Machine Learning (part of exam 2/3) Flashcards
Why can it be useful for a machine to learn?
- it’s essential for unknown environments (ie when the designer isn’t omniscent)
- it’s useful as a system construction method (ie expose the agent to reality rather than trying to write down reality)
Assign the correct names to the following quotes:
- Learning is making useful changes in our minds.
- Learning denotes changes in the system that […] enable the system to do the same task or tasks drawn from the same population more efficiently and more effectively the next time.
- Learning is constructing or modifying representations of what is being experienced.
- Minsky
- Simon
- Michalski
What is Mitchell’s definition of Machine Learning (1997)?
A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of task T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.
What information needs to be given in order to reach the goal of improving the performance on a task?
- a task T
- a performance measure P
- some experience E
On the example of teaching a machine to play Backgammon, what are the task T, the performance measure P and the experience E?
- T: play backgammon
- P: percentage of games won
- E: previously played games
What examples have we learned where machine learning is used in our daily life?
- teaching machines to play games
- regognizing spam-Mail
- handwritten character recognition
- classifying stars, galaxies, quasrs,..
- market basket analysis (recommendation systems, store layouts)
On the example of Spam-Mail, what are the task T, the performance measure P and the experience E?
- T: sort E-Mails into categories
- P: weighted sum of mistakes (letting spam through is weighted less than misclassifying regular E-Mails as spam)
- E: handsorted E-Mails by user
What’s the name of the learning method most spam-filters use to teach their machines to recognize spam mails?
Bayesian Learning
On the example of Handwritten Character Recognition, what are the task T, the performance measure P and the experience E?
- T: recognize a handwritten character
- P: recognition rate
- E: MNIST handwritten digit database
On the example of Classifying Stars, what are the task T, the performance measure P and the experience E?
- T: classification of celestial bodies
- P: accuracy of classifying
- E: classificatios of astronomers
What method is used to classify stars?
learning of multiple decision trees and combining the best rules of each tree
On the example of the Market Basket Analysis, what are the task T, the performance measure P and the experience E?
- T: discover items that are frequently bought together
- P: ? possibly revenue of those items
- E: Supermarket check-out data
What types of different Learning Scenarios are there?
- Supervised Learning
- Semi-supervised Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Unsupervised Learning
What is Supervised Learning?
- a lot of labeled examples are provided for training purposes
- machine has to assign labels to examples
- concept learning, classification, regression
What is Semi-supervised Learning?
- a few labeled examples are provided for training purposes
- machine has to assign labels to examples
What is Reinforcement Learning?
- there are no labeled examples for training purposes
- machine only receives feedback on the labelling assignment it does
What is Unsupervised Learning?
- there is no information except the training examples
- clustering, subgroup discovery, association rule discovery
Assign the following examples to the correct types of Learning Scenarios.
- In a video game you find out what to do by how many xp you receive for different actions.
- You download a few webpages and classify them into various types of webpages. then you tell an algorithm to classify every webpage it finds.
- An algorithm receives a pack of thousands of tweets and the instruction to sort them into clusters.
- A handwritten letter is scanned and run through a handwritten character recognition software.
- Reinforcement Learning
- Semi-supervised Learning
- Unsupervised Learning
- Supervised Learning
What is Inductive Learning?
- Given: input x and output f(x) of a function
- Not given: function f
- Problem: given a set of training examples, find a hypothesis h that is as close to the function f as possible, on all examples (so it must generalize from the training examples)
- it ignores prior knowledge
- it assumes that examples are given