Jekyll and Hyde Flashcards
Dr Jekyll ‘He began to go _____, wrong in the ____,’ (Lanyon about Jekyll)
Dr Jekyll ‘He began to go wrong, wrong in the mind,’ (Lanyon about Jekyll)
Dr Jekyll ‘The large, ________ face of Dr Jekyll grew ____ to the lips and there came a blackness about his eyes’ (Utterson about Jekyll)
Dr Jekyll ‘The large, handsome face of Dr Jekyll grew pale to the lips and there came a blackness about his eyes’ (Utterson about Jekyll)
Dr Jekyll ‘___ and ____ and half fainting, and groping before him with his hands, like a man ________ for death-there stood Henry Jeykll’ (Lanyon about Jekyll)
Dr Jekyll ‘Pale and shaken and half fainting, and groping before him with his hands, like a man restored for death-there stood Henry Jeykll’ (Lanyon about Jekyll)
Mr Hyde ‘______ his foot/broke out of all bounds and ________ him to the earth,’
Mr Hyde ‘Stamping his foot/broke out of all bounds and clubbed him to the earth,’
Mr Hyde ‘___ like ____’
Mr Hyde ‘ape-like fury’
Mr Hyde ‘A ________ autograph’
Mr Hyde ‘A murderer’s autograph’
Mr Hyde ‘like some _____ __________’
Mr Hyde ‘like some damned Juggernaut’
Mr Hyde ‘mere ______ terror’
Mr Hyde ‘mere animal terror’
Mr Hyde ‘like a ___’
Mr Hyde ‘like a rat’
Mr Hyde ‘some ________’
Mr Hyde ‘some creature’
Mr Utterson ‘If he be __ ____, I shall be __ ____’
Mr Utterson ‘If he be Mr Hyde, I shall be Mr Seek’
Mr Utterson ‘he had an ________ _________ for others’
Mr Utterson ‘he had an approved tolerance for others’
Mr Utterson ‘somehow ________’
Mr Utterson ‘somehow lovable’
Dr Lanyon ‘He had his death _______ written _______ upon his face’ (Utterson about Lanyon)
Dr Lanyon ‘He had his death warrant written legibly upon his face’ (Utterson about Lanyon)
Dr Lanyon ‘Lanyon declared himself a ______ man’ (Utterson about Lanyon)
Dr Lanyon ‘Lanyon declared himself a doomed man’ (Utterson about Lanyon)
Dr Lanyon ‘ my ____ sickened at it…I must ___’
Dr Lanyon ‘ my soul sickened at it…I must die’