Macbeth Quotes Flashcards
“So fair and foul…
A day I have not seen”
(About Macbeth) “For brave Macbeth…
…well he deserves that name”
(About Macbeth) “Disdaining…
(About Macbeth)
“His brandished steel…
…which smoked with bloody execution”
“Stars hide your fires…
…let not light see my dark and deep desires”
“I have no spur to prick my intent…
…but only vaulting ambition which overleaps itself and falls on the other”
“Will all great Neptune’s oceans…
….wash this blood clean from my hands”
“I am in blood steeped so far that…
…should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go over”
“False face must hide…
…what false heart doth know”
“Is this a dagger…
…which I see before me”
“O full of scorpions…
…is my mind dear wife”
“Never shake thy…
…gory locks at me!”
“The time has been that when the brains were…
…out the man would die!”
“To know my deed ‘twere…
…best not know myself”
“We will proceed…
…no further in this business”
(Lady M)
“Come you spirits, that tend on mortal…
…grounds, unsex me here”
(Lady M)
“Look like the innocent flower….
…but be the serpent under’t”
(Lady M)
“Tis the eye of childhood…
…that fears a painted devil”
(Lady M)
“I do fear thy nature…
…tis too full o’ the milk of human kindness”
(Lady M)
“Here’s the smell of blood still…
….all the perfumes in Arabia will not sweeten this hand”
(Lady M)
“I would have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums and…
…dashed the brains out, had i so sworn as you have done to this”
(Lady M)
“What’s done…
…cannot be undone”
(Lady M)
“These deeds must not be thought after
…these ways, it will make us mad”
(Lady M)
“My hands are of your colour…
…yet I shame to wear a heart so white”
(Lady M)
“Yet who would’ve thought the old man…
…to have so much blood in him?”
“Fair is foul…
…and foul is fair”
“When will we three meet again…
…in thunder, lightening or in rain”
“All hail Macbeth..
..who shall be King hereafter”
“Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth!…
…beware Macduff”
“Something wicked…
…this way comes”
“Macbeth shall never be vanquished…
…until great birnham wood to high dunsinane hill shall come against him”
“Valiant cousin…
…worthy gentleman”
“This Castle hath a pleasant seat;…
…the air nimbly and sweetly recommends itself”
(About Duncan)
“Silver Skin lac’d with…
…his golden blood”
“What he hath lost…
…Nobel Macbeth hath won”
“There’s no art to…
…find the minds construction in the face”
“He was a gentleman…
…on whom I built absolute trust”
“I have begun to plant thee…
…and make thee full growing”
(About Duncan)
“Macbeth doth murder sleep…
…the innocent sleep”
“These instruments of darkness…
…tell us truths, win us in honest trifles to betray in deepest consequence”
“I fear thou played…
…most foully for it”
“Can the devil…
…speak true?”
“Myself should be the roots…
… and father of many kings”
(About Banquo)
“Noble Banquo…
…let me enfold thee and hold thee to my heart”
(About Banquo)
“With twenty mortal…
…murders on his crown”
(About Banquo)
“Thy bones are marrowless…
…thy blood is cold”
(About Banquo)
“Take any shape but that…
…and my nerves shall never tremble
“Most sacrilegious murder hath..
…broken the Lords anointed temple”
“Stole thence the…
…life of the building”
“Bleed, bleed…
…poor country”
“Great tyranny lay…
…thou thy basis sure”
…show thy face!”
“I cannot strike at wretched kerns…
…whose arms are hired to bear thy staves”
“Macduff was from his mothers womb…
…untimely ripped”