M6 Flashcards
Input —> ________ —> _________ —> _________ —> Output
Perceptual Mechanism
Decision MEchanism
Effector Mechanism
Sensory information from within body
Sensory information from muscles and joints
Muscle Spindles and Golgi Tendon Organs (GTO) are examples of
Sensory information from outside the body
Vision, Hearing, and Smell are examples of
When muscle spindles are stretched, the sensory neuron sends information to the _______ to excite ____-neurons to muscle fibers
Spinal cord ; motor
Stretch reflex
reciprocal innervation
Stimulation also
When Golgi Tendon Organs are activated, ______-neuron sends information to ______ to inhibit motor-neurons to muscle fibers
Sensory ; spinal cord
Where does Afferent information go? (DAT)
Dorsal horns of spinal cord
Ascending pathways of spinal cord
Through brainstem to the thalamus (stimulus identification)
Which lobe controls:
- Voluntary motor function
- Motivation
- Aggression
- IQ center
Frontal lobe
Which lobe is responsible for:
- processes touch, temp, pressure, and pain
- integrates sensory info
- helps judge size, distance, shape
- understanding of space and movement of body
Parietal love
Which lobe is responsible for:
- visual information being relayed
Occiptal lobe
Which lobe is responsible for:
- hearing and smell is relayed
Temporal lobe
______ of cerebrum & ____ system form intention to act
Frontal lobe ; limbic
Motor functions are initially organized in _____-motor cortex and then the _____-motor cortex
Pre ; primary
_____ in cerebrum add parameters
Basal ganglia
“Little brain”
_____ receives a copy of the motor commands sent out to muscles (effectors)
Motor commands sent via _____ neurons to ______
Efferent ; muscles
How is visual information processed?
Time to contact
What is the relationship between the size of object on retinal image and rate of expansion
Time to contact
How long does it take to process visual information?
Depends; can be as fast as 100ms ; depend on predictability of whether vision will be available
Temporal lobe of cerebrum & object identification are apart of which visual system?
Visual stream
Parietal love of the cerebrum ; movement control (where object is in space)
Dorsal Stream
Brain damage occurring to the parietal lobe
Optic ataxia
Brain damage occurring to the temporal lobe
Visual agnosia
Tendency for signal information to supersede information coming from other senses during the process of perception
Visual dominance
what is the name of the varibale providing optical information about time-to-contact