M1 Geography Term 3 Finals (Life in the Soviet Union) Flashcards
What school subjects did the Soviet Union put a lot of effort into teaching?
Math and Science
How many decades did the Soviet Union fight illiteracy for?
2 decades
What was made to physically and mentally train children?
Pioneer camps
Why were Communal Apartments made?
To get rid of luxury
How many bedrooms did one big family get?
1 no matter how many people
Was one bathroom for one family only?
From when to when did Joseph Stalin lead the USSR?
How many Armenians did Stalin’s genocide kill?
6~9 million people
What was the forced labor camp in Siberia called?
The Gulag
What was the usual meal like in the USSR?
Soups, stews, fish and sometimes meat
Where would people go to get different food?
Moscow, Leningrad
What caused a shortage of sugar in the USSR?
An anti-alchohol campaign
From when to when was the KGB active as the main security agency?
What is the KGB also considered to be?
The secret police of the USSR
What is propaganda?
misleading information used to promote a point of view