M3 L18: Recombinant DNA Technology Flashcards
what are restriction enzymes? original function?
break DNA at specific sequences
protect bacteria from invading nucleic acids
how do bacteria prevent self cleavage from restriction enzymes
own DNA is methylated
what are sticky ends
result of restriction enzymes making staggered cuts that yield complementary overghangs
what is molecular cloning
digest vector and DNA of interest w/ same restriction enzyme –> mix so sticky ends anneal and add DNA ligase (2 types recombinant plasmids and poss. nonrecombinant) –> put vector in organism –> vector/DNA replicates when organism replicates (make DNA clones)
whats a vector
carrier molecule that holds DNA and allows it to be replicated in a biological system
what is directional cloning? what’s it used for?
using 2 dif restriction enzymes –> non complementary sticky ends so vector can’t re-anneal to itself
used for expression vectors where it matters which side of the DNA of interest is next to the promoter and termination seqs
4 properties of plasmids used in recombinant DNA technology
1) don’t have seqs that will recombine with host (like F plasmid does)
2) have a selectable marker to distinguish from cells without the plasmid (like antibiotic resistance)
3) have origin of replication –> fast replication in host
4) have a multiple cloning site (MCS): can be cut by many dif restriction enzymes - cannot be cut anywhere else
how to replicate your plasmid/vector
put it in E. coli (transormation - bacterial cell takes up DNA from environment)
mix E. coli and plasmid, shock to make competent cells, use [plasmid] where each cell takes one
what’s a pUC-based plasmid? what do the results mean?
pUC-based plasmid: MCS is in the lacZ gene; plate bac with antibiotic and X-gal
Any colony present: transformed with vector (acquired antibiotic resistance)
Blue: X-gal was digested; means B-gal present; means lacZ uninterrupted and colony was not transformed with recombinant plasmid
white: X-gal not digested; means B-gal not present; means lacZ interrupted and colony was transformed with recombinant plasmid
What are BACs and YACs? when are they used?
bacterial and yeast artificial chromosomes
accommodate larger DNA inserts than plasmids
BACs: 100-200 bp, origin of replication from F factor –> 1-2 copies per cell; have a marker and MCS
YACs: 1000 kb
what are DNA libraries? what are the two types and what do they reflect?
DNA library: collection of cloned frags of DNA from nucleic acids from a single organism
genomic libraries (gDNA): from genomic DNA, including introns and exons –> seq a genome; abundance reflects copy number
complementary libraries (cDNA): reverse transcribed mRNA, only includes exons; can vary btwn dif tissues in same organism –> analyze patterns of expression; abundance reflects expression level
what is a potential complication for artificial synthesis of DNA molecules
codon optimization/codon bias: species vary in their relative abundance of different tRNAs –> original species and vector species might have different preferred codons –> slow translation, misfolding, low expression
how to overcome codon bias
codon optimization: make a protein sequence that’s synonymous to the original species using preferred codons of the vecor/expressing species
what are transgenes/transgenic organisms
transgene: gene that’s introduced into another organism
transgenic organism: organism that has a transgene (gene from another organism)
what are heterologous transgenes
transgenes from different species
2 major challenges for making transgenic organisms
1) need to introduce DNA molecule in a way that it integrates into host genome
2) need to provide appropriate regulatory sequences
what allows for the making of transgenic organisms/expression
universality of genetic code
how to express heterologous genes in bacteria and fungi (usually human genes)
transformation of a recombinant plasmid
use expression vector with a promoter and shine dalgarno seq upstream MCS and transcription terminator downstream MCS
need to remove introns (use cDNA transgenes reverse transcribed from euk mRNA)
when to use yeast over bacteria/fungi
if trying to express euk transgene that requires post translational modifications
application of heterologous gene expression for insulin
insulin previously harvested from pig/cow pancreas (not pure –> risk allergic reaction)
make insulin by inserting gene into E. coli –> pure
application of heterologous trnasgenes for HGH
previously harvested from cadaver pituitary gland (not pure –> risk creutzfelt-jacob disease)
insert HGH gene into E. coli –> pure
what is agrobacterium transformans
wild strains carry Ti plasmid (tumor inducing) –> cause grown gall disease
what is T-DNA
part of the Ti plasmid that gets transferred to the nucleus of the plant –> can recombine with plant genome at a random location
has regulatory seqs that allow for efficient expression in plant but not bacteria
T-DNA encodes genes that can do what 2 things
1) cause plant cells to divide uncontrollably –> also replicates the bacteria
2) cause plant to make lots of opines (carbon/nitrogen source for bacteria but not plant)
What genes are on the Ti plasmid
T-DNA genes
genes for transferring DNA to the host plant cell (homologous to F plasmid)
how to make a transgenic plant
disarm Ti-plasmid (remove opine and tumor genes from T-DNA, replace w/ gene of interest and a selectable marker like antibiotic or herbicide resistance)
insert modified Ti plasmid into totipotent plant cell genome –> grow into adult plant
what are the two plasmids used in the binary approach for making transgenic plants
1) disarmed Ti plasmid (for transfer machinery)
2) transformation vector with gene of interest and selectable marker and T-strand border sequences to make sure other genes are transferred
what’s the most common desirable trait when making transgenic plants? pros and cons?
herbicide resistance (to kill weeds)
pro: round up ready corn saves on tilling
con: using more herbicides like round-up may increase cancer risk
other desirable trait for transgenic plants? how to achieve?
resistance to insects
make plants that express Bt toxins from a bacteria –> tocix to certain insects but not humans
what’s challenging about making transgenic animals
homologous recombination (recombination at a specific site) is less common than illegitimate recombination (at a random site)
most animal cells are not totipotent –> can’t just insert transgene into any cell and grow it into an adult (need to modify eggs, embryos, or cells that give rise to gametes)
why/how to prevent 2nd meitotic division in transgenic salmon
how: pressure treat eggs
why: make triploid offspring so indiv w/ transgene cannot mate with wild pop
how are the phenotypes variable if you insert the same growth hormone transgene into salmon
illegitimate recombination –> growth hormone gene inserted in dif places –> dif effect if in hetero vs euchrom region
how to knock out genes in mice
replace central region of CFTR mouse gene with positive selectable marker (drug resistance) –> negative marker downstream (drug sensitivity)
only cells with homologous recomb will have positive marker and will survive –> inject in mouse blastocyst w/ dif genotype (ex coat color)
grow mosaic –> cross to parent –> if offspring have recomb phen, then recombinant genotype in germline
breed het F1s –> 25% F2s homo recombinant (do not have neg marker gene) –> confirm genotype w/ PCR
what’s gene therapy and the two types
use genes to cure/alleviate disease symptoms
somatic gene therapy: extract cells, fix the problem, re-introduce cells or deliver gene to affected tissue; not heritable
germline gene therapy: not in humans bc of possible off target effects of crispr - use crispr-cas9 to edit gene in cells that give rise to germline
unique challenges of somatic gene therapy
only some tissue types can be removed and introduced (blood but not lungs)
what are embryonic stem cells? why are they ideal for somatic gene therapy?
totipotent cells present in embryo
can be edited by crispr-cas9 and induced to develop into certain type of tissue to fix the problem
how to make equivalent of embryonic stem cells
isolate fibroblasts –> reprogram by expressing yamakana factors (use disarmed viral vectors to deliver yamanaka transgenes into host genome) –> alters chromatin to ESC-like state
3 potential issues expressing yamanaka factors
1) might disrupt other genes if integrated in wrong location
2) continued expression –> cancer
3) need to stop expressiona t some point: can flox yamanaka factors for later removal via cre-recombinase)
mechanism to cure sickle cell in mice
isolate tail fibroblasts –> induce expression of yamanaka factors to un-differentiate fibroblasts into ESC-like state –> use crispr-cas9 to edit sickle cell gene –> re-differentiate cells to hematopoietic stem cells –> put back in irradiated mice (radiation knocks out original mutated HPSCs)
3 downsides of using ESCs to cure genetic diseases
1) off target effects of transgene insertion
2) yamanaka factor expression may cause cancer
3) not applicable for cells that can’t be removed and replaced
how do the 2 gene therapy approaches to cure sickle cell in humans work
both use crispr-cas9 to edits HPSCs
You are cloning a human gene responsible for sequestration of heavy metals in the cytoplasm. You use a pUC-based plasmid. Following construction of your recombinant vector, your transformation only yielded blue colonies. What does this indicate?
Blue colonies means B-galactosidase was present and able to break down X-gal. Since there is functional B-gal, the LacZ gene was not interrupted. This means the DNA sequence was not inserted in the plasmid.
Compare and contrast the F plasmid with the Ti plasmid.
Similar: encode machinery for gene transfer; similar mechanisms of conjugation with exporter proteins, relaxosome, relaxase; allow for one-way transfer of genetic material between cells
Different: Whole F plasmid is transferred and both cells have a copy afterward; double stranded. Only part of the Ti plasmid (T-DNA) gets transferred to the plant cells and it’s single stranded.
Explain how you would use a two-plasmid approach to introduce a Bt toxin gene into corn. What genes would be on each plasmid? How would you isolate transformed cells?
Use a Ti plasmid with the T-region removed (disarmed) to transfer genetic material to another bacterial cell via conjugation. Another plasmid acts as a transformation vector with Bt toxin gene, herbicide resistance gene as a marker, and T-strand border sequences. Put both plasmids into corn cells. Isolate transformed cells by plating with herbicide.