M3S2 Part 1 Flashcards
elements of c++
- character set
- keywords
- data types
- Identifiers
- Operators
Characters that can be used in a program are:
- Lowercase letters (a-z)
- Uppercase letters (A-Z)
- Digits (0-9)
- Special Characters (+,-,*,/,=,(,),{,}……)
reserved words with special meaning in C++.
must not be used as constant or
variable or any other identifier names.
are case sensitive and should be
in lowercase.
Other names which you should not use as variables are the
names of
data types such as int, char, float.
a name used to identify a variable, function, class,
module, or any other user-defined item.
starts with a letter A to Z or a to z or an underscore (_)
followed by zero or more letters, underscores, and digits (0 to 9)
does c++ allow punctuation characters within identifiers?
also known as user-defined identifier
It is a data
storage location that has a value, which can change during
program execution.
All variables in C++ must be declared prior to their use
Characters a to z and A to Z
(NOTE: upper case and lower case are not distinct) in variables
first character of a variable must be a
only what may follow the initial letter
letters, digits or underscores
what are not allowed in variables
Blank spaces and special characters
used to
tell the variables the type of data it can store.
data types
All variables use this during declaration to restrict the type of
data to be stored.
requires different amount of memory.
Every data type
are built-in or predefined data types and can
be used directly by the user to declare variables.
Primitive Data Types