Linear Algebra with NumPy Primer Flashcards
What does this mean?
the set of all real-valued matrices with n rows and d columns
What is this called? What does it mean?
- binary indicator function,
- returns 1 if x is a true boolean and 0 otherwise
What does this mean?
the set of all real-valued n-dimensional vectors
What does this mean?
the set of real numbers
What is this?
- A pair of input vector and output scalar
- The superscript indicates the index of this pair, not the exponent. In other words, x(5) is the input vector at index 5, not x raised to the power of 5.
What is this?
- Determinant if C is a matrix
- Cardinality (number of member elements) if C is a set.
What’s a column vector?
Each entry occupies one row.
What’s this?
One use: denotes the i-th entry of a column vector
What does this mean?
Row vector. Each entry covers 1 column
For matrix A, what is
denotes the i-th row of A
For matrix A, what is
denotes the i-th column of A
What can dot product be applied to? What’s the formula?
Two vectors of same dimensions
What’s the inner product?
Same as dot product
- What can outer product be applied to?
- What does it result in?
- What’s the formula?
- Vectors (can have different number of elements)
What’s another way to express a dot product for two column vectors x and y?
What’s this for two vectors x and y?
The outer product
What’s a matrix-vector product?
- What are the properties of matrix multiplication? (2)
- What properties does it not have? (1)
Matrix multiplication is:
- associative, (AB)C=A(BC)
- distributive, A(B+C)=AB+AC
Is not:
- commutative, AB≠BA
What’s a property of transposes?
What’s the Hadamard product?
elementwise matrix multiplication