M5 U2 - Requirements Gathering Techniques - Q1 Flashcards
What are the requirements gathering techniques? (5)
- Interviews
- Brainstorming
- Questionnaires
- Document Analysis
- Facilitated Workshops
What’s brainstorming?
Brainstorming sessions involve gathering ideas from multiple stakeholders at once. In a brainstorming session, a facilitator monitors the session to ensure all possible solutions are identified and all parties contribute to the process in a reasonable amount of time.
A brainstorming session should have five to eight representatives from each shareholder group including management, users, and support staff.
What’s Document Analysis?
Involves reviewing existing documentation to elicit needs. This can be the first step in the requirements gathering process and it can be used to create questions for questionnaires or interview sessions. It’s considered a supporting technique and can serve as a completeness check for requirements.
What’s a facilitated workshop?
Facilitated by a neutral party usually, an outside consultant whose task is to collect information from stakeholders. This workshop is also known as a Joint Application Design session.
Participants of a workshop include a Scribe who records the discussions taking place during the session; an Executive Sponsor who has the authority to make decisions about the project, the sponsor will set the vision of the project, and resolve conflicts, the appropriate client stakeholders, Subject Matter Experts and Silent Observers.
A technique for generating ideas from a small group of stakeholders is known as a(n):
Brainstorming Session.
The business analyst has conducted one-on-one interviews and brainstorming sessions to elicit requirements from users. The information as gathered shows that users view their needs differently from the analytic objectives set by the client. What techniques would provide additional information to properly define the user requirements?
Conduct document Analysis and observation sessions.
Business requirements are best gathered using:
Joint application design sessions.
What’s the purpose of validating requirements?
It is important to confirm that requirements meet the needs of the business, and users, and the requirements can be traced back to the defined business and analytic objectives.
At what point should requirements be validated?
After they have been defined
Maybe also repeatedly after that?
What are the steps in validating requirements?
- Review requirements.
- Prototype requirements.
- Test requirements.
Describe “Review Requirements”
The requirements management plan will be peer reviewed to identify that each documented requirement is verifiable and unambiguous. The peer review process should be well-defined so that reviewers can discuss their interpretations of requirements, this will reveal ambiguity (if any). The reviewers will produce a summary of defects document. This document will be used by the business analyst and project team to revise requirements.
Describe “Prototype requirements”
Less time consuming that full prototyping?: Proof of concept (POC) prototypes and paper mockups can be used to demonstrate the feasibility and completeness of requirements.
Describe “Test requirements”
Requirements can be validated by users. Acceptance tests are done to assess whether a solution will meet predefined criteria called acceptance criteria. Acceptance criteria are set by end-users of the solution.
Acceptance criteria can be defined using the S.M.A.R.T. goals.
At what point can the project team officially begin developing a solution/solution?
Once the results of the requirements gathering process have been documented, and validated, a formal sign off will confirm that all parties approve and accept the defined requirements. This is a signal that the project team can officially begin developing a solution/solutions.
Who manages the requirements gathering process?
The business analyst.
Describe, at a high level, the difference between business, user, and solution requirements
Business requirements describe the why behind the implementation of a solution, the user requirements describe the tasks that users will be able to perform with the system, and the solution requirements specify the behavior of the system and its characteristics.
What are the main techniques to gather requirements? What are the supporting ones?
Main: conducting interviews, brainstorming sessions and facilitated workshops
Supporting: document analysis and observations.