M6 - Sustainability Flashcards
What is sustainability in the workplace?
Meeting present needs without compromising future generations from meeting their needs while minimising damage on the environment
What are environmentally friendly work practices?
Practices that reduce harm to the environment and wastage of resources
- Reducing waste -> minimize landfill
- Repairing rather than replacing machinery and equipment
- Using recycled resources
- Using resources more efficiently
What are the principles of sustainability in the business services industry?
Economic: Profit and consumption, cost saving
Environmental: The planet and damage to the environment, reducing carbon footprint, waste, and usage
Social: Impact on people, employees and community
What are the consequences of poor sustainable work practices
- Hazardous chemicals contaminates soil and plant -> impacting the health of humans and animals when eaten
- Rain water runs through contaminants in landfill, polluting drinking water
- Incinerations of waste pollutes the air -> Respiratory issues and health impacts
- Greenhouse gas emission impacts the quality of air and contributes to climate change
What is the meaning of corporate social sustainability
A business’s impact on social systems, including society, communities, employees, and consumers and their ability to balance economic, environmental and social considerations.
What do Australian and international standards for corporate social sustainability do?
This guides companies in measuring their social and environmental impact to support current and future generations in creating healthy and liveable communities.
-Affordable housing
-Opportunities for education
Training and employment
-Physical and mental medical support
What are best practice sustainability models in a business services workplace
-Making sustainability part of workplace culture
Introducing policies which promote sustainability e.g. switching off equipment, lights, double sided printing
Becoming a green building, consuming fewer resources and reducing waste
What are the benefits of sustainable work practices:
- Addressing ethical obligations and responsibilities
- Compliance with legislation and regulations: avoid legal issues, fine
- Positive environmental impacts
- Reputation benefits (attracting employees and customers)
What are workplace sustainable policy and procedures and what could it involve?
A business’ commitment to certain standards that will help meet its legal, social and environmental obligations.
- Energy usage
- Recycling paper, plastic equipment
- Purchasing reusable materials
What is compliance?
When a PCBU meets requirements of legislation, accepted practices or rules and regulations
What is best practice?
Methods or techniques that constantly show superior results and are used as a benchmark for businesses to achieve
What are the levels of compliance?
- Every worker and workplace must follow environmental laws
- Solid waste and hazardous materials are stored appropriately and removed by licensed professionals
- Comply with license conditions, permits and orders
- Develop codes of practice to comply with legislation which gives advice in minimising environmental damage
Government (local, State and Territory and Commonwealth)
- Pass legislation or bylaws to protect the environment that all individuals and businesses must adhere to
- Civil and criminal penalties
- Set sustainable policies for government operations
What is the purpose and intent of environment legislation? provide example
Protection of The Environment Operations Act 1997 (NSW)
- Enables government to set out protection of the environment policies and adopt innovative approaches to reducing pollution
- Sets environment standards, goals, protocols, guidelines
- Provide framework for government decisions
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates the act
- Granting license
Clean Energy Legislation (Carbon Tax Repeal) Act 2014
- 3 year period of fixed carbon pricing
- Australia’s largest carbon emitters had to report and pay for emissions produced
- Redecued Australia’s net greenhouse gas emissions
What is the primary role/function of the Clean Energy Regulator (Cth)?
Government body responsible for accelerating carbon abatement for Australia through the administration of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting scheme, Renewable Energy Target and the Emissions Reduction Fund.
What is the primary role/function of the Departnent of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
Responsible for sustainable agriculture, fishery and forestry
What is the primary role/function of the Departnent of Industry, science, energy and resource
Drives economic growth by investing in science and technology
What is the primary role/function of the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA)?
Partners with business, government and the community to reduce pollution and waste, maintain human health and prevent degredation of the environment
What is the primary role/function of the Departnent of planning, Industry and Enviornment
Shapes cities, towns and regions by supporting community, industry and environment for the benefit of the people of NSW
What is the primary role/function of the Department of Environment (Cth)?
- designs and implements Australian Government policy and programs to protect and conserve the environment, water and heritage, promote climate action, and provide adequate, reliable and affordable energy.
What is the primary role/function of the Local Councils?
Broadly covers a range of legislative and functional activities including strategic planning, advocacy, representation, policy development and law making
What should workplace policy and procedures relating to environmental compliance include? Give examples
- Recognition of environmental legislation
- Business mission, expectations and commitment
- Education and training for workers
- Tracking resource usage
- Selecting energy-efficient machinery
- Using sustainable materials
-Purchasing stock with less packaging
How should breaches and potential breaches be reported?
- Duty to notify ‘relevant authorities (including EPA, Ministry of Health or SafeWork NSW) as specified in the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (NSW)
What are the consequences of non-compliance?
Tier 1: most serious offence
- The willful/negligent disposal of waste or causing a substance to leak, spill or otherwise escape in a manner that harms or is likely to harm the environment
- Can attract penalties of up to $5 MILLION & 7 years of jail
Tier 2
- Water pollution is prohibited Clean Waters Act
- Failure to notify a pollution incident $2 MILLION in the case of a corporation and fine of $500,000 in the case of an individual
Tier 3
- Dealt with by penalty notices ( ‘on-the-spot fines’ or ‘Penalty Infringement Notices’)
What are environmental hazards and risks typical to a business services workplace?
Hazard: Anything that has the potential to cause harm
Risk: The likelihood, or possibility that harm may occur from exposure to a hazard.
Poor ventilation -> health issues
Chemical and electrical hazards -> fires
Which personnels are responsible for environmental hazard identification and risk control?
- Employees
- PCBU/Employer
- Health and Safety Representative (HSR)
Who are relevant personnel to report environmental hazards and risks in a business services workplace to?
- Environmental Protection Authority
- Local Authorities
- Ministry of Health
- SafeWork NSW
- Fire and Rescue NSW
Environmental hazrd identification
- Dose response assessment
- Exposure assessment
- Risk characterisation
What are the types of reports for hazard identification and risk control?
- A hazard/risk report can be written to the Environmental Protection Authority or Local Authorities, particularly if the issue is ongoing.
- Checkilsts, registers, logs
- Inspections, incident and accident reports
- Phone call should be made to the appropriate persons.
- Report to the PCBU who can then report to the relevant authority depending on the environmental concern
- Raising issue in a staff meeting
What is a resource?
An economic or productive factor used by a person or organisation to accomplish an activity or desired outcome.
- Land, labour and capital
- energy, information, time
How is energy used in industry and specific job roles?
- relies heavily on electricity as its main source of energy
- Conserving energy saves the business money, uses less fossil fuels causing less pollution and fewer greenhouse gas emission.
- LED lights, turning off equipment, natural light, solar panels
How are human resources used in industry and specific job roles?
Employees that work in office administration and contribute to the running of the business.
How is infrastructure used in industry and specific job roles?
- Basic underlying framework or features of a business or organization to function
- Correct infrastructure -> improving efficiency, allowing the staff to work effectively, keeping running costs within acceptable levels, helping to achieve quality service and supporting good levels of communication
- IT resources the machinery and other equipment needed for production, transport facilities and communication technology
How are equipment and materials used in industry and specific job roles?
- Tangible and durable assists used in the production of other goods, like tools and machinery.
- computers, printer, photocopiers are examples of the equipment while paper and toner are examples of materials
How are Technology and associated consumables used in industry and specific job roles?
- Allows for expansion and improved efficiency in a business, mainly due to improved communication.
- Video conferencing, social networks and virtual offices have removed previously restrictive workplace boundaries and have enabled this expansion, especially globally, while substantially reducing operating costs.
- A virtual office enables a business employ allows businesses to target a wider customer base and hence grow their business
What is resource efficiency?
Doing more with less and using resources in a sustainable manner to minimise impacts on the environment.
- Double sided printing
- Recycling and reusing
- Turning of equipment
- Using natural light
How can resources consumption be collected and measured?
Waste, water, materials and energy usage can be tracked
- Documented resources
- examine invoices from suppliers
- measure resource usage under different conditions
- monitor relevant information and data
- recording and filing resource usage documentation
Why should businesses measure and collect data on resource consumption?
- Better plan for resource consumption
- Reduce costs
- Reduce potential harm caused the environment as a result of excessive resource use.
- Allow businesses to be aware of harm they may cause to the environment
What are some tools for measuring and documenting resource use?
- Software: Databases, spreadsheets, charts and graphs, usage levels from previous invoices, being aware of trends, peaks and troughs
- Checklists
- Stock control tools
- Viewing the storeroom of resources, stocktaking, monitor in accordance to how often they are used, having departments keep records and being aware of the types of resources that are used, through observation
- First in, first out: preventing perishables from deteriorating
How can hazards and risks be managed?
Contamination of water -> employees can become sick -> Ensuring that the water filter’s are being regularly checked in order to ensure that is no contamination therefore insuring that no one within the business is being affected.
Over usage of energy -> High costs for business -> implement procedures ensuring that all power-point switches are turned off, including computer’s, lamps, lights, air conditioner etc. Increased energy efficiency allows less money spent on electricity leading to more expenses going into the business for other potential reasons.
Environmental noise -> disturbs employees, affecting long-term hearing -> Avoid loud machinery within the business environment, as it can create disturbances when there are employee’s working.
What are avoidance and minimization strategies?
Purchasing sustainable products(recycled paper etc.):
- enforcement of a company purchasing policy that supports suppliers and companies that minimise packaging, reuse and recycle packaging
- Set up a list of suppliers with preferred environmentally credentials and only purchase from them.
- Develop a ‘green list’ of products with your stationery supplier.
- Switch to GreenPower and encourage staff to purchase Green Power at home.
Regular maintenance of equipment:
-cleaning and using it correctly avoids the breakdown of office equipment which will accumulate to wastage that cannot decompose into the environment, resulting in environmental harm .
Define renewable, recyclable and recoverable resources
A renewable resource is one that naturally restores or replenishes itself, being constantly available without human or other outside influences, like solar and wind power.
A recyclable resource is one that can be used over and over but must go through a process to prepare it for re-use, like aluminium cans. A reusable resource is one that is not rendered useless by being used.
Recoverable resources are identified in terms of workplace waste stream, including solid waste, liquid waste, water and energy. This can include the recovery of certain elements in mobile phones.
Explain the benefits of using renewable, recyclable and recoverable resources
Using renewable, recyclable and recoverable resources is significantly beneficial towards a business as it can assist them in reducing their daily work practices detrimental impact on the environment, utilise resources to their full potential and minimise their resource consumption. Consequently, a business will reduce their costs leading to an increase in profits as well as improving their business reputation and customer satisfaction levels which will positively affect the business’s overall success.
What are ways to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases
- Reduce, reuse, recycle
- Use less heat and air conditioning
- Replace light bulbs
- Use trees in the office environment.
What are Alternative forms of energy
Hydroelectric energy: energy of moving water captured and used as hydroelectric power. Renewable, constant, no greenhouse gases
Geothermal energy: Drawn or harnessed from beneath the earth.
produces no pollution, reduces reliance on fossil fuels, cheaper
Solar panels: renewable source of power harnessed from the sun’s energy, can be used for a long time and require little or no maintenance.
Wind: renewable source of energy and reduces reliance on foreign countries for supply of oil and gas. doesn’t cause air pollution, cheaper
Explain the waste-management systems?
Split into the 3Rs: Reduce, reuse, recycle
Reduce: double-sided printing, using electronics over paper, using products with minimal packaging
Reuse: Reuse paper, rechargeable batteries, reusable containers
Recycle: recycle waste material
What are ways to improve sustainable work practices?
- Setting up mentoring programs