M6 - Plant Tropisms and the NS Flashcards
What is Tropism? (positive and negative?)
The DIRECTIONAL GROWTH of part of a plant in response to a directional stimulus.
Positive (towards stimulus)
negative (away from stimulus)
What is the tropism response of shoots and roots to:
- light
- gravity
- water
- survival benefits
- positive phototropism
- negative gravitropism
- negative hydrotropism
Shoots group upwards and towards light for maximum photosynthesis.
ROOTS are the opposite to shoots.
They grow downwards towards water to increase absorption of water and mineral ions from the soil.
Why are plant growth factors different to hormones?
- They only affect growth
- Made by many different cells - not just a specific group
- May affect the cells they are produced in, rather than other target cells
How is Tropisms controlled by IAA?
IAA is an example of a…
it belongs to a group called _____.
It is responsible for _____ __________ and can control __________ and ________ in flowering plants.
It has the _______ effect in roots and shoots at certain ___________.
- Plant growth factor
- Auxins
- Cell elongation
- Phototropism
- Gravitropism
- Opposite
- concentrations
What happends to roots and shoots at different concentrations of IAA?
High concentrations of IAA (10ppm) inhibits root growth but stimulates shoot growth. However at 100 ppm, IAA inhibits shoot growth.
Describe the phototropic response of shoots (standard answer). What happens in roots?
- Cells in tip of shoot produce IAA, which is then transported down the shoot.
- The IAA is transported evenly throughout all regions as it moves down shoot.
- Light causes IAA to move from light to shaded side of shoot.
- A greater conc of IAA builds up on the shaded side of the shoot.
- As IAA causes elongation of shoot cells, shoot cells on the shaded side elongate more causing the tip to bend towards the light.
High IAA conc in roots inhibits cell elongation causing a negative phototropic response.
Describe the gravitropic response of roots. What happens to shoots?
- Cells in the tip of the root produce IAA, which is then transported along the root.
- IAA is initially transported evenly throughout the root.
- Gravity influences IAA movement from the upper to lower side of the root.
- Greater conc builds up on the lower side of the root.
- As IAA inhibits elongation of root cells, cells on lower side elongate less causing the root to bend downwards towards the force of gravity.
High IAA conc in shoots stimulates cell elongation causing negative gravitropic response.
What are innate behaviours?
A behaviour that allows animals to respond suitably to a stimulus without delay and without prior experience of the stimulus. They are controlled by genes and ensure success in the natural environment.
What is Kinesis?
The RANDOM movement of an animal in which the rate of movement is related to intensity of stimulus, but not its direction.
e.g. temperature, humidity
Organisms often move around a lot but turn less frequently.
What is taxis?
Movement where direction is determined by direction of stimulus. Movement is either positive or negative - towards or away from stimulus.
e.g. light (things that are immediately visable)
What are Kinesis and taxis related to? What is tropism related to?
Tropism = plants
Kinesis and Taxis = animals
Give examples of things controlled by the autonomic nervous system.
EFFECTORS - Glands, smooth muscle (e.g. gut and blood vessels) and cardiac muscle.
What are the 3 types of muscle?
Smooth, cardiac and skeletal
What is a reflex action? Why do we have them?
A fast, involuntary response to a stimulus.
They are automatic so…
- prevent injury
- posture/balance
- role in homeostasis
Describe the reflex arc.
STIMULUS (e.g. heat form hot object).
RECEPTOR responds to stimulus by generating impulses in the sensory neuron.
SENSORY NEURON passes nerve impulse to the spinal cord.
COORDINATOR - relay/intermediate neuron links the SN to the motor neuron in spinal chord.
MOTOR NEURON carries nerve impulse from spinal cord to an effector (e.g. muscle in upper arm).
EFFECTOR - muscle in upper arm contracts.
RESPONSE - Pulling hand away from the hot object.
Receptor cells respond to a stimulus by intitating a nerve ______. Each receptor responds to a different specific _______ of stimulus.
They may be single cells or _____ in sense organs e.g. eye.
Receptors act as _________ and convert the ______ from the stimulus (e.g. light) into the ________ energy of a nerve impulse.
Name the pressure receptor you need to know. Describe it.
Pacinian Corpuscle:
- located in dermis of the skin
- sensory neuron that has a non-myelinated ending located inside a capsule formed from several layers of connective tissue
How does the Pacinian Corpuscle stimulate a nerve impulse?
Pacinian Corpusle has stretch mediated Na+ channels that are too narrow for Na+ to pass through in its resting state.
When pressure is applied the capsule deforms and Na+ channels are stretched and open, allowing Na+ ions to enter the cell. This depolarises the membrane (receptor potential).
If local depolarisation reaches threshold a generator potential is generated which then triggers action potentials by opening voltage-gated Na+ channels.
What is the intensity of a stimulus indicated by?
The frequency of action potentials.
APs are produced for as long as the receptor potential is above threshold. Greater pressure applied, the longer it is above threshold.
What is the all or nothing principle?
The idea that an action potential is either present or it isn’t. There aren’t different intensities of action potential.
What is adaptation in terms of receptor?
When a stimulus is first applied, increasing the stimulus increases the frequency of action potentials.
If stimulus continues, the receptor will become adapted and the frequency of action potentials will fall.
This helps to avoid over-stimulation.
Describe the journey of an impulse stimulated by light in the eye to the brain.
Photoreceptors –synapse–> Bipolar cells –synapse–> Ganglion cells —> Axons of ganlion cells join to form optic nerve —> Brain
How is a nerve impulse stimulated in photoreceptors?
Pigments in rods and cones are broken down by light.
If sufficient pigment is broken down then a generator potential is created and thus an action potential - causing an impulse to be conducted via the optic nerve to the brain.
Describe rod cells
- Pigment = Rhodopsin
- 1 type
- Can detect low light levels
- Give poor visual acuity (resolution)
- Distributed throughout retina - none at fovea.
- More present than cones.
Describe cone cells
- Pigment = Iodopsin
- 3 types (blue/red/green)
- Detect only bright light levels
- Give good visual acuity
- Mainly at the fovea
- Less present than rods
Why are rod cells more sensitive to light?
Multiple rods synapse with a single bipolar cell (show CONVERGENCE). This allows SPATIAL SUMMATION so stimulation of many rods is combined.
Also contain rhodopsin which is rapidly broke down in bright light and can also be broken down in low light levels.
More likely the generator potential will reach threshold to generate action potential.
Only one cone cell synapses with each bipolar cell so less likely to reach threshold. Contain iodopsin which is less easily broken down than rhodopsin so only produces a generator potential in bright light.
Why do cone cells give better visual acuity?
Visual acuity = resolution (ability to destinguish between two points)
Each cone cell synapses with a single bipolar cell - so brain recieved info from each cone.
CONVERGENCE occurs for rod cells - Info from several rod cells is combined into one signal to brain (so lower visual acuity).
Why does it take time for our eyes to adjust to bright light after being in the dark?
Rhodopsin is broken down by light and takes time to be resynthesised (dark-adaptation).
What is the Trichromatic theory?
There are 3 types of cone cell (blue, red and green) which all contain a different type of iodopsin that absorbs different wavelengths of light.
The brain intereprets the different wavelengths as different colours.
Name the parts of a neurone.
Cell body
Nodes of Ranvier
Myelin Sheath
Schwann cells
Motor end plates
What do Schwann cells do?
They produce the myelin sheath (lipid-rich insulating layer) by wrapping around the axon many times, growing spirally.
What do the nodes of ranvier allow other than faster impulse?
The axon to come into contact with extracellular fluid to exchange ions.
What does the cell body contain?
The nucleus and RER for production of neurotransmitters.
What is the resting potential of a neurone and how is it maintained?
-70mV (polarised).
Sodium-Potassium pump actively transports 3 Na+ ions out of the cell and 2 K+ ions into the cell.
Sodium-potassium leakage channels are open in resting membrane and allow about 100x more K+ to diffuse out than Na+ diffuse in (membrane partially permiable).
So overall, more positive ions on outside of axon than inside axon.
How is the axon depolarised?
When a stimulus reaches a resting neurone, Sodium voltage-gated channels open allowing Na+ to enter the axon - diffusing along an electro-chemical gradient.
This reduces potential difference across the membrane so axon becomes positively charged (+40mV).
If sufficient Na+ moves in, more sodium volatege-gated channels open.
How is the axon repolarised?
Once axon reaches +40mV, Na+ v-gated channels close and K+ v-gated channels open.
K+ diffuse out of axon down electro-chemical gradient.
Axon repolarised to -70mV
Why and how does hyperpolarisation occur?
K+ v-gated channels remain open for a few milliseconds after repolarisation so potential difference is greater/more negative than resting potential.
After action potential has occurred there is a brief REFRACTORY PERIOD as Sodium-potassium pump has to restore the balance of ions to -70mV.
Ensures action potentials are:
- limited in number
- separated from each other
- can only travel in one direction.
Summarise the action potential cycle. What are the axis on the graph of an oscilloscope?
Resting potential - threshold potential - Action potential (depolarisation and repolarisation) - Refractory period (hyperpolarisation) - resting potential.
x = Time (ms) - Action Potential in a Neurone
y = Membrane Potential (mV)
What is the all or nothing reponse?
All action potentials are the same size. The frequency of action potentials determines the strength of the stimulus.
Increased stimulus –> increased number of impulses per unit time
Describe the conduction of nerve imulses through an un-myelinated neurone.
When Na+ ions move into an unmyelinated neurone, a local flow of electrical current occurs.
The Na+ diffuse along the neurone causing the next region of membrane to depolarise. This causes more Na+ to enter so action potential continues to move along the axon.
Describe the conduction of nerve impulses through myelinated neurones.
Action potentials only occur at nodes of Ranvier.
Larger local currents are set up allowing Na+ to move from one node to the next. SALTATORY CONDUCTION
Ions only exchanged at nodes so reduces need for active transport. Speed of conduction is much quicker.
What are the 3 factors affecting speed of conduction of an impulse?
1) Myelination - APs only occurs at NoR so APs jump from one node to another (saltatory conduction) - increasing speed of conduction.
2) Diameter of axon
3) Temperature
How does Diameter of Axon affect speed of impulse conduction?
Greater diameter increases speed of conduction.
Because less leakage of ions relative to volume of cytoplasm, so membrane potentials easier to maintain.
How does temperature affect speed of conduction?
Increasing Temperature increases speed of conduction because…
- greater ATP synthase/enzyme activity so faster active transport and shorter refractory period.
- Na+ and K+ - more kinetic energy so diffuse faster.
so more APs per second.
NOTE: temp always to do with enzymes
- too high temp denatures enzymes and membrane proteins.
Describe transmission of an impulse across a synapse.
- AP arrives at synaptic knob.
- Na+ channes open and depolarise the axon terminal membrane.
- Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels open and Ca2+ enters synaptic knob.
- Ca2+ triggers fusion of vesicles containing acetylcholine (Ach) with the presynaptic membrane.
- Ach diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to receptors in the postsynaptic neurone.
- This opens chemical-gated Na+ channels so Na+ enters and depolarises postsynaptic membrane.
- If the excitatory postsynaptic potential exceeds the threshold, an AP is generated in PostS-neurone.
- Ach is broken down by the enzyme Acetylcholinesterase and leaves the receptor.
- The inactive components (acetate and choline) diffuse back across the synaptic cleft and are taken up by the PreS neurone.
- Ach is re-formed using energy from ATP and stored in recycled vesicles.
How do synapses ensure impusles only travel in one direction?
Vesicles containing neurotrasnmitters only in Pre-synaptic neurone and receptros only found on Post-synaptic membrane.
Why and how do synapses show fatigue?
Protects against over-stimulation of effectors.
- Repeated stimulation of synapse may exhaust supplies of neurotransmitter.
- If only small amount of neurotransmitter released, AP is not generated.
- Filters out unwanted low-level stimuli.
What is divergence and convergence?
DIVERGENCE - each neurone synapses with multiple postsynaptic neurones.
CONVERGENCE - each postsynaptic neurone may receive signals from many presynaptic neurones.
What is summation?
Several APs arriving in presynaptic neurone release enough ACh to open sufficient Na+ channels in postsynaptic membrane to reach threshold and generate an AP.
What is Temporal and Spatial summation?
TEMPORAL: one neurone synapses with postsynaptic neurone
- requires a series of APs in the presynaptic neuone to generate an AP.
SPATIAL: many neurones synapse with postsynaptic neurone
- several presynaptic neurones contribute to producing an AP.
____________ synapses use acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter (in ________ and ______________ NS).
____________ synpases use noradrenaline (in __________ NS).
Cholinergic - Somatic and parasympathetic
Adrenergic - sympathetic
How do inhibitory synapses act? Why might they be useful?
Opening Cl- ion channels allowing Cl- to diffuse into postsynaptic membrane leading to hyperpolarisation (-90mV).
Ensures that only one muscle in an antagonistic pair contracts at any time by inhibiting the contraction of the other.
What are the two types of drugs that interfere with synpases? What do they do and how?
AGONISTIC drugs - increase synapse transmission:
- may mimic neurotransmitter
- may inhibit enzyme breakdown of neurotransmitter
ANTAGONISTIC drugs - decrease synapse transmission:
- prevent release of neurotransmitter
- block action of neurotransmitter
Why does the synaptic knob have many mitochondia and extensive SER?
Mitochondria - ATP for reforming Acetylcholine
SER - to synthasise lipids for the production of vesicles.