagonal aka only 1 element
m=(n-1)/2 truncated
E[Zj]=n/2-(n-1 choose m)*n/(2^n)
Var(Zj)=n(n-1)/4-(n-1 choose m)*n*(n-1)/(2^n)+E[Zj]-E[Zj]^2
E[Z]=sum(E[Zj]), Var(Z)=sum(Var(Zj))
*If sum(Zj) lies outside CI, reject null that there are no CY effects aka AYs are independent
Testing for correlations between subsequent DFs
- calc LDFs for each celll
- create table of rik and sik
calc spearmann’s rank correlation coeff Tk
*value close to 0 indicates DFs between k-1 and k and DFs between k and k+1 are uncorrelated
calc global T
*tests the entire triangle for correlation
calc CI for T
*If T lies outside CI, reject null that you have uncorrelated DFs
formula for Tk
formula for T, E[T], Var(T), CI for 50%
why is it more important to look at global T?
*more important to know whether correlation globally prevails than finding a small portion of the triangle that is correlated
*At a 10% level of significance, 10% of the pairs of columns could exhibit significant correlation by random chance. Thus, we need to check the whole triangle to determine if correlation is truly present
Testing assumption 2 with weighted residuals
weighted residual = (y-yhat)/sqrt(x)
*Scatter plot of x vs weighted residuals -> tests variance assumption (#2)
*If residuals are not randomly scattered 0, assumption is violated
*assumption 2 requires most appropriate selection method for loss development factors = all-year volume-weighted average
testing linearity assumption
*Scatter plot of x vs y aka Cik and Ci,k+1
should be through origin with slope of DF
when is lognormal more appropriate for CI for reserves?
lognormal distribution is appropriate if normal distribution results in negative lower bound of CI
when standard error is high % of reserve estimate
% std errors aka s.e(R)/R comparison for AYs
should be greatest for older AYs since reserve estimate is smallest there and absolute value of std error is smallest
should increase significantly for most recent AYs because most immature and most uncertain AYs
variance of total reserve compared to individual years
MSE of total reserve should be greater than sum of variance of individual years if using CL which Mack uses
this is reasonable and expected because CL uses same LDFs between AYs so reserve estimates for individual AYs are positively correlated causing higher total var than if AY reserve estimates were independent