M1S3 Project Selection Flashcards
determine whether the request is valid and feasible before a recommendation is reached to do nothing, improve or modify the existing system, or build a new one.
project selection
Sources of Project Request
Senior Executives
Department Managers
Government Agencies
Two Types of Project Requester
Requesters Inside the organization
Requesters Outside the organization
Strategies for Determining Information Requirements
Getting information from the existing information system
3 Key Asking Methods
Questions may be open-ended or closed
Group Consensus
Getting Information from the existing Information System is also known as
data analysis approach
It simply asks the user what information is currently received and what other information is required.
Getting Information from the Existing Information System
It relies heavily on the user to articulate information needs.
Getting Information from the Existing Information System
It links information needs to decisions and organizational objectives.
decision analysis method
The analyst examines all reports, discusses with the user each piece of information examined, and determines unfulfilled information needs by interviewing the user
Getting Information from the Existing Information System
Used when the user cannot establish information needs accurately before the information system is built.
The user needs to focus on _________ that can be adjusted.
real-life systems
it involves capturing initial information requirements, building a system to meet them, and adjusting based on user experience and additional request
iterative discovery approach
Managing Project Review and Selection
- Someone must decide which requests to pursue and which to reject (or perhaps solve by other means)
One of the more common methods of reviewing and selecting projects for development.
Idea generation within a group
A group’s general agreement about something
Group Consensus
Three Committee Methods
Steering Committee Method
Information System Committee Method
User-Group Committee Method
supervise the review of project proposals in an organization
Steering Committee Method
The most effective committee method
Steering Committee Method
Also called operating committees, operating councils, or project selection boards.
Steering Committee Method
in this committee method, departmentmanagers and information systems groups team up
Steering Committee Method
The committee receives proposals and evaluates them. The major responsibility of the committee is to make a decision.
Steering Committee Method
Steering Committee Method’s typical seven to ten committee consists of the following
Upper Management members
Departmental Managers
Information System group
Technical Managers
Under this Committee Method, all requests for service and development are submitted directly to a review committee within the information systems department.
Information System Committee Method
Only perform routine service or maintenance on existing applications
Information System Committee Method
Information Systems Staff valuable insights into project requirements.
Information System Committee Method
Under this method, the responsibility for project decisions is delegated to the user.
User-Group Committee Method
a group that controls what is developed and when it is implemented.
User–group committee
Consists of management planning committees that propose new projects and involves contract with independent systems company
Other Method
Hiring third-party companies handles analysis and design work for projects.
Other Method
Submission of proposals to the selection committee.
Preliminary Investigation
Identify which project is the most beneficial to the organization.
Preliminary Investigation
Carried out by systems analysts, working under the selection committee.
Preliminary Investigation
Preliminary Investigation is carried out by the ___________
System Analysts
Analysts working on the preliminary investigation should accomplish the following objectives:
Understand the project request
Determine the project size.
Costs and benefits of alternative approaches
Technical and operational feasibility of alternative approaches.
Report findings to management with recommendations
Methods used in data gathering during the preliminary investigation:
Reviewing organization documents.
Interviewing selected company personnel.
Methods used in data gathering during the preliminary investigation usually involve only ________ and ________
management and supervisory personnel
Feasibility Studies Under Testing Project Feasibility
Operational Feasibility
Technical Feasibility
Financial Feasibility
examine project feasibility and the likelihood that the system will be useful to the organization.
Preliminary investigations
This feasibility test asks if the system will work when it is developed and installed.
Operational Feasibility
Financial Benefits must equal or exceed the costs
Financial and Economic Feasibility
Technology requirements like hardware and software exist the same with new devices needed and maintenance needs
Technical Feasibility
Necessary technology exist to do what is suggested
Technical Feasibility
Three Ways in Handling Infeasible Projects
Requests that do not pass feasibility tests are revised and resubmitted as new proposals.
Combine the workable part of the project with another feasible proposal.
Preliminary investigations suggest that improving management and supervision is a better solution than creating a new information system.
The financial and economic questions raised by analysts during the preliminary investigation are to estimate the following:
Cost of Full Systems Investigation
Cost of Hardware and Software
Cost of Not Changing