Ma Commission Flashcards
What boilers are excepted from inspections? Where is this found?
MGL 146 Sec 7
Railroad locomotives, motor vehicles or steam fire engines brought into the commonwealth for emergency temporary use, or boilers in private residences, not to those used for heating purposes which carry pressures not exceeding 15 PSI and less than four feet of grate surface, nor to boilers of not more than 3 horsepower
Define a boiler
A closed pressure vessel in which water is heated, steam is generated, steam is superheated or any combination thereof, under pressure or vacuum for use externally to itself by the direct application of heat from the combustion of fuel, or from electricity or nuclear energy.
The term “boiler” shall include fired units for heating or vaporizing liquids other than water where these units are separate from processing systems and are complete within themselves
MGL 146 Sec 1
Define a Pressure Vessel
A vessel in which pressure is obtained from an external source or by the application of heat from an indirect source or from a direct source, other than a vessel defined as a “boiler” in MGL chapter 146 Sec 1.
Where do you go to read about your certificate of competency as an inspector?
MGL Chapter 146 Section 62
How long do insurers have to send inspection reports?
Forwarded to the Chief within 14 days from inspection
MGL 146 S18
Inspection notice?
14 days internal
No notice external
MGL 146 S21
What do you do when boilers do not conform to the rules?
The insurance company must notify the Chief and inspect internally and externally withing one month after the insurance is affected. No insurance shall be affected on any boiler which does not conform to the rules of the board
MGL 146 S 26
What’s on the certificate of inspection?
Name of Owner/User Location Size Number of the boiler Date of inspection Signature of the inspector Extracts as deemed necessary by the board
MGL 146 S 27
When do electric boilers need two blow down valves?
When the nominal water content exceeds 100 gallons
Minimum pipe size on electric boile
1” or 3/4” for 200kW or less
What are the blow down requirements for boilers exceeding 100 PSI
Blowoff at least schedule 80
Valves and fittings at least 1.25 boiler MAWP
Boilers 100 PSI or higher require 2 blow down valves
(Boilers >900 PSI rated for MAWP + 225 PSI)
What standards are used for bolts?
ASTM Standards
American Society for Testing and Materials?
Look it up
The insurer has to notify the ______ within _____ days of an inspection of an air tank or other such receptacle
State Fire Marshall. 14
What are you looking for inside an air tank (name 3 out of 4) and what should be open?
Oil sludge, scal, rust, and other deleterious material.
Inspection plugs, handhole plates, and manhole plates if provided
Ch 146 Section 39
Name a few tests that can be done on air tanks and when they can be tested
Ultrasonic in lieu of (or conjunction with) internal inspection if it is 36” diameter or less. 2 on each head, 2 at the bottom, and 2 at the top of the shell.
A hydro at the request of the authorized inspector
A hammer test can b applied if there is no pressure on the tank or receptacle
MGL 146 Sec 39
What do ammonia compressors require?
Safety valve
MGL 146 Sec 42
What can people with special licenses do?
Engines up to 50 horsepower
Boiler aggregate horsepower of 250, except where the power plant is run exclusively by water power and uses auxiliary steam for periods of low water
MGL 146 Sec 49
Any steam boiler with a safety valve set to blow off at greater than ________ requires what according to MGL 146 Section 51?
A daily record of the boiler, its condition when under steam, and all of the repairs made and work done on it. Must be kept on file and accessible to the Chief and divisional inspectors
All ______, other than those excepted in section 7, when used for ______ or ______ when the primary fluid circulates only within the code containment vessel or for process heating, and their appurtenances, that come within the scope of the current section 1, 4, or 8 of ASME, shall be thoroughly inspected internally WHEN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS at least once every three years and externally once per year.
Hot water heating boilers
Space heating
Heat storage source
What’s on a certificate of inspection
Name of Owner/user Location of the boiler Number of the boiler Date of inspection MAWP Signature of the Inspector
What do ANSI, ASHRAE and ASNT stand for?
American national standards institute
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers
American Society for Nondestructive Testing
What boilers fall under CMR 522 section 4?
Boilers exceeding 3 horsepower AND the following restrictions:
1) Steam low pressure/heating boilers & hot water supply boilers having a minimum safety relief valve capacity greater than 200 PPH and not exceeding 15 PSI.
2&3) Hot water low pressure heating boilers and hot water supply boilers having min safety relieving capacity greater than 200,000 btu/hr and pressures not exceeding 160 PSI. Also temps not exceeding 250F
4) potable water heaters and water storage tanks for pressures not exceeding 160 PSI and water temps not exceeding 210F, 200,000 btu/hr and a nominal water containing capacity of up to 120 gallons
How often must low pressure steam heating boilers be inspected if they are constructed with manholes and handholes?
Once per year internally
How often are low pressure/heating boilers and heat storage sources inspected?
Once per year. Internally once every 3 years
What heating boilers are exempt from inspection?
Locomotives, motor vehicles or steam fire engines brought In for emergency, private residences, not exceeding 15 PSI AND have LESS than 4 feet of grate surface, boilers not more than 3 horsepower, boilers under US jurisdiction, boilers us d for horticultural or agricultural purposes
Each heating boilers shall be stamped with what heading and data?
a) Manufacturer’s Name
c) Safety valve relieving capacity (minimum) in PPH
d) MASS. HEAT number
e) Year built
Can a boiler from another jurisdiction be operated in MA?
They must petition to the Chief and will need
1) a copy of the original data report
2) the field inspection data sheet and report covering the boiler, signed by an inspector with the appropriate commission
If the Chief finds that the boiler complies with the MA jurisdictional requirements and it is in safe working condition, a certificate can be issued stating the safe working pressure
Do Atmospheric boilers fall under section 4?
They are exempt from section 4 if they are vented directly to atmosphere, it is not possible to build up any pressure above atmospheric, and they do not have any valves, flaps, louvers, or dampers in the vent line which could have the capacity to freeze in place, thereby causing the boiler to build pressure
What air tanks fall under CMR 522 section 7?
All air tanks enumerated in MGL 146 S 34 including:
1) Tanks constructed after September 9, 2016
2) Tanks with an MAWP greater than 50 PSI, greater than 6” internal diameter, or an internal volume greater than one cubic foot.
Note: exemption of air tanks less than one cubic foot applies to each single vessel and not an assembly of vessels
What air tanks are exempt from CMR 522 S 7?
1) Federal
2) Locomotives, street cars, railway cars, trackless trolley vehicles, or motor vehicles in operating such vehicles or their brakes or body lifting apparatus
3) Tanks in which air is used solely for cushioning systems containing water or other liquids
4) tanks containing air and liquids in which the pressure is maintained by pumps, such as hydraulic elevator tanks
5) Tanks or other receptacles used by divers if they are inspected by the refilling agency
6) portable storage tanks and bottles for breathing purposes for rescue ops,
7) Tanks used in and as part of electrical substations owned and operated by an electric company
How much clearance is needed for an air tanks? May this be waived?
12”. Can be waived if installed prior to October in 1977
What kind of piping must be used coming out of the air tanks outlet?
Steel piping shall be used from the air tank outlet to the first block valve of the air distribution system
Can air tanks be isolated with block valves?
Yes. Air tanks isolated with block valves must have a pressure relief valve and a pressure gauge attached to the pressure vessel
Can you inspect an air tank which has been relocated?
No. The district engineering inspector must make the initial inspection
Where must the certificate of inspection for an air tank posted?
In a conspicuous place near where the tank specified therein is located
For riveted air tanks, what is the lowest factor of safety to be used?
5.5 for tanks over 10 and up to 15 years old
5.75 for tanks over 15 and up to 20 years old
6 for tanks over 20 years old
Where are pressure relief valves located on compressors?
As close to the compressor as practical
Can compressors have isolation valves on pressure gauges?
The pressure gauge cannot be shut off from the tank except by a cock with a T or level handle, which shall be placed on the pipe near the pressure gauge
What materials are used air tank pressure gauge connections? What tubing size should be used?
Brass type and fitting or copper tubing so connected to the system that they are not exposed to high temperatures due to compression.
Minimum copper size is 1/8”
What is the minimum size of the bottom drain pipe of an air tank? Can a plug cock be used?
For tanks 20” diameter or less 1/4” iron
Plug cock can be used if it is held in place with a guard or gland
What does it mean when there is discoloration on a plug hole?
Someone heated it to remove the plug. In no case shall heat be used to bring the metal to a full red color around an opening. This may require decommissioning of the vessel until supporting documentation is submitted to the board by a MA registered PE
What refrigeration systems are excluded from CMR 522 Section 9?
Railway trains, motor vehicles, private residences, apartment houses with less than 5 apartments, US jurisdiction, agricultural, horticultural, floricultural, and less than 20 tons
What ASHRAE standard requires installations PRIOR TO _____ be equipped with safety relief devices as required?
September 9th 2016
ASHRAE 15-2013 Safety Standards for Refrigeration Systems
What are the 2 ASHRAE standards that apply to CMR 522 Section 9?
ASHRAE 15-2013 Safety Standards for Refrigeration Standards
ASHRAE 34-2013 Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants for the Installation of Refrigeration Systems
Do refrigerant detector alarms and ventilation systems need to be tested? How often?
Yes annually and in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Records of periodic testing must be made available upon an AI or district inspector’s request.
Who can disconnect the refrigeration or air equipment?
A licensed refrigeration technician using the first disconnect in,meaning the wall plug or nearest electrical disconnect
Can refrigeration devices be disconnected?
A refrigeration technician can for alteration, repair or replacement of controls downstream of the equipment gas shutoff valve any device or control that falls under CMR 522 or is integral to the refrigeration or AC equipment
Can air or compressed gas pressure tests be performed?
Only at the approval of the Chief or his designee
Does all of CSD-1 fall under MA?
no. Just parts:
CG: General
CM: Testing
CW: Steam and Waterside Control
What code is used for boiler and combustion systems? Do all boilers apply?
NFPA 85: Boiler and Combustion System Hazards Code - 2015
Applies to boilers equal to or greater than 12.5 million BTU/hr
When are UM stamps acceptable in MA?
When the air tank ford not exceed 250 PSI o contain more then 5 cubic feet of compressed air
When do non tagged steam boilers and air tanks not require a first inspection from the district engineering inspector?
If installed prior to September 1977