M2 - Safety Flashcards
Define health
A person’s mental or physical condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit.
Define safety
The condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury. All individuals have legal and moral responsibility to ensure safety and wellbeing of others in the workplace
What is duty of care?
The responsibility/ legal obligation of a person or organization to avoid acts likely to cause harm to others.
What are the responsibilities of an employer according to WHS?
-Effectively train and supervise staff for safe work practices
-Consult employees on decisions which affect workplace safety
-Provide adequate facilities and PPE for hazard protection
-Understand and meet obligations of WHS Act 2011 and WHS Regulation 2011
What are the responsibilities of an employee?
-Follow all safety work procedures to ensure personal and workplace safety
-Wear all provided PPE
-Ensure machines and equipment are properly used
-Providing first aid and assistance o injured people at work
What is a consultation and what does it involve?
A consultation is a two-way process between and employer and employee.
-Discussing health and safety matters
-Listen and raise concerns
-Seek and share views and information
-Consider their opinion before making decsions
What is participation in the workplace?
Engaging with workers by adding and listening to safety matters
What is the role of SafeWork NSW?
Assisting in securing the health, safety and welfare of workers within NSW
List the responsibilities of Safe Work Australia
-Coordinate and develop national policy and strategies
- Implementing work health and safety legislation
-Improving workers compensation
- Research, collect, analyse & report data
What do local councils do in regards to safety?
Provide health, safety and welfare for employees in the workplace
How do Industrial Relations Units help councils to comply with WHS obligations?
-Providing advice, resources and training
-Representing councils’ views on WHS to industry bodies
What is the Australian Workers Union?
A group of workers/employees who join together to achieve a common goal such as better working conditions, job security or protecting trade integrity.
What does Australian Workers Union do?
-Provide wealth of expertise, resources and training to help reps perform roll
-Back up workers and reps in health or safety issues at work
What is a professional Association?
Organisations made up of those working under the same industry or profession . They form control to enter the profession, maintain standards, assist in development and representing interests to the government and community.
Name external sources of WHS information
-WHS Act 2011 NSW
-WHS Regulation 2011
-NSW Codes of Practice
-SafeWork NSW, Safe work Australia, Local council
-Training courses
Name internal sources of WHS information
-Supervisors or manager
-WHS committee, officer, representative
-WHS induction process
-Workplace policy and procedure documentation
What is the scope of responsibility/level of authority in relation to WHS?
-Taking initiative
What does taking initiative involve for safety?
WHS problems in the workplace are everybody’s responsibility and should be reported to be fixed. This includes reporting a spill
What does problem solving in WHS involve?
Solving a WHS issue which may be temporary such as cleaning a spill and placing a wet floor sign.
What does decision making involve in WHS?
To make decision in order to maintain everybody’s health and safety depending on the severity of the WHS issue. Usually a manager’s role. This may be to evacuate at workplace.
What are the 5 points of WHS Compliance
-Code of Practice
-Guidance material
What is an Act and provide an example of one
-A formal decision or law, made by a legislature, ruler, court or authority
-WHS Act 2011: formal description of health and safety law intended to assign legally binding duties for each group
What is a regulation and provide an example of one
-A Rule intended to carry out a specific piece of legislation, enforced by a regulatory agency
-WHS Regulation 2011: Detailed set of requirements supporting the WHS Act
What are codes of practice and what categories are there for it?
Detailed information on achieving required standards of a legislation
-Hazardous goods and substances
-Risk managing
-Manual handling
-WHS consultation
Managing the Work Environment and Facilities, Codes of practice December 2011:
What is guidance material?
Detailed information on how you can achieve the required standards of a legislation
-Managing the Work Environment and Facilities, Codes of practice December 2011: practical guide to achieve acceptable standard of WHS act and regulation
What is a standard in WHS compliance?
Published documents that provide guidance to ensure safety, performance and reliability of good and services
What do Australian and international standards do?
maintaining a standard in performance for the particular activities within the
What do Industry standards do?
Product safety laws for each industry such as construction, performance, testing, labeling and information requirements of goods or services produced
What is a WHS inspector and what are their functions and powers?
WHS inspectors are appointed under WHS legislation, responsible for ensuring WHS and public safety standards are met.
-Provide compliance information/advice to improve WHS issues
-Inspecting and examining
-Seizing items as evidence
-Taking measurements, tests, samples, recordings, sketches,
-Asking questions and interviews
-Requesting name, address and documents
-Investigate violations of WHS acts
-Issuing notices
-Assist in prosecution of offences
What are the powers of a WHS inspector?
-Provide compliance information/advice to improve WHS issues
-Investigate violations of WHS acts
-Issuing notices
-Assist in prosecution of offences
What actions may a WHS inspector undertake in a workplace?
-Inspecting and examining
-Seizing items as evidence
-Taking measurements, tests, samples, recordings, sketches,
-Asking questions and interviews
-Requesting name, address and documents
What are the consequences of non-compliance?
Category 1: fail to comply with health and safety duty without reasonable excuse which causes risk of death or serious injury
charge = category 2 doubled
Category 2: Fail to comply with health and safety duty which causes risk of death or serious injury
charge = category 3 tripled
Category 3: All other offences
C: 500k O: 100k W: 50k
What are safety signs used for?
-Drawing attention to health and safety hazards
-Providing general information and directions
-Enforce use of PPE
-Directions of emergency equipment
-Indicates areas of prohibited actions
What are the legislative requirements of safety signs?
-A PCBU must display safety signs to warn of hazards or state responsibilities in relation to hazard
-Sign must be next to the hazard and clearly visible
What does a red sign represent?
Danger or stop containers of flammable liquids, emergency stop or fire protection equipment
What do orange safety signs represent?
Warning for hazardous machinery which could cut, crush or injure workers
What do yellow safety signs represent?
Physical hazards which may cause falling, tripping and striking from cabinets or unstable materials
What do green safety signs represent?
First aid or safety equipment including first aid kits, stations, stretchers and emergency exits
What do blue safety signs represent?
Safety information signs which require the use of PPE
What does each shape of a safety sign represent?
Circles: regulatory and an order is in force
-Prohibition and mandatory action
Triangles: Warnings indicating caution or danger
-Potential or definite hazards
Square: indicates information
-First aid, health, fire protection, emergency equipment, permission, public information
What are the steps of a workplace/industry policy and protocols with WHS regulation and legislation.
- Attend to the injured and notify emergency services for assistance
- Ensure the site if safe to prevent further injury
- Notify a supervisor who must immediately notify a safety officer and health and safety representative
4.Safework Australia will provide information to assist in investigation
What is the purpose and importance of recording and reporting safety concerns and incidents?
Records are able to be kept for future needs and for legal reasons as well as tracking work completion
What are the types of reports and who can they be to?
-Formal to a HSR officer or Informal to a employer or colleague
What are some opportunities form input?
-Formal and informal discussion: sharing information with a general personal or representative
-Meetings: Assembly of people where concerns and suggestions can be discussed
-Surveys: Provides general view and personal opinions
-Training: Individuals can make mistakes and ask questions
-WHS audit: systematic review of health and safety management system
-WHS inspection: Resolving WHS issues to respond to incidents and complaints
What are the requirements for the formation of a health and safety committee or representative?
– PCBU must establish within two months if requested by a health and safety representative for at least five workers
– Requires at least one HSR and 50% not appointed by PCBU
– must meet at least quarterly
– members must be given sufficient pay time off to attend meetings and perform functions by PCBU
What are the roles and responsibilities of committees?
-Monitoring and reviewing measures to ensure WHS and security of any person
-Investigate matters causing risk to WHS
-Allow consultations between employees and emplyers
What are the roles and responsibilities of representatives?
Looking after health, safety and welfare of a designated group of employees within the organization
-Conducting inspections, providing feedback, to WHS
What are the roles and responsibilities of a PCBU
Person conducting business or undertaking: Ensure the health and safety of employees and clients.
-Ensure practices, machinery and working environment is up to standards of WHS act.
-Consult employees on WHS matter,
-Providing training
-Reporting WHS incidents
What are the roles and responsibilities of a manager/supervisor/team leader?
Consult workers on WHS issues and take actions to fix them to remove risk
What are the roles and responsibilities of workers in regards to safety?
Reporting hazards and not putting yourself or and anybody else in danger
What are the roles and responsibilties of unions?
Support workers in WHS matters and improving standards wanted by them
What matters should be identified and reported? Provide an example of each
○WHS issues and concerns
○ Workplace hazards
○ Unsafe work practices
○ Breaches of health and safety
How should WHS training sessions be planned and conducted in the workplace?
-Aligns to workplace policy and procedures
-Communicates importance of safe work procedures and practices
-Enforce legal obligations,
-Allow improvements to WHS feedback
What does improving safe work practices do?
-Contributes to safety culture
-Empowers workers
-Improving policy and systems
-informs management of critical health and safety risks
What is the difference between a hazard and a risk?
A hazard is anything that has the potential to cause harm, including injury, disease, death and damage
e.g. spilled chemicals
A risk is the harm that may occur from exposure to a hazard
e.g. injury, illness, death, damage
What are some categories of hazards?
○ Poor or inadequate lighting
○ Ergonomic hazards
○ Manual handling hazards
○ Electrical hazards (e.g. appliances, power sockets, etc.);
○ Contagious illnesses spread by sick workers
○ Fire hazards
○ Chemical hazards (e.g. cleaning products);
○ Stress hazards
What is the risk control hierarchy?
-Eliminate risk
-Minimise risk: substitute, modify
-Other controls: administrative, PPE
What is the purpose of induction training?
-Practice specific to the workplace
-Familiarises employee with WHS practises and expectations
What procedures and practices must be adhered to?
-SOP: Document providing steps to correctly and safely undertake regular operations relevant to the business.
-Documentation and plans
-Work instructions: Ensures required work is conducted according to PCBU or supervisor
Work policy: Principles and practices, guide for every day operations
What is PPE and how is it selected, used and maintained?
Anything used or worn to minimise risk to worker’s health and safety.
-Boots, ear plugs, hard hats, goggles, harness, sunscreen
Selected: suitable for nature of work and hazard
Used: Worn according to provided information and training
Maintained: repaired and replaced, ensuring hygiene and safety
What is manual handling and how can it be done safely?
Any activity requiring manual force.
-This should not be over 20kg.
-Hold load close to body
-Have two people holding
-Use a trolley or forklift
What is ergonomics?
The efficient design of the workplace to eliminate and control work-related injuries.
-Elbow, knees and hips 90*
-Feet flat
-Keyboard and mouse close to body
-Tilted monitor
What is a SDS?
Safety data sheet are documents for chemical information including properties, and emergency service information.
What are the procedures and practices around tools and equipment?
-Appropriate selection for task
-Equipment checked and recorded before used according to instructions
-Regular maintenance before and after use
-Safety tags and lockout outlining do’s, don’ts and risks
What are the procedures and practices around electricity
-PCBU must manage electrical risks
-Cables and leads out of walk ways
-Cables have a protective layer and aren’t broken
-Regularly checked for damage
What are the procedures and practices around housekeeping?
-Spills are cleaned according to management system
-Items are properly stored to reduce hazards
-waste is disposed according to management system (recycling, SDS)
-Comply with WHS regulations, sustainability for environment
What are safe work practices and procedures?
Practices are methods outlining how to perform a task safely while procedures are a series of specific steps guiding workers from start to finish.
What is an incident, accident and emergency?
Incidents are unplanned and undesired events that hinder completion of task, possible causing injury, illness or damage.
e.g. slip
Accidents are discrete occurrences in the course of work leading to physical or mental injury
e.g. dropping a hammer on foot
Emergencies are unforeseen situations which threaten employees, customers or the public, shutting down operations or causing physical or environmental damage.
e.g. fire, robbery, bomb, medical
What are the steps of basic first aid?
1.Approach the employee.
2.Assess the outcome, hazard and employee.
4.Recovery position.
What is the difference between manageable first aid and a emergency?
Manageable first aid is for non-life threatening situations e.g. fracture
Emergencies are life threatening situations requiring a level of CPR and first aid training
What are some strategies to reduce workplace accident, injuries and impairment?
-Regular safety inspections
-Appropriate training
-Reporting incidents
What are the costs of workplace injury?
-Human: pain and discomfort (medical assistance)
-Social: rehabilitation, counselling
-Economic: medical expenses, insurance
-Organisational: media, fines, reputation
What are the response procedures for seeking assistance?
Assistance should be immediately sought in emergency situations, following workplace policies. 000 should be called for fire, ambulance or police.
What are the response procedures for emergencies?
Exits, fire alarms and evacuation exit plans are located in every room.
-Relevant personnel is notified
-Evacuation and security
-Incident reporting
What is the response procedure for fires?
1.Follow training procedures
2.Ensure escape route between you and fire
3. Stop, drop and roll
-Use fire blankets for small fires
-Fire extinguishers for bigger fires
-Fire hose and reel for large class A fires
What are the basic principles of first aid and personnel responsibilities?
Danger, response, send for help, airway, breathing, CPR, defibrillator