Macbeth Flashcards
Lady Macbeth ‘Look like _________ flower, But to be _______ under’t’
Lady Macbeth ‘Look like th’innocent flower, But to be serpent under’t’
Lady macbeth ‘Your too ____ __ ___ ____ of human ________’
Lady macbeth ‘Your too full of the milk of human kindness’
Lady Macbeth ‘Take my milk for ____’
Lady Macbeth ‘Take my milk for gall’
Macbeth ‘We ________ the _____’
Macbeth ‘We scorched the snake’
Macbeth ‘A ______ of the ____, a _____ ________’
Macbeth ‘A dagger of the mind, a false creation’
The witches ‘____ is foul and ____ is fair’
The witches ‘Fair is foul and foul is fair’
Lady Macbeth ‘That _____ on ______ _______, unsex me here’
Lady Macbeth ‘That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here’
Lady Macbeth ‘That _____ on ______ _______, unsex me here’
Lady Macbeth ‘That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here’