M3 REV Flashcards
X cultures pertain to the globalization of cultures through various forms of media
Global media
X provides an extensive transnational transmission of cultural products
X contributes to the formation of communicative networks and social structures
X talks about the instruments that people use to convey information.
X claims that no globalization can happen without media and communications
Terhi Rantanen
There are two general types of media: X media and X media.
X media is any form of media designed for use by a specific person
X can denote person-to-person communications, such as speech, gestures, mail, etc.
Personal media
The earliest forms of personal media (speech and gestures) had the benefit of being easy-to-use and not needing X
X media is any form of media designed for use by large sets of people
X media and
X media are very common examples of mass media.
The difference between personal media and mass media (as defined by Globalization101) boils
down to its X
intended audience
If the intended audience is a single person or a very small group
of specific people, the type of media is X.
personal media
If the intended audience is a large group of unspecific people, the type of media is X.
mass media
X are goods and services that include the arts, heritage conservation, the cultural industries, and festivals.
Cultural products
cultural goods and services: performing arts, visual arts,