M2S1 Flashcards
It aims to treat the many different elements that come under the broad category of distribution and logistics as one single integrated system.
(TLC) Total Logistics Concept
It is a recognition that the interrelationships between different elements, for example delivery transport and storage, need to be considered within the Context of the broader supply chain.
(TLC) Total Logistics Concept
An understanding of the concept is especially important when planning for any aspect of distribution and logistics.
(TLC) Total Logistics Concept
4 levels of trade-off
- Within logistic components
- between logistic components
- between company functions
- between the company and external organization
4 levels of trade-off:
This refers to the trade-offs that occur within single functions (eg warehousing).
Within logistics components
4 levels of trade-off:
These are the trade-offs that occur between the different elements in logistics.
Between Logistics Components
4 levels of trade-off:
There are a number of areas of interface “_____________” where trade-offs can be made.
Between Company function
4 levels of trade-off:
There may be opportunities for a trade-off between two companies that are directly associated with each other
Between the company and external organization
These types of trade-offs are thus at the heart of the total logistics concept.
Trade-off analysis
the equation is, of course, the need to provide the service level that is required by the customer.
Trade-off analysis
This balance of total logistics cost and customer service level is essential to successful logistics.
Trade-off analysis
successful Logistics = _____ + _____
Successful Logistics = Total Logistics Cost + Customer Service Level
Longer Production runs
Finance: lower production unit cost
Production: lower production unit cost
Distribution: more inventory and storage required
Marketing: lower prices
fewer depots
Finance: Reduced depot cost (increase transportation)
Production: no impact
Distribution: less complicated logistic structure
Marketing: service reduction logistic structure due to the distance of depots from customers
reducing stocks of finished goods
Finance: reduced inventory cost
Production: shorter productions run so higher production unit cost
Distribution: no need to expand storage facilities
Marketing: poorer product availability